Arrábida – The Vernal Equinox

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Imagem do rasto das estrelas no Portinho da Arrábida, obtidas com a maior lua cheia dos últimos 18 anos, no perigeu. No céu são visíveis, as estrelas Sírius, por detrás do pico rochoso, Orion, Procyon, Capella, Castor e Pollux. Imagem obtida em 20-03-2011 entre as 23h05 e as 10h02. Soma de 254 imagens cada uma de 20 segundos, totalizando uma integração de 84 minutos.



This night time lapse photography was made during the Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2011. While the Pleiades, Orion and Sirius star, were getting down behind the Arrábida moutain range, in Portugal, the biggest Moon of the last 18 years was moving in the sky, iluminating all the scene and making a slow motion movement in the rock shadows on the sand. The Moon was also drawing the water from the Atlantic Ocean, due to gravity is noticeable the incoming tide at the end of the video, that was made between 21h30 and 01h00. This is a movie trailer from the “Arrábida Nightscape Project”, by Miguel Claro and Emanuel Magessi Lopes. A special thanks to local assitant, Paulo Lourenço.

Canon 50D -ISO640 10mm F/4.5 Exp.20s por imagem.

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