Startrails with Galileu and Grantecan
by Year: 2013 | La Palma Canary Dark Sky Reserve | Professional Observatories in the World | Startrails
In this colorful startrail, captured near the mountain top of the Roque de los Muchachos on the Canary island of La Palma, from left to right, we can see the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG), that is a 3.6m alt-azimuth telescope with a Ritchey-Chretien optical configuration and a flat tertiary mirror feeding two opposite Nasmyth foci and represents the largest Italian optical/infrared telescope. On the right edge of the picture – in the foreground – stands the Gran Telescope Canarias (GTC) with a 10,4 meters primary mirror reflecting telescope was designed to incorporate the most up-to-date technology and it is one of the most advanced telescopes in the world, actually, the largest one until now in the optical-infrared system.
| Canon 50D – ISO2000; 35mm at f/2; Exp. 15 secs. Sum of 37 images taken in 01/10/2013 between 00:32 and 00:42.