Sirius Isaac Newton and Mercator Telescopes

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Sirius shining in the Canis Major constellation seen above (from left to right) the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) with a 2.54-meter primary mirror with a focal ratio of f/2.94. Presently, the INT is used for wide-field imaging. At the right side of INT, stands the Mercator Telescope, with a 1.2 m quasi-robotic telescope which scientific niche is focused on monitoring variable celestial phenomena, with a large range in typical time-scales (pulsating stars, gravitational lenses, Gamma Ray Bursts, active Galactic Nuclei). Below Sirius, and above the dome of Isaac Newton Telescope, is visible the M41 star cluster.

|  Canon 60Da – ISO2500; 24mm at f/2; Exp. 15 secs. in 30/09/2013 at: 05h32 AM

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