A deep nightscape portrait taken from Dark Sky® Vale do Tua territory, shows a line of trees below the Colourful and bright stars from winter constellations Orion. Reddish pink hues from Hydrogen-alpha emission nebulae, are painting the dark background sky easily revealing deepsky objects like Barnards loop, Orion Nebula and Horsehead region, with Rosette Nebula shinning bright in the top left corner. This is a tracked/stacked image of 30 sec. single shots combining a total exposure of 9.5 minutes.
PT: Um retrato de paisagem nocturna profunda captado no território do Dark Sky® Vale do Tua, revela uma linha de árvores abaixo das estrelas coloridas e brilhantes da constelações de Orion. Tons de rosa avermelhado pertencem às nebulosas de emissão de hidrogénio-alfa, que pintam assim o céu escuro de fundo revelando facilmente objetos do céu profundo como o loop de Barnard, a nebulosa de Orion ou a região da Cabeça do Cavalo. No canto superior esquerdo é ainda possível ver a nebulosa da Roseta brilhante em tons de vermelho. A imagem final é o resultado de um stack de disparos únicos de 30 segundos, com seguimento, que combinam uma exposição total de 9,5 minutos.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Featured as NASA’s APOD – Astronomy Picture of the Day a deep nightscape scene shows a single shot photo made with Polarie U tracking portable mount of the entire Andromeda Galaxy M31 rising, while it was perfectly aligned above one of the chimneys from the century old mine of São Domingos, in Achada do Gamo, Dark Sky® Alqueva – Mértola. With approximately 4 times the angular size of the full moon as seen from Earth, the great spiral galaxy Andromeda is at a mere 2.5 million light-years distant from us, being the closest large spiral to our own Milky Way. In really dark places we can clearly distinguish this naked eye galaxy, the image though, captured with a Nikon D850 modified camera and a 105mm Sigma Art lens set to f/2 with an ISO2500, could reveal during this single short exposure of 25 seconds, much more interesting details like the spiral violet arms from Ha light emission, involved in the oblong faint bluish white dust, as well as, the satellite companion galaxies of M110 (elliptical shape visible above) and M32, with its peculiar round diffuse shape located below, in the most outer arm. To enjoy a behind the scene editing of this single image, please see and follow my Intagram Page.
PT: Destacada como NASA’s APOD – Astronomy Picture of the Day a imagem mostra uma paisagem nocturna profunda de uma única exposição fotográfica feita com seguimento sideral, através da montagem portátil Polarie U, onde é possível ver a galáxia de Andrómeda M31, enquanto nascia e se encontrava perfeitamente alinhada acima de uma das chaminés da mina centenária de São Domingos, na Achada do Gamo, Dark Sky ® Alqueva – Mértola. Com aproximadamente 4 vezes o tamanho angular da lua cheia vista da Terra, a grande galáxia espiral de Andrómeda está a apenas 2,5 milhões de anos-luz de distância de nós, sendo a grande espiral mais próxima da nossa Via Láctea. Em lugares realmente escuros como o Dark Sky® Alqueva, podemos distinguir claramente esta galáxia a olho nu, a imagem porém, captada com uma câmara modificada Nikon D850 e uma lente Sigma Art de 105 mm ajustada para f/2 e com ISO2500, pôde revelar durante uma curta exposição singular de 25 segundos, detalhes muito mais interessantes, como os braços em espiral de cor violeta provenientes da emissão de luz H-alfa, envoltos na poeira oblonga e azul esbranquiçada, bem como as galáxias satélite M110 (forma elíptica visível acima) e M32, forma peculiar difusa e redonda, localizada abaixo, no braço mais externo da galáxia. Para ver um “behind the scene” da Edição desta exposição singular, aceda e siga a minha página de Intagram.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
May is the best month to start enjoying wonderful views of the Milky Way galaxy in the Northern Hemisphere. For being low and close to the horizon, is perfect for a nice framing with landscape. This panoramic shot comprises 8 single images of 1 minute exposure, tracked with the new Polarie U star tracker, taken with a 48mm lens at f2.8. The deep nightscape view captured recently above Dark Sky® Alqueva lake, shows the core of our galaxy full of known deep sky objects, like emission, reflection and dark nebulae, as well as some star clusters. The stars from Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations are shining so bright and colorful. Thanks to a fog filter used in front of the lens, it could help reveal better their colors temperatures. Below, an annotated version highlights all the summer wonders of deep sky that can be spotted in the image, as well as the galactic center.
