A Musician Inspired by the Moonlight
The moon has inspired over the centuries not only astronomers and scientists, but also poets, painters, writers and musicians, such as Beethoven who wrote the “Moonlight Sonata” in 1801. The April full moon is the first full moon of spring in the Northern Hemisphere (it’s the first fall season full moon in the Southern Hemisphere). Also known as the Pink Moon does not actually turn pink, not even when it´s rising above the horizon when normally can be seen more yellowish orange than white due to the layers of the atmosphere. In fact, the moon never changes its colour. Similar the other “moon names” it was originated in Native American traditions of keeping time based on lunar phases. The Pink Moon owes its name to pink flowers called wild ground phlox which bloom in springtime and become widespread throughout the U.S. and Canada this time of year.
This single shot shows a beautiful moonlight scene inspired by musicians like Beethoven, and was captured in Borba, Alentejo, where we can see this April Full Moon rising in the background against the silhouette of a young women who is holding with love her violin in a small hill of a marble quarry.
EN: A lua tem inspirado ao longo dos séculos não só astrónomos e cientistas, mas também poetas, pintores, escritores e músicos, como Beethoven, que escreveu a “Sonata Moonlight” em 1801. A lua cheia de abril é a primeira lua cheia de primavera no Hemisfério Norte.
Também conhecida como a “Lua Cor-de-rosa” (Pink Moon), esta lua não se torna cor-de-rosa, nem mesmo quando está a nascer acima do horizonte em que pode ser vista numa tonalidade mais amarelada ou alaranjada devido ao efeito da atmosfera. Na verdade, a lua nunca muda de cor. Similar a outros “nomes de lua”, foi originado em tradições nativas americanas de manter o tempo baseado em fases lunares. A “Lua Cor-de-rosa” deve seu nome às flores cor-de-rosa chamadas Phlox Selvagem que florescem na primavera e tornam-se visíveis ao longo dos EUA e Canadá nesta época do ano.
Esta fotografia, resultado de um disparo único (single frame), mostra-nos uma bela cena de luar inspirada na música de Beethoven e outros músicos, e foi capturada em Borba, no Alentejo, onde podemos no fundo do céu esta Lua Cheia de Abril erguendo-se contra a silhueta de uma mulher que está segurando com amor seu violino, acima de uma pequena colina de uma pedreira de mármore.
Playing in the Moonlight
The moon has inspired over the centuries not only astronomers and scientists, but also poets, painters, writers and musicians, such as Beethoven who wrote the “Moonlight Sonata” in 1801. The April full moon is the first full moon of spring in the Northern Hemisphere (it’s the first fall season full moon in the Southern Hemisphere). Also known as the Pink Moon does not actually turn pink, not even when it´s rising above the horizon when normally can be seen more yellowish orange than white due to the layers of the atmosphere. In fact, the moon never changes its colour. Similar the other “moon names” it was originated in Native American traditions of keeping time based on lunar phases. The Pink Moon owes its name to pink flowers called wild ground phlox which bloom in springtime and become widespread throughout the U.S. and Canada this time of year.
This single shot shows a beautiful moonlight scene inspired by musicians like Beethoven, and was captured in Borba, Alentejo, where we can see this April Full Moon rising in the background against the silhouette of a young women who is holding with love her violin in a small hill of a marble quarry.
EN: A lua tem inspirado ao longo dos séculos não só astrónomos e cientistas, mas também poetas, pintores, escritores e músicos, como Beethoven, que escreveu a “Sonata Moonlight” em 1801. A lua cheia de abril é a primeira lua cheia de primavera no Hemisfério Norte.
Também conhecida como a “Lua Cor-de-rosa” (Pink Moon), esta lua não se torna cor-de-rosa, nem mesmo quando está a nascer acima do horizonte em que pode ser vista numa tonalidade mais amarelada ou alaranjada devido ao efeito da atmosfera. Na verdade, a lua nunca muda de cor. Similar a outros “nomes de lua”, foi originado em tradições nativas americanas de manter o tempo baseado em fases lunares. A “Lua Cor-de-rosa” deve seu nome às flores cor-de-rosa chamadas Phlox Selvagem que florescem na primavera e tornam-se visíveis ao longo dos EUA e Canadá nesta época do ano.
Esta fotografia, resultado de um disparo único (single frame), mostra-nos uma bela cena de luar inspirada na música de Beethoven e outros músicos, e foi capturada em Borba, no Alentejo, onde podemos no fundo do céu esta Lua Cheia de Abril erguendo-se contra a silhueta de uma mulher que está segurando com amor seu violino, acima de uma pequena colina de uma pedreira de mármore.
Beethoven´s Moonlight
The moon has inspired over the centuries not only astronomers and scientists, but also poets, painters, writers and musicians, such as Beethoven who wrote the “Moonlight Sonata” in 1801. The April full moon is the first full moon of spring in the Northern Hemisphere (it’s the first fall season full moon in the Southern Hemisphere). Also known as the Pink Moon does not actually turn pink, not even when it´s rising above the horizon when normally can be seen more yellowish orange than white due to the layers of the atmosphere. In fact, the moon never changes its colour. Similar the other “moon names” it was originated in Native American traditions of keeping time based on lunar phases. The Pink Moon owes its name to pink flowers called wild ground phlox which bloom in springtime and become widespread throughout the U.S. and Canada this time of year.
This single shot shows a beautiful moonlight scene inspired by musicians like Beethoven, and was captured in Borba, Alentejo, where we can see this April Full Moon rising in the background against the silhouette of a young women who is holding with love her violin in a small hill of a marble quarry.
EN: A lua tem inspirado ao longo dos séculos não só astrónomos e cientistas, mas também poetas, pintores, escritores e músicos, como Beethoven, que escreveu a “Sonata Moonlight” em 1801. A lua cheia de abril é a primeira lua cheia de primavera no Hemisfério Norte.
Também conhecida como a “Lua Cor-de-rosa” (Pink Moon), esta lua não se torna cor-de-rosa, nem mesmo quando está a nascer acima do horizonte em que pode ser vista numa tonalidade mais amarelada ou alaranjada devido ao efeito da atmosfera. Na verdade, a lua nunca muda de cor. Similar a outros “nomes de lua”, foi originado em tradições nativas americanas de manter o tempo baseado em fases lunares. A “Lua Cor-de-rosa” deve seu nome às flores cor-de-rosa chamadas Phlox Selvagem que florescem na primavera e tornam-se visíveis ao longo dos EUA e Canadá nesta época do ano.
Esta fotografia, resultado de um disparo único (single frame), mostra-nos uma bela cena de luar inspirada na música de Beethoven e outros músicos, e foi capturada em Borba, no Alentejo, onde podemos no fundo do céu esta Lua Cheia de Abril erguendo-se contra a silhueta de uma mulher que está segurando com amor seu violino, acima de uma pequena colina de uma pedreira de mármore.
