Comet PanSTARRS over Almada
by Year: 2013 | Comets in the Sky | Twilight Dawn & Dusk
After a few days of rain and clouds in the horizon, I can finally photograph the comet PanSTARRS in the portuguese sky. Actually, I was arrived from a weekend photo trip and was exausted, but the sky was totally clear, so, I found some “extra forces” to delay my sleep, and I´ve tried to find this view from my home window.
Near and below the comet there was two stars with a magnitude of +6.3. (HIP2734 / HIP 2832).The image was captured in the city of Almada, near Lisbon, Portugal.
Canon 50D, f/5; 1,60sec. ISO1000 at 133mm and 108mm. 17/03/2013 at 19h43