Scorpius and Venus in Los Andenes

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In this picture, taken in Los Andenes, near Roque de Los Muchahos, in La Palma, we could see the strong light of planet Venus (the strongest light in the image) inside the stellar asterism with a trapezium shape, that forms the Libra constellation. At the left edge of the image, we see the central region of Milky Way and the entire constellation of Scorpius, with is brightest star Antares. Below the horizon, we found an ocean of clouds, located inside the Caldera. The rocky silhouette is part of Roque de Los Muchachos, where stands a huge complex with the some of the largest telescopes in the world.

|  Canon 60Da – ISO1600; 35mm at f/2; Exp. 13 secs. in 29/09/2013 at: 21h19 AM

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