Moonlight Iridium Flare above Isaac Newton Telescope
PT: Este curto startrail captado a partir do Roque de Los Muchachos, La Palma, Ilhas Canárias, mostra um Iridium Flare (Reflexo de um Satélite de comunicações da rede Iridium) brilhando acima da cúpula do telescópio de Isaac Newton (INT), visível acima da camada de nuvens que reflecte a luz proveniente do nascer da Lua acima do Oceano Atlântico.
MAGIC – A Pair of Twins in the Moonlight
This moonlight scene shows the large structure of MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes), a system of two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes located at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma, one of the Canary Islands, at about 2200 m above sea level. MAGIC detects particle showers released by gamma rays, using the Cherenkov radiation, i.e., faint light radiated by the charged particles in the showers. With a diameter of 17 meters and 236 m2 reflective surface, it was the largest in the world before the construction of H.E.S.S. II. MAGIC is not only huge, but also pioneers a number of technical developments that had never been applied to Cherenkov telescopes before. The mirror is extremely light and can be moved to any position in the sky in less than thirty seconds. It is made up of 270 individual mirror panels that can be independently focussed using an active mirror control system equipped with lasers.
The cosmos and its evolution are studied using all radiation, in particular electromagnetic waves. The observable spectrum extends from radio waves to infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma-rays and finally very high energy gamma rays (starting at energies of 10 GeV). Observations at visible wavelengths (.5 to 1 micrometer) have a history of centuries, gamma astronomy by satellites (keV to few GeV) and ground-based telescopes (above 300 GeV) are end-of-20th century newcomers. The MAGIC telescope can detect very high energy gamma rays in a range of energies where no other telescope in the world can operate, so it opens up a brand new window into the universe.
PT: Esta cena ao luar mostra a grande estrutura de MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescopes), um sistema de dois telescópios gémeos, preparados para detectar explosões de Raios-Gama. Localizado no Observatório Roque de los Muchachos em La Palma, Ilhas Canárias, esta estrutura encontra-se a cerca de 2200m de altitude.
A wide view from Roque de Los Muchachos
PT: Vista panorâmica da montanha de Roque de Los Muchachos, em La Palma, nas Ilhas Canárias, onde se encontra um dos maiores observatórios do mundo, um complexo de 15 telescópios de 19 nações que opera perto da costa da África, Oceano Atlântico. Da esquerda para a direita, podemos ver o laser verde do telescópio William Herschel (WHT), o braço da Via Láctea e abaixo dele, uma camada de nuvens iluminada pelo luar. Acima das nuvens, fica a cúpula cinza do Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) enquanto no primeiro plano (lado direito) encontra-se a cúpula do Telescópio Isaac Newton (INT). No extremo direito, é possível ver a lua a nascer acima do horizonte.
If the Shadows Were Roots
EN: This full dome view show a blue sky filled with winter stars like Sirius or bright constellations like Orion, is illuminated by the Moonlight working as a perfect background to highlight the silhouette from the Giant Chestnut tree of Guilhafonso in Guarda, Portugal, while in the field, its projection creates the illusion like if the shadows were roots. This century-old tree is considered the largest of its kind in Europe. This is a specimen of 9.60 meters trunk circumference, 19 meters in height, average crown diameter of 25.5 meters and an estimated age of over 400 years. Residents ensure that they need at least nine people to embrace its trunk. In 2015 the giant chestnut won new liveliness after having been treated which allowed it to still giving chestnuts nowadays.
PT: Nesta imagem All Sky, um céu azul repleto de estrelas de inverno como Sirius ou constelações brilhantes como Orion, é iluminado pelo luar funcionando como o pano de fundo perfeito para destacar a imponente silhueta do Castanheiro Gigante de Guilhafonso, na Guarda, Portugal, enquanto a projecção das sombras em terra nos dá a ilusão como se as mesmas fossem as suas próprias raízes. Esta árvore centenária é considerada a maior da sua espécie na Europa. Trata-se de um espécime de 9,60 metros de perímetro de tronco, 19 metros de altura, diâmetro médio da copa de 25,5 metros e uma idade estimada em mais de 400 anos. Os residentes garantem que são precisas pelo menos nove pessoas para abraçar o seu tronco. Em 2015, depois de ter sido submetido a um tratamento, o castanheiro gigante ganhou nova vivacidade o que permitiu continuar dar nozes até aos dias de hoje.
The Giant Chestnut of Guilhafonso
EN: A blue sky filled with winter stars like Sirius or bright constellations like Orion, is illuminated by the Moonlight working as a perfect background to highlight the silhouette from the Giant Chestnut tree of Guilhafonso in Guarda, Portugal. This century-old tree is considered the largest of its kind in Europe. This is a specimen of 9.60 meters trunk circumference, 19 meters in height, average crown diameter of 25.5 meters and an estimated age of over 400 years. Residents ensure that they need at least nine people to embrace its trunk. In 2015 the giant chestnut won new liveliness after having been treated which allowed it to still giving chestnuts nowadays.
PT: Um céu azul repleto de estrelas de inverno como Sirius ou constelações brilhantes como Orion, é iluminada pelo luar funcionando como o pano de fundo perfeito para destacar a imponente silhueta do Castanheiro Gigante de Guilhafonso, na Guarda, Portugal. Esta árvore centenária é considerada a maior da sua espécie na Europa. Trata-se de um espécime de 9,60 metros de perímetro de tronco, 19 metros de altura, diâmetro médio da copa de 25,5 metros e uma idade estimada em mais de 400 anos. Os residentes garantem que são precisas pelo menos nove pessoas para abraçar o seu tronco. Em 2015, depois de ter sido submetido a um tratamento, o castanheiro gigante ganhou nova vivacidade o que permitiu continuar dar nozes até aos dias de hoje.
Moon Reflections in the Atlantic Ocean
Moon reflections in the Atlantic Ocean. The air his filled with a thin layer of smoke coming from a fire that broke out in the afternoon on a nearby mountain. At the right side of the bright water, we can see a small lighthouse from Vilamoura marina.
PT: Reflexos do luar nas águas do Oceano Atlântico. Este pôr-da-lua incomum estava rodeado pelas cinzas que pairavam na marina de Vilamoura, no Algarve, provenientes de um incêndio que deflagrou numa serra próxima da região. A ligeira neblina conferiu à imagem uma tonalidade rosada, com uma mística muito particular e a condizer com o pequeno farol vermelho que se pode ver em baixo à direita.
Enjoying the Moon above the City of London

A skygazer is enjoying the busy night of London city, from a lovely balcony view, with the crescent moon visible at the left side of “The Shard” tower. Also referred as the Shard of Glass and formerly London Bridge Tower, is a 95-storey skyscraper in Southwark, London, that forms part of the London Bridge Quarter development. Standing 309.6 metres (1,016 ft) high, the Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, the 105th tallest building in the world, and the fourth tallest building in Europe.
