Sky Show above Monsaraz Castle

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In this image taken inside the Monsaraz Castle, in the Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve, Portugal, we could see the Dark night with some interesting sky objects, like M46 and M47, M41, and above Sirius the Seagull nebula IC2177. Near the center top image, is visible another infrared emission from Rosette Nebula. Below, the Barnard´s Loop, Horse Head and Orion nebula M42. A little bit to the right above the star aldebaran, is visible the open cluster NGC1647 and above it another open cluster the NGC1746. Below is the brightest sky object capturing in this image, the planet Jupiter, shining near the pleaides M45, almost seting behing the wall castle. Above right, is located the California nebula, NGC1499.

Canon EOS60Da – F/2.8 Exp.13s ISO3200 35mm lens. Mosaic of 24 images. Image taken in 22/12/2012 at 4:31 AM.

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