PT: Maio é o melhor mês para começar a desfrutar das maravilhosas vistas da Via Láctea no Hemisfério Norte. Por se encontrar baixa e próxima ao horizonte, é o momento perfeito para um bom enquadramento com a paisagem. Esta foto panorâmica compreende 8 imagens únicas de 1 minuto de exposição com seguimento sideral, através da nova montagem portátil da Vixen, a Polarie U. As imagens foram captadas com uma lente de 48 mm a f2.8. Esta visão de paisagem noturna profunda, captada recentemente acima do lago Alqueva, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, mostra o núcleo da nossa galáxia repleto de objetos do céu profundo conhecidos, como nebulosas de emissão, reflexão e nebulosas escuras, bem como alguns aglomerados de estrelas. As estrelas das constelações de Sagitário e Escorpião, destacam-se assim graças ao seu brilho intenso e colorido. Para tal, foi usado um fog filter na frente da objectiva, para ajudar a destacar a temperatura de cor de cada estrela. Em baixo, uma versão anotada revela todas as maravilhas do céu mais profundo de verão que se destacam na imagem, bem como o centro galáctico da Via Láctea.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A deep nightscape image shows Andromeda Galaxy M31 shinning close to the “W or M” from Cassiopeia constellation, both framed in the same close-up winter scene, above the Cross from the quartzite crest of Vidual, in Pampilhosa da Serra. The image was captured with vixen Polarie star tracker and the featured result comprises a stack of 6 single shots to improve the view of the deepest details on this nighscape scene. Winter deepsky objects are visible and easily identified in the annotated version below, where we can spot and highlight the Elephant’s Trunk, NGC7380, Caroline’s Rose and Pacman Nebula.
PT: A imagem mostra uma paisagem nocturna profunda onde é possivel ver a galáxia de Andrómeda M31, brilhando perto do “W ou M” da constelação da Cassiopeia, ambas enquadradas na mesma cena de inverno, num close-up captado acima da cruz da crista quartzítica do Vidual, Pampilhosa da Serra. A imagem foi captada com seguimento sideral numa Vixen Polarie e o resultado compreende um stack de 6 single frames para permitir revelar mais detalhes desta cena nocturna de paisagem profunda. Em segundo plano, objectos de céu profundo são visíveis e facilmente identificáveis na versão anotada, onde podemos localizar e destacar a Nebulosa Tromba do Elefante, NGC7380, Rosa da Carolina e Nebulosa Pacman.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A deep nightscape image shows the Great Celestial Dog. Entirely framed in the scene, Canis Major constellation is shining bright above the top of Pampilhosa da Serra hill. Canis Major features the brightest star visible from Earth (Northern and Southern Hemisphere), with a magnitude of -1.46, contains the first white dwarf star discovered, Sirius B. For being so bright, we can easily distinguish its blueish color with unaided eye. In many cultures, Sirius was used as a time marker for harvesting and celebration, and an important marker in the ancient Egyptian calendar. At a distance of 8.7 light years, Sirius is the fifth nearest star system. The image was captured with vixen Polarie star tracker and the featured result comprises a stack of 10 single shots to improve the view of the deepest details on this nighscape scene.
PT: A imagem mostra uma paisagem noturna profunda onde é possivel ver o Grande Cão Celestial. Totalmente enquadrada no cenário, está a constelação de Canis Major a brilhar no alto da Pampilhosa da Serra. Canis Major apresenta a estrela mais brilhante visível da Terra (hemisfério Norte e Sul), com magnitude de -1,46, contém a primeira estrela anã branca descoberta, Sirius B. Por ser tão brilhante, podemos facilmente distinguir a sua cor azulada a olho nu. Em muitas culturas, Sirius foi usado como um marcador de tempo para colheita e celebração, e um marcador importante no antigo calendário egípcio. A uma distância de 8,7 anos-luz, Sirius é o quinto sistema estelar mais próximo. A imagem foi captada com seguimento sideral numa Vixen Polarie e o resultado compreende um stack de 10 single frames para permitir revelar mais detalhes nesta cena nocturna de paisagem profunda.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Captured in the entrance of Ansiães Castle, the still image features the result of multiple exposures to help reveal a deep nightscape scene where is possible to enjoy besides the bluish star Siriuis and the main colorful stars of Orion constellation, deepsky objects shinning in reddish/violets hues like Barnards loop, Orion nebula, Horse Head nebula, Rosette nebula,and Lambda Orionis. Below is also possible to enjoy a time lapse video showing the shadow shape from the entrance of Ansiães Castle, located in Dark Sky Vale do Tua, northern Portugal, acting as a frame while in the background stars from winter constellations like Orion are shining in different colors due to their temperatures, the scene highlights the bluish brightest hot star in the celestial sphere, Sirius, moving behind the foreground tree. But the busy sky also feature another interesting object, even looking strange at first sight, it’s not an UFO event, but a spinning satellite which took several minutes to cross the entire field of view. Nowadays we are starting to face a huge problem, the growing presence of satellites surrounding our Planet, which will turn into space junk in a near future. Many scientists and astronomers are worried with this problem and the announcements of Elon Musk to launch thousands of new satellites, for sure, it has to be faced as a new kind of Earth/Space pollution. Enjoy with sound on.