The Moon, The Shard and The Plane
This London twilight view shows de Crescent Moon at the left side of “The Shard” tower. Also referred as the Shard of Glass and formerly London Bridge Tower, is a 95-storey skyscraper in Southwark, London, that forms part of the London Bridge Quarter development. Standing 309.6 metres (1,016 ft) high, the Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, the 105th tallest building in the world, and the fourth tallest building in Europe. At the right side of the tower is also visible a plane flying above the sky of London.
PT: Esta imagem Cityscape da cidade de Londres captada durante o crepúsculo náutico, mostra a Lua Crescente à esquerda da torre londrina “The Shard” e à direita a silhueta de um avião comercial que sobrevoava a cidade. Também conhecido como “Shard of Glass” e anteriormente London Bridge Tower, o “The Shard” é um arranha-céu de 95 andares em Southwark, Londres, que faz parte do Quarter London Bridge. Atingindo 309,6 metros (1.016 pés) de altura, o Shard é o edifício mais alto do Reino Unido, o edifício 105º entre os mais altos do mundo, e o quarto edifício mais alto da Europa.
The Shard Tower and Crescent Moon in London

This London twilight cityscape view, shows de Crescent Moon at the left side of “The Shard” tower. Also referred as the Shard of Glass and formerly London Bridge Tower, is a 95-storey skyscraper in Southwark, London, that forms part of the London Bridge Quarter development. Standing 309.6 metres (1,016 ft) high, the Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, the 105th tallest building in the world, and the fourth tallest building in Europe.
PT: Esta imagem Cityscape da cidade de Londres captada durante o crepúsculo náutico, mostra a Lua Crescente à esquerda da torre londrina “The Shard”. Também conhecido como “Shard of Glass” e anteriormente London Bridge Tower, é um arranha-céu de 95 andares em Southwark, Londres, que faz parte do Quarter London Bridge. Atingindo 309,6 metros (1.016 pés) de altura, o Shard é o edifício mais alto do Reino Unido, o edifício 105º entre os mais altos do mundo, e o quarto edifício mais alto da Europa.
Full Eye over London City

This full dome “eye view” from London city during the twilight, shows de Crescent Moon at the left side of “The Shard” tower. Also referred as the Shard of Glass and formerly London Bridge Tower, is a 95-storey skyscraper in Southwark, London, that forms part of the London Bridge Quarter development. Standing 309.6 metres (1,016 ft) high, the Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom, the 105th tallest building in the world, and the fourth tallest building in Europe.
Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in the Harvest Moon above Sesimbra Castle
On september 16h the disc of the moon has reached the 100% illumination exactly at the same time he was rising in the portuguese sky. This september Full Moon is known, according to folklore, as the Harvest Moon, “a bright orb that shines down on the ripening fields of the northern hemisphere, allowing farmers to harvest their crops late into the night”. Besides his normal brightness when it is Full, this particular Moon was a bit darker then normal, due to a penumbral lunar eclipse, that happens when the Moon passes through the pale outskirts of Earth’s shadow. It is much less dramatic than a total lunar eclipse. The final image is a sequence shot captured during 25 minutes, at the moonrise, with a 200mm lens at about 700 meters away from the Sesimbra Castle, in Portugal.
PT: Eclipse penumbral da Lua captada no dia 16 de Setembro. Nesta sequência de disparos combinada, é possível o nascer da Lua acima do Castelo de Sesimbra. Como o eclipse é penumbral, apenas a região superior da lua é ligeiramente escurecida pelo cone de sombra da terra.
Lightning Storm during Full Moon in Dominican Republic
While the Full Moon of June was rising above the clouds, a Lightning Storm has spread in the sky of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. In the foreground, a group of coconut trees is standing up while resists to the wild power of nature, with strong winds, humidity and the danger of a falling thunderbolt.
PT: Enquanto a Lua cheia de junho nasce acima das nuvens, uma tempestade de relâmpagos rapidamente se espalha nos céus de Punta Cana, na República Dominicana. Em primeiro plano, um grupo de coqueiros mantém-se firme de pé, enquanto resiste ao poder selvagem da natureza, com ventos fortes, humidade muito elevada e o perigo iminente de um raio se precipitar sobre eles.
Moon above Punta Cana Resort
The moonlight above a resort in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
PT: O Luar acima de um resort em Punta Cana, República Dominicana.
Belgium Atomium
A Moon hidden behind a tree in front of the “UFO structure” of Atomium, in Brussels, Belgium. The whole forms the shape of a unit cell of an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times, showing how small we are in this Universe, but at the same time, how big we are as a Humankind. Developing and increasing our skills, creating the capacity of constructing and doing big things on Earth. This can be the closest real view and the ideia that we have of an UFO spaceship, that has indeed, human life on board of these spheres.
EN: The Atomium is a building in Brussels originally constructed for Expo 58, the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. Designed by the engineer André Waterkeyn and architects André and Jean Polak it stands 102 m (335 ft) tall. Its nine 18 m (59 ft) diameter stainless steel clad spheres are connected. The name is a combination of atom and aluminium. It is a museum. The whole thing is made up of 9 spheres (one at each of the 8 points and one in the middle) connected by 20 tubes (12 cube edges plus 2 tubes for the 4 diagonals): the structure rests on 3 pillars (or bipods). They enclose stairs, escalators and a lift (in the central, vertical tube) to allow access to the five habitable spheres which contain exhibit halls and other public spaces. A permanent exhibition dedicated to Expo 58 and temporary exhibitions devoted to architecture, design and society. It could be the closest ideia we have of an UFO spaceship, that has indeed, human life on board of these 5 spheres. MC
PT: O Atomium foi construído em 1958 em Bruxelas no âmbito da Expo 58. Com 102 metros de altura, o Atomium representa um cristal elementar de ferro ampliado 165 mil milhões de vezes, com tubos que ligam as 9 partes formando 8 vértices. As esferas de ferro com cerca de 18 metros de diâmetro estão ligadas por tubos com escadas no seu interior com um comprimento de cerca de 35 metros. As janelas instaladas na esfera do topo oferecem aos visitantes uma vista panorâmica da cidade. Outras esferas têm exposições sobre os anos 50. As três esferas, às quais só se tem acesso por tubos verticais, estão fechadas ao público por razões de segurança.
Moon and Atomium Shpere
A 16% Crescent Moon between the UFO structure of Atomium, in Brussels, Belgium. The whole forms the shape of a unit cell of an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times, showing how small we are in this Universe, but at the same time, how big we are as a Humankind. Developing and increasing our skills, creating the capacity of constructing and doing big things on Earth. This can be the closest real view and the ideia that we have of an UFO spaceship, that has indeed, human life on board of these spheres.
EN: The Atomium is a building in Brussels originally constructed for Expo 58, the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. Designed by the engineer André Waterkeyn and architects André and Jean Polak it stands 102 m (335 ft) tall. Its nine 18 m (59 ft) diameter stainless steel clad spheres are connected. The name is a combination of atom and aluminium. It is a museum. The whole thing is made up of 9 spheres (one at each of the 8 points and one in the middle) connected by 20 tubes (12 cube edges plus 2 tubes for the 4 diagonals): the structure rests on 3 pillars (or bipods). They enclose stairs, escalators and a lift (in the central, vertical tube) to allow access to the five habitable spheres which contain exhibit halls and other public spaces. A permanent exhibition dedicated to Expo 58 and temporary exhibitions devoted to architecture, design and society. It could be the closest ideia we have of an UFO spaceship, that has indeed, human life on board of these 5 spheres. MC
PT: O Atomium foi construído em 1958 em Bruxelas no âmbito da Expo 58. Com 102 metros de altura, o Atomium representa um cristal elementar de ferro ampliado 165 mil milhões de vezes, com tubos que ligam as 9 partes formando 8 vértices. As esferas de ferro com cerca de 18 metros de diâmetro estão ligadas por tubos com escadas no seu interior com um comprimento de cerca de 35 metros. As janelas instaladas na esfera do topo oferecem aos visitantes uma vista panorâmica da cidade. Outras esferas têm exposições sobre os anos 50. As três esferas, às quais só se tem acesso por tubos verticais, estão fechadas ao público por razões de segurança.
Atomium – An UFO Spaceship for Humanity
A 16% Crescent Moon between the UFO structure of Atomium, in Brussels, Belgium. The whole forms the shape of a unit cell of an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times, showing how small we are in this Universe, but at the same time, how big we are as a Humankind. Developing and increasing our skills, creating the capacity of constructing and doing big things on Earth. This can be the closest real view and the ideia that we have of an UFO spaceship, that has indeed, human life on board of these spheres.
EN: The Atomium is a building in Brussels originally constructed for Expo 58, the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. Designed by the engineer André Waterkeyn and architects André and Jean Polak it stands 102 m (335 ft) tall. Its nine 18 m (59 ft) diameter stainless steel clad spheres are connected. The name is a combination of atom and aluminium. It is a museum. The whole thing is made up of 9 spheres (one at each of the 8 points and one in the middle) connected by 20 tubes (12 cube edges plus 2 tubes for the 4 diagonals): the structure rests on 3 pillars (or bipods). They enclose stairs, escalators and a lift (in the central, vertical tube) to allow access to the five habitable spheres which contain exhibit halls and other public spaces. A permanent exhibition dedicated to Expo 58 and temporary exhibitions devoted to architecture, design and society. It could be the closest ideia we have of an UFO spaceship, that has indeed, human life on board of these 5 spheres. MC
PT: O Atomium foi construído em 1958 em Bruxelas no âmbito da Expo 58. Com 102 metros de altura, o Atomium representa um cristal elementar de ferro ampliado 165 mil milhões de vezes, com tubos que ligam as 9 partes formando 8 vértices. As esferas de ferro com cerca de 18 metros de diâmetro estão ligadas por tubos com escadas no seu interior com um comprimento de cerca de 35 metros. As janelas instaladas na esfera do topo oferecem aos visitantes uma vista panorâmica da cidade. Outras esferas têm exposições sobre os anos 50. As três esferas, às quais só se tem acesso por tubos verticais, estão fechadas ao público por razões de segurança.
Moon Atomium
A 16% Crescent Moon between the UFO structure of Atomium, in Brussels, Belgium. The whole forms the shape of a unit cell of an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times, showing how small we are in this Universe, but at the same time, how big we are as a Humankind. Developing and increasing our skills, creating the capacity of constructing and doing big things on Earth. This can be the closest real view and the ideia that we have of an UFO spaceship, that has indeed, human life on board of these spheres.
EN: The Atomium is a building in Brussels originally constructed for Expo 58, the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair. Designed by the engineer André Waterkeyn and architects André and Jean Polak it stands 102 m (335 ft) tall. Its nine 18 m (59 ft) diameter stainless steel clad spheres are connected. The name is a combination of atom and aluminium. It is a museum. The whole thing is made up of 9 spheres (one at each of the 8 points and one in the middle) connected by 20 tubes (12 cube edges plus 2 tubes for the 4 diagonals): the structure rests on 3 pillars (or bipods). They enclose stairs, escalators and a lift (in the central, vertical tube) to allow access to the five habitable spheres which contain exhibit halls and other public spaces. A permanent exhibition dedicated to Expo 58 and temporary exhibitions devoted to architecture, design and society. It could be the closest ideia we have of an UFO spaceship, that has indeed, human life on board of these 5 spheres. MC
PT: O Atomium foi construído em 1958 em Bruxelas no âmbito da Expo 58. Com 102 metros de altura, o Atomium representa um cristal elementar de ferro ampliado 165 mil milhões de vezes, com tubos que ligam as 9 partes formando 8 vértices. As esferas de ferro com cerca de 18 metros de diâmetro estão ligadas por tubos com escadas no seu interior com um comprimento de cerca de 35 metros. As janelas instaladas na esfera do topo oferecem aos visitantes uma vista panorâmica da cidade. Outras esferas têm exposições sobre os anos 50. As três esferas, às quais só se tem acesso por tubos verticais, estão fechadas ao público por razões de segurança.
Perigee Earthshine and Planet Mercury above Lisbon City
Featured as NASA´s Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD).
We use the term of “Super Moon” when the moon is at the Perigee, closer to Earth, which is not so rare, occurring 13 times this year 2016. But to our naked eyes we only notice that moon is indeed, larger in the sky (15% bigger and 30% brighter) when the moon is normally full, capturing our attention during this period. On April 7, the New Moon was at the Perigee, so in the day after, on April 8, with only 3% of the disc illuminated by the sunlight, it would be considered a Super Crescent Moon, a perfect moment to show up the Earthshine phenomenon described and drawn for the first time by Leonardo DaVinci 500 years ago.
In the lovely view captured 8.5km straight from Lisbon city, from Barreiro region, with a telephoto lens, we can see in nautical twilight a beautiful alignment between the Super Crescent Moon and the planet Mercury – the bright “star” located at the same line – only separated by 6º, an easy target to find thanks to the help of our natural satellite, standing in the background above the monument Christ the King and the 25 April bridge. Above on the image, are seen reflections of light pollution in the water of Tagus River. In that night, to wind was so strong that my local good friend and photographer Nuno Lopes, was holding the cargo cover all the time, trying to protect me and my equipment from the strong winds, while I was photographing the telephoto scene showed below. Both of my cameras and William Optics telescope, were assembled in the new Advanced Vixen Polarie portable mount.
Moon and Venus above the Ruins of Roman City Ammaia
EN: One of the remaining ruins from the Southern Gate Tower of the Roman City of Ammaia, in a cloudy moonlight scene. At the right side of the moon it is visible the planet Venus.
The Gradual consolidation of Roman power led to the establishment of a substantial Roman town in the 1st century. Ammaia occupied up to 25 hectares, and with a population exceeding modern-day Marvão (5000-6000 inhabitants) Ammaia occupied the site of the present-day parish of São Salvador da Aramenha. The town flourished between the 1st century BCE and the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. Roman Ammaia saw the development of improved irrigation and terracing across the Marvão mountain. Chestnut cultivation – Replacing the place dominance of oak is likely to have been introduced at this time. Much of the terracing and ancient watercourses on the mountain Marvão date from this era.