PT: Captada na entrada do Castelo de Ansiães, a imagem estática apresenta o resultado de múltiplas exposições para ajudar a revelar um cenário nocturno profundo onde é possível apreciar para além da estrela azulada Sirius e das principais estrelas da constelação de Orion, objectos de céu profundo brilhando numa tonalidade vermelho/violeta como Barnards loop, a nebulosa de Orion, nebulosa Cabeça do Cavalo, nebulosa Roseta e Lambda Orionis. Em baixo é também possível desfrutar de um vídeo time lapse que mostra a silhueta escura da entrada do Castelo de Ansiães, localizado no Dark Sky® Vale do Tua, no norte de Portugal, a funcionar como moldura enquanto ao fundo as estrelas de constelações de inverno como Orion, brilham com diferente cores devido às suas temperaturas. Esta cena nocturna destaca ainda a estrela quente azulada mais brilhante da esfera celeste, Sirius, movendo-se atrás da árvore em primeiro plano. Mas este céu revela ainda outro objeto interessante, mesmo parecendo estranho à primeira vista, não é um evento OVNI, mas um satélite giratório que levou vários minutos para cruzar todo o campo de visão. Hoje em dia enfrentamos um grande problema, a crescente presença de satélites em torno de nosso planeta, que se transformarão em lixo espacial em um futuro próximo. Muitos cientistas e astrónomos de todo o mundo estão seriamente preocupados com este problema e os anúncios de Elon Musk que prevêm o lançamento de milhares de novos satélites. Este é um problema que terá de ser encarado como um novo tipo de poluição na Terra / Espaço.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Two single shots comprises this epic panoramic scene captured 75km south of Antofagasta, Chile, showing the magnificent Small and Large Magellanic Clouds (SMC and LMC) involved in a strong presence of reddish ariglow. While both satellite galaxies are setting behind the mountains of Atacama Desert and featured in the same field, very close to the horizon, some interesting details and objects are popping along with it. At left edge, NGC 104 also known as 47 Tucanae, is the second brightest and largest globular cluster shinning in the night sky, after Omega Centauri. Three degrees apart and close to SMC, NGC 362 is another but smaller globular cluster well visible. The Small Magellanic Cloud is a nearby galaxy appearing in the constellation Tucana, and forming a pair with the Large Magellanic Cloud, which is located 20 degrees to the east (right side). Being both members of the Local Group, and among the most distant objects that can be seen with the naked eye, the LMC – seen at the right edge – is the most massive satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way. It was named Magellanic, regarding the 16th century Portuguese navigator Fernão de Magalhães. Tarantula Nebula (NGC 2070), a large H II region in the Large Magellanic Cloud, is also featured on this photo, lying at the eastern end of the LMC’s stellar bar, was shinning in a smooth purple/violet hue.
PT: Duas fotos individuais compõem esta épica cena panorâmica captada 75 km a sul de Antofagasta, no Chile, mostrando a magnífica Pequena e Grande Núvem de Magalhães (SMC e LMC – sigla em Inglês) envolvidas em uma forte presença de airglow vermelho, também conhecido como luminescência fotoquímica da atmosfera. Enquanto as duas galáxias satélites visíveis no mesmo campo de visão se deitam por detrás das montanhas no deserto de Atacama, já próximo do horizonte, alguns detalhes e objetos interessantes se revelam junto com elas. No extremo superior esquerdo, NGC 104, também conhecido como 47 Tucanae, é o segundo aglomerado globular maior e mais brilhante que é possível observar no céu noturno depois de Omega Centauri. A três graus de distância e próximo à SMC, NGC 362, é outro enxame globular menor, mas ainda bem visível. A Pequena Núvem de Magalhães, é uma galáxia próxima localizada na constelação de Tucana e forma um par com a Grande Núvem de Magalhães, localizada a cerca de 20 graus para Este (lado direito). Sendo ambos membros do Grupo Local e entre os objetos mais distantes que podem ser vistos a olho nu. A LMC – lado direito da imagem – é a galáxia satélite mais massiva da nossa Via Láctea. Foi batizada de Magalhães, em referência ao navegador português do século XVI, Fernão de Magalhães. Por fim, o destaque vai para a Nebulosa da Tarântula (NGC 2070), uma grande região H II na Grande Núvem de Magalhães, situada no extremo Este da barra estelar da LMC, brilhando numa tonalidade suave entre o roxo e violeta.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Two single shots tracked with a Vixen portable mount captured with a Nikon D850 | Sigma Art 105mm at f/1,6 | ISO1600 | Exp. 36 secs.
A single shot captured 75km south of Antofagasta, Chile, shows the magnificent Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) above the mountains of Atacama Desert, while the sky was full of a redish airglow bands, also known as atmospheric gravity waves. The LMC is the most massive satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way. It was named Magellanic, regarding the 16th century Portuguese navigator Fernão de Magalhães.
PT: Um single frame captado 75 km a sul de Antofagasta, no Chile, mostra a magnífica Grande Nuvem de Magalhães (LMC) acima das montanhas do deserto de Atacama, enquanto o céu estava cheio de faixas avermelhadas, também conhecidas como ondas gravíticas atmosféricas. A Grande Núvem de Magalhães é a galáxia satélite mais massiva da nossa Via Láctea. Foi batizada de Magalhães, em referência ao navegador português do século XVI, Fernão de Magalhães.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
A single shot tracked with a Vixen portable mount captured with a Nikon D850 | Sigma Art 105mm at f/1,6 | ISO1600 | Exp. 30 secs.