Limited excavations at Ammaia in the past two decades covering a mere 3,000 m2 (32.292 sq ft) of the town’s area – have revealed the success, provincial expanding town that included running water, a forum, baths, the bridge over the river Sever (near today’s ‘Old Bridge’), and monumental gates (one gate was removed to Castelo de Vide in the 18th century, yet sadly dynamited in 1890). The Alentejo region, meanwhile, was criss-crossed with efficient Roman roads, providing links to the wider Empire. Fine wares found at the site Ammaia suggest que Ammaia nobility had access to luxury glassware and jewelery, while archeology has Revealed that marble for the forum was imported from across the Empire. The high quality, for example, of the ‘Mosaic of the Muses’ from a Roman villa in nearby Monforte (4th century BCE) points to the abundant riches to be made to an Alentejo landowner in the Roman era. Sadly, many artifacts from Ammaia in particular the series of marble sculptures were removed during the 19th and 20th centuries, notably by the Anglo-Portuguese Robinson family. These items are now in collections such as those of the British Museum..
Many of the excavations were concentrated over the obvious ruins or where there was evidence of subterranean structures associated with a Roman presence. Discoveries include parts of a Roman city wall with towers and a gate on the south side, with residenctial buildings; a road; a monumental paved square; remains of a house in the location Quinta do Deão; parts of a public bath building; and a centrally-located forum with well-preserved temple podium, walls of a porticus and cryptoporticus. The town plan follows a regular rectangular layout organized along two main perpendicular street axes, linking the central forum to its main gates. A city wall surrounds a roughly rectangular area of some 20 hectares. Several extramural buildings, cemeteries and roads constitute the suburban area.
PT: Uma noite de luar envolta na neblina que circunda as importantes e imponentes ruínas da Porta Sul da cidade Romana da Ammaia. Logo abaixo da Lua, é ainda possível ver o brilho arrastado do planeta Vénus. A Cidade de Ammaia é indubitavelmente o mais importante vestígio da sua época existente na região do norte alentejano. Localizada em pleno Parque Natural da Serra de São Mamede, em São Salvador de Aramenha, no concelho de Marvão, a sua área central é constituída pela Quinta do Deão e pela Tapada da Aramenha, possuindo uma área de aproximadamente 25 ha.
Embora as suas ruínas tivessem sido classificadas como Monumento Nacional em 1949, estiveram abandonadas até finais de 1994. A partir desta data e com o aparecimento da Fundação Cidade de Ammaia vêm-se desenvolvendo todos os esforços no sentido de estudar e preservar o que resta desta importante cidade. Ammaia foi elevada a Civitas por volta do ano 44/45 d.C. tendo obtido o estatuto de Mvnicipivm ainda durante o séc. I d.C., no entanto apenas temos dados sobre o mesmo no reinado de Lúcio Vero, no ano de 166 d.C.
The Monumental Paved Square from Roman City of Ammaia
EN: One of the remaining ruins from the monumental paved square of the Roman City of Ammaia, in a cloudy moonlight scene. Venus is the bright diffuse light below the right side of the moon.
The Gradual consolidation of Roman power led to the establishment of a substantial Roman town in the 1st century. Ammaia occupied up to 25 hectares, and with a population exceeding modern-day Marvão (5000-6000 inhabitants) Ammaia occupied the site of the present-day parish of São Salvador da Aramenha. The town flourished between the 1st century BCE and the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. Roman Ammaia saw the development of improved irrigation and terracing across the Marvão mountain. Chestnut cultivation – Replacing the place dominance of oak is likely to have been introduced at this time. Much of the terracing and ancient watercourses on the mountain Marvão date from this era.
Limited excavations at Ammaia in the past two decades covering a mere 3,000 m2 (32.292 sq ft) of the town’s area – have revealed the success, provincial expanding town that included running water, a forum, baths, the bridge over the river Sever (near today’s ‘Old Bridge’), and monumental gates (one gate was removed to Castelo de Vide in the 18th century, yet sadly dynamited in 1890). The Alentejo region, meanwhile, was criss-crossed with efficient Roman roads, providing links to the wider Empire. Fine wares found at the site Ammaia suggest que Ammaia nobility had access to luxury glassware and jewelery, while archeology has Revealed that marble for the forum was imported from across the Empire. The high quality, for example, of the ‘Mosaic of the Muses’ from a Roman villa in nearby Monforte (4th century BCE) points to the abundant riches to be made to an Alentejo landowner in the Roman era. Sadly, many artifacts from Ammaia in particular the series of marble sculptures were removed during the 19th and 20th centuries, notably by the Anglo-Portuguese Robinson family. These items are now in collections such as those of the British Museum..
Many of the excavations were concentrated over the obvious ruins or where there was evidence of subterranean structures associated with a Roman presence. Discoveries include parts of a Roman city wall with towers and a gate on the south side, with residenctial buildings; a road; a monumental paved square; remains of a house in the location Quinta do Deão; parts of a public bath building; and a centrally-located forum with well-preserved temple podium, walls of a porticus and cryptoporticus. The town plan follows a regular rectangular layout organized along two main perpendicular street axes, linking the central forum to its main gates. A city wall surrounds a roughly rectangular area of some 20 hectares. Several extramural buildings, cemeteries and roads constitute the suburban area.
PT: Uma noite de luar envolta na neblina que circunda as imponentes ruínas da praça pública pavimentada com blocos de granito, da cidade Romana da Ammaia. À direita da Lua, é possível ver o brilho difuso do planeta Vénus. A Cidade de Ammaia é indubitavelmente o mais importante vestígio da sua época existente na região do norte alentejano. Localizada em pleno Parque Natural da Serra de São Mamede, em São Salvador de Aramenha, no concelho de Marvão, a sua área central é constituída pela Quinta do Deão e pela Tapada da Aramenha, possuindo uma área de aproximadamente 25 ha.
Embora as suas ruínas tivessem sido classificadas como Monumento Nacional em 1949, estiveram abandonadas até finais de 1994. A partir desta data e com o aparecimento da Fundação Cidade de Ammaia vêm-se desenvolvendo todos os esforços no sentido de estudar e preservar o que resta desta importante cidade. Ammaia foi elevada a Civitas por volta do ano 44/45 d.C. tendo obtido o estatuto de Mvnicipivm ainda durante o séc. I d.C., no entanto apenas temos dados sobre o mesmo no reinado de Lúcio Vero, no ano de 166 d.C.
ISS Crossing the Skies of the Roman City Ammaia
EN: One of the remaining ruins from the Southern Gate Tower of the Roman City of Ammaia, in a cloudy moonlight scene, during the passage of the International Space Station above the skies. At the right side of the moon it is visible the planet Venus.
The Gradual consolidation of Roman power led to the establishment of a substantial Roman town in the 1st century. Ammaia occupied up to 25 hectares, and with a population exceeding modern-day Marvão (5000-6000 inhabitants) Ammaia occupied the site of the present-day parish of São Salvador da Aramenha. The town flourished between the 1st century BCE and the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. Roman Ammaia saw the development of improved irrigation and terracing across the Marvão mountain. Chestnut cultivation – Replacing the place dominance of oak is likely to have been introduced at this time. Much of the terracing and ancient watercourses on the mountain Marvão date from this era.
Limited excavations at Ammaia in the past two decades covering a mere 3,000 m2 (32.292 sq ft) of the town’s area – have revealed the success, provincial expanding town that included running water, a forum, baths, the bridge over the river Sever (near today’s ‘Old Bridge’), and monumental gates (one gate was removed to Castelo de Vide in the 18th century, yet sadly dynamited in 1890). The Alentejo region, meanwhile, was criss-crossed with efficient Roman roads, providing links to the wider Empire. Fine wares found at the site Ammaia suggest que Ammaia nobility had access to luxury glassware and jewelery, while archeology has Revealed that marble for the forum was imported from across the Empire. The high quality, for example, of the ‘Mosaic of the Muses’ from a Roman villa in nearby Monforte (4th century BCE) points to the abundant riches to be made to an Alentejo landowner in the Roman era. Sadly, many artifacts from Ammaia in particular the series of marble sculptures were removed during the 19th and 20th centuries, notably by the Anglo-Portuguese Robinson family. These items are now in collections such as those of the British Museum..
Many of the excavations were concentrated over the obvious ruins or where there was evidence of subterranean structures associated with a Roman presence. Discoveries include parts of a Roman city wall with towers and a gate on the south side, with residenctial buildings; a road; a monumental paved square; remains of a house in the location Quinta do Deão; parts of a public bath building; and a centrally-located forum with well-preserved temple podium, walls of a porticus and cryptoporticus. The town plan follows a regular rectangular layout organized along two main perpendicular street axes, linking the central forum to its main gates. A city wall surrounds a roughly rectangular area of some 20 hectares. Several extramural buildings, cemeteries and roads constitute the suburban area.
PT: Uma noite de luar envolta na neblina que circunda as importantes e imponentes ruínas da Porta Sul da cidade Romana da Ammaia, enquanto a Estação Espacial Internacional atravessa os céus da região. Logo abaixo da Lua, é ainda possível ver o brilho arrastado do planeta Vénus. A Cidade de Ammaia é indubitavelmente o mais importante vestígio da sua época existente na região do norte alentejano. Localizada em pleno Parque Natural da Serra de São Mamede, em São Salvador de Aramenha, no concelho de Marvão, a sua área central é constituída pela Quinta do Deão e pela Tapada da Aramenha, possuindo uma área de aproximadamente 25 ha.
Embora as suas ruínas tivessem sido classificadas como Monumento Nacional em 1949, estiveram abandonadas até finais de 1994. A partir desta data e com o aparecimento da Fundação Cidade de Ammaia vêm-se desenvolvendo todos os esforços no sentido de estudar e preservar o que resta desta importante cidade. Ammaia foi elevada a Civitas por volta do ano 44/45 d.C. tendo obtido o estatuto de Mvnicipivm ainda durante o séc. I d.C., no entanto apenas temos dados sobre o mesmo no reinado de Lúcio Vero, no ano de 166 d.C.
Ruins from the Roman City of Ammaia
EN: One of the remaining ruins from the Southern Gate Tower of the Roman City of Ammaia, in a cloudy moonlight scene.
The Gradual consolidation of Roman power led to the establishment of a substantial Roman town in the 1st century. Ammaia occupied up to 25 hectares, and with a population exceeding modern-day Marvão (5000-6000 inhabitants) Ammaia occupied the site of the present-day parish of São Salvador da Aramenha. The town flourished between the 1st century BCE and the collapse of the Roman Empire in the 5th century CE. Roman Ammaia saw the development of improved irrigation and terracing across the Marvão mountain. Chestnut cultivation – Replacing the place dominance of oak is likely to have been introduced at this time. Much of the terracing and ancient watercourses on the mountain Marvão date from this era.
Limited excavations at Ammaia in the past two decades covering a mere 3,000 m2 (32.292 sq ft) of the town’s area – have revealed the success, provincial expanding town that included running water, a forum, baths, the bridge over the river Sever (near today’s ‘Old Bridge’), and monumental gates (one gate was removed to Castelo de Vide in the 18th century, yet sadly dynamited in 1890). The Alentejo region, meanwhile, was criss-crossed with efficient Roman roads, providing links to the wider Empire. Fine wares found at the site Ammaia suggest que Ammaia nobility had access to luxury glassware and jewelery, while archeology has Revealed that marble for the forum was imported from across the Empire. The high quality, for example, of the ‘Mosaic of the Muses’ from a Roman villa in nearby Monforte (4th century BCE) points to the abundant riches to be made to an Alentejo landowner in the Roman era. Sadly, many artifacts from Ammaia in particular the series of marble sculptures were removed during the 19th and 20th centuries, notably by the Anglo-Portuguese Robinson family. These items are now in collections such as those of the British Museum..
Many of the excavations were concentrated over the obvious ruins or where there was evidence of subterranean structures associated with a Roman presence. Discoveries include parts of a Roman city wall with towers and a gate on the south side, with residenctial buildings; a road; a monumental paved square; remains of a house in the location Quinta do Deão; parts of a public bath building; and a centrally-located forum with well-preserved temple podium, walls of a porticus and cryptoporticus. The town plan follows a regular rectangular layout organized along two main perpendicular street axes, linking the central forum to its main gates. A city wall surrounds a roughly rectangular area of some 20 hectares. Several extramural buildings, cemeteries and roads constitute the suburban area.
PT: Uma noite de luar envolta na neblina que circunda as importantes e imponentes ruínas da Porta Sul da cidade Romana da Ammaia. A Cidade de Ammaia é indubitavelmente o mais importante vestígio da sua época existente na região do norte alentejano. Localizada em pleno Parque Natural da Serra de São Mamede, em São Salvador de Aramenha, no concelho de Marvão, a sua área central é constituída pela Quinta do Deão e pela Tapada da Aramenha, possuindo uma área de aproximadamente 25 ha.
Embora as suas ruínas tivessem sido classificadas como Monumento Nacional em 1949, estiveram abandonadas até finais de 1994. A partir desta data e com o aparecimento da Fundação Cidade de Ammaia vêm-se desenvolvendo todos os esforços no sentido de estudar e preservar o que resta desta importante cidade. Ammaia foi elevada a Civitas por volta do ano 44/45 d.C. tendo obtido o estatuto de Mvnicipivm ainda durante o séc. I d.C., no entanto apenas temos dados sobre o mesmo no reinado de Lúcio Vero, no ano de 166 d.C.
Waking Dream in the Magical Castle of Noudar
EN: At dawn the stars disappear, only the Moon survives and the sky becomes the canvas that will receive the brushstrokes of vivid colors and nuances that only the mastery of nature, can produce | Sky of Barrancos
PT: Ao amanhecer as estrelas perdem-se, só a Lua sobrevive e o céu torna-se a tela que recebes as pinceladas de cores vivas e nuances que só a mestria da natureza consegue produzir | Céu de Barrancos
Endovelicus Startrail
EN: Endovelicus sanctuary of Rocha da Mina, in a winter sky by the moonlight, which highlights the constellation of Orion and the star Sirius, the brightest of the celestial sphere (left image) and a startrail pointing north (right image). Endovelicus was a solar healing supreme god, thus a god of Medicine.
PT: Santuário Endovélico Rocha da Mina num céu de inverno ao luar, de onde se destaca a constelação de Orion e a estrela Sirius, a mais brilhante da esfera celeste (imagens esquerda) e um rasto de estrelas a norte (imagem direita). Endovélico é uma divindade da Idade do Ferro venerada na Lusitânia pré-romana, deus da medicina, tinha um carácter simultaneamente solar | Céu do Alandroal
The Cult of Fertility
EN: Crescent moon against a twilight in Menhir Rocha dos Namorados, a natural granite outcrop mushroom-shaped, where single women throw back a stone which aims to fall on top of it, a cult related to fertility | Sky of São Pedro do Corral
PT: Lua crescente de um crepúsculo no Menir da Rocha dos Namorados, um afloramento natural de granito em forma de cogumelo, onde as mulheres solteiras lançam de costas uma pedra que tem por objectivo cair em cima do mesmo, num culto relacionado com a fecundidade | Céu de São Pedro do Corval
Orion in the Moonlight above Endovelicus Sanctuary of Rocha da Mina
EN: Endovelicus sanctuary of Rocha da Mina, in a winter sky by the moonlight, which highlights the constellation of Orion and the star Sirius, the brightest of the celestial sphere (left image) and a startrail pointing north (right image). Endovelicus was a solar healing supreme god, thus a god of Medicine.
PT: Santuário Endovélico Rocha da Mina num céu de inverno ao luar, de onde se destaca a constelação de Orion e a estrela Sirius, a mais brilhante da esfera celeste (imagens esquerda) e um rasto de estrelas a norte (imagem direita). Endovélico é uma divindade da Idade do Ferro venerada na Lusitânia pré-romana, deus da medicina, tinha um carácter simultaneamente solar | Céu do Alandroal
Feeling the power of being in contact with the wild side of nature
EN: Feeling the power of being in contact with the wild side of nature, in the middle of cows, bulls, hay, cork oaks and olive trees, under a shy starry sky on a clear moonlit night | Sky of Telheiro.
PT: Sentindo o poder de estar em contato com o lado mais puro e selvagem da natureza, no meio de vacas, touros, feno, sobreiros e oliveiras, sob um tímido céu estrelado numa clara noite de luar | Céu do Telheiro.
Dark Sky Lodging – Relaxing in the nightime
EN: Starry sky in a clear night of Moonlight, illuminating one of the suites room of Rural Hotel Herdade Naveterra | Sky of Alandroal.
PT: Céu estrelado numa noite clara de luar, iluminando exteriormente uma das suites do Hotel Rural Herdade Naveterra | Céu do Alandroal.
Outside of Earth
EN: An “All Sky” view of Moonlit scene forming the appearance of a little planet Earth.
PT: Uma visão “All Sky” de um cenário enluarado formando a aparência de um pequeno planeta Terra.
A moonlit scene where stone, sand, and water merge into a perfect combination
EN: The beauty of inhospitable landscape, a scene in the moonlight where stone, sand, and water merge into a perfect combination to celebrate the union between the starry Sky and the damp Earth of Alqueva Lake | Sky of Mourão
PT: Paisagem inospitamente bela, num cenário à luz do luar onde pedra, ar e água, se fundem numa combinação perfeita para celebrar a união entre o Céu estrelado e a Terra húmida do lago Alqueva | Céu de Mourão
A nostalgic view of the full moon
EN: A nostalgic view of the full moon shrouded in the thick fog that is felt in certain cold mornings of Alentejo winter | Sky of Monsaraz
PT: Uma visão nostálgica da lua cheia envolta no nevoeiro cerrado que se faz sentir em certas madrugadas frias do inverno alentejano | Céu de Monsaraz
The Arc of Milky Way in the Twilight with the Moon and Zodiacal Light above VLT
The entire Arc of Milky Way full of gas and dust can be seen in this panoramic lovely view from the southern sky, captured in the end of nautical twilight, above the Very Large Telescope platform. At left of the small tower, above the horizon, the bright object visible is not a star itself, but the great globular cluster Omega Centauri. Closer to left in the beginning of Milky Way arc, are spotted the bright stars of Alpha and Beta Centauri. In the middle of the image, the strong light of crescent moon is shining above the Antu telescope, the first one. Above the moon, we can see the planet Saturn, the orange star Antares from Scorpius constellation, and the dark streaks that are part of Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex, which connects this region to the main arm of Milky Way with more then 200º from side to side. In the background of this same region, a faint white light is visible, called the Zodiacal Light. In the foreground at right, we can see the Yepun telescope, reflecting a silver color coming from the moon reflection on its metallic surface. In the extremely right edge of the image, the Andromeda galaxy is even visible as an elongated diffuse dot.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 15/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile
Earthshine sequence in Alentejo
Sequence of the Earthshine phenomenon until the moonset in the Alentejo horizon of a hot evening in Herdade do Esporão | Sky of Reguengos de Monsaraz. 18/06/2015 | Reguengos de Monsaraz | Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve – Portugal.
Learning the beauty of shooting the nightscape
Astrophotography workshop by Fotonature during a moonlit night in Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve. 23/05/2015 – Nature Park of Noudar | Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve – Portugal
Revealing the nature of Alentejo
The full moon is the natural flash of a landscape photographer, the night turns to day, revealing details, colors and nuances that allow you to enjoy peace in the silence of the night, in harmonious contact between nature and animal life. 29/06/2015 – Monsaraz | Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve – Portugal
Inhospitable landscape
The beauty of inhospitable landscape, a scene in the moonlight where stone, sand, and water merge into a perfect combination to celebrate the union between the starry Sky and the damp Earth of Alqueva Lake. 13/09/2014 – Mourão | Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve – Portugal
Lunar Earthshine and the ancient olive tree
Lunar Earthshine in nautical twilight behind an ancient olive tree, with an age estimated between 2000 to 3000 years. 20/04/2015 Monsaraz | Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve – Portugal
Earthshine above Antu VLT Telescope
Lunar Earthshine above Antu VLT Telescope, during the nautical twilight. The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture.
The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 15/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
The Nautical Twilight with the Moon in ALMA
After the sunset starts the nautical twilight and the sky assumes a beautiful pallet of blueish and orange colors, giving space to appearing the first stars of the some constellations. In the foreground, is also visible one antenna (DV-21) of 12 meters in diameter, pointing to some place of the cold Universe, and its right side the Moon. This are the first tests to experiment the largest configuration that ALMA can support, with antennas spread over distances up to 16 km. The array thus simulates a giant, single telescope much larger than any that could actually be built. In fact, ALMA has a maximum resolution which is even better than that achieved, at visible wavelengths, by the Hubble Space Telescope.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is an astronomical interferometer of radio telescopes in the Atacama desert of northern Chile. Since a high and dry site is crucial to millimeter wavelength operations, the array has been constructed on the Chajnantor plateau at 5,000 meters altitude, near Llano de Chajnantor Observatory and Atacama Pathfinder Experiment. Consisting of 66 12-meter (39 ft), and 7-meter (23 ft) diameter radio telescopes observing at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, ALMA is expected to provide insight on star birth during the early universe and detailed imaging of local star and planet formation. ALMA is a single telescope of revolutionary design, composed initially of 66 high-precision antennas, and operating at wavelengths of 0.32 to 3.6 mm. Its main 12-metre array has fifty antennas, 12 metres in diameter, acting together as a single telescope — an interferometer. An additional compact array of four 12-metre and twelve 7-metre antennas complements this. The 66 ALMA antennas can be arranged in different configurations, where the maximum distance between antennas can vary from 150 metres to 16 kilometres, which will give ALMA a powerful variable “zoom”. It will be able to probe the Universe at millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution, with a vision up to ten times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope, and complementing images made with the VLT Interferometer. Light at these wavelengths comes from vast cold clouds in interstellar space, at temperatures only a few tens of degrees above absolute zero, and from some of the earliest and most distant galaxies in the Universe. Astronomers can use it to study the chemical and physical conditions in molecular clouds — the dense regions of gas and dust where new stars are being born. Often these regions of the Universe are dark and obscured in visible light, but they shine brightly in the millimetre and submillimetre part of the spectrum. ALMA is the most powerful telescope for observing the cool Universe — molecular gas and dust.
ALMA will study the building blocks of stars, planetary systems, galaxies and life itself. By providing scientists with detailed images of stars and planets being born in gas clouds near our Solar System, and detecting distant galaxies forming at the edge of the observable Universe, which we see as they were roughly ten billion years ago, it lets astronomers address some of the deepest questions of our cosmic origins.
Image taken taken in 14/10/2015 from Chajnantor plateau, Atacama desert, Chile.
A Romantic Scene in a Lovely Sky
In this colorful lovely scene captured at the twilight, we can see two skywatchers enjoying his passion about the Universe, with a Crescent Moon shining between the clouds and above the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of VLT.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Skygazing on Cerro Paranal Observatory
A guide from ESO is relaxing and enjoying the beautiful and impressive sky of Cerro Paranal while is waiting for a better condition in the weather forecast. In the Background, an unusual cloudy sky is hiding part of the Milky Way, while the moon shines behind the moving clouds, illuminating the closed dome of the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Moon Corona in the Twilight of Very Large Telescope
After sunset a partial cloudy sky can promote the appearance of a beautiful show of colors, as well as some optical phenomenon, specially if we have a night of Moonlight that can show an effect called “Corona”, produced by the diffraction of light coming from the Moon by individual small water droplets and sometimes tiny ice crystals of a cloud. In the foreground, we can see three of four movable Auxiliary Telescopes available in the Very Large Telescope platform.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
A Panoramic view to the top of Cerro Paranal
Panoramic view from VISTA telescope to the top of Cerro Paranal (at left) where it is located the VLT platform. In the right side we can see the Milky Way trying to show up behind a dark band of clouds, also covering the Moonset. The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture.
Image taken taken in 17/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Ghostly Shapes on the Starry Sky of VLT
After sunset a partial cloudy sky can promote the appearance of a beautiful show of colors, specially if we have a night of Moonlight that can illuminate and show a strange game of ghostly shapes in the clouds, combined with a starry sky as a background. In the foreground, we can see three of four movable Auxiliary Telescopes available in the Very Large Telescope platform.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Reddish Airglow in a Fulldome view of Very Large Telescope
In this fish-eye fulldome picture, we can see a partial cloudy sky, that can promote sometimes the appearance of a beautiful show. Specially, if we have a night of Moonlight that can illuminate and show a strange game of ghostly shapes in the clouds. In the background a starry sky with a shy Milky Way is showing a strong presence of reddish airglow in the opposite direction of the Very Large Telescope.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Stargazing in a Cloudy Sky – Fulldome View of VLT
In this fish-eye fulldome picture, we can see a girl stargazing in a partial cloudy sky, that can promote sometimes the appearance of a beautiful show. Specially, if we have a night of Moonlight that can illuminate and show a strange game of ghostly shapes in the clouds. In the background a starry shy sky is showing a strong presence of reddish airglow. In the foreground, we also can see three of four movable Auxiliary Telescopes availabe in the Very Large Telescope plataform.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Stunning view of the Milky Way above ALMA along with the Moonset
In the background we can see the heart of our Galaxy full of gas and dust, star clusters and emission nebulae, as well as the orange star Antares from Scorpius constellation and the dark dust that connects this region to the main arm of Milky Way. Below at right, a faint white light called the Zodiacal Light is very well visible, coming up as a backlight behind the antenna of ALMA (DV-21) with12 meters in diameter, is capturing the wavelengths from vast cold clouds in the interstellar space. Above the horizon we also can see an orange glow coming from the moonset. This are the first tests to experiment the largest configuration that ALMA can support, with antennas spread over distances up to 16 km. The array thus simulates a giant, single telescope much larger than any that could actually be built. In fact, ALMA has a maximum resolution which is even better than that achieved, at visible wavelengths, by the Hubble Space Telescope.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is an astronomical interferometer of radio telescopes in the Atacama desert of northern Chile. Since a high and dry site is crucial to millimeter wavelength operations, the array has been constructed on the Chajnantor plateau at 5,000 meters altitude, near Llano de Chajnantor Observatory and Atacama Pathfinder Experiment. Consisting of 66 12-meter (39 ft), and 7-meter (23 ft) diameter radio telescopes observing at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, ALMA is expected to provide insight on star birth during the early universe and detailed imaging of local star and planet formation. ALMA is a single telescope of revolutionary design, composed initially of 66 high-precision antennas, and operating at wavelengths of 0.32 to 3.6 mm. Its main 12-metre array has fifty antennas, 12 metres in diameter, acting together as a single telescope — an interferometer. An additional compact array of four 12-metre and twelve 7-metre antennas complements this. The 66 ALMA antennas can be arranged in different configurations, where the maximum distance between antennas can vary from 150 metres to 16 kilometres, which will give ALMA a powerful variable “zoom”. It will be able to probe the Universe at millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution, with a vision up to ten times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope, and complementing images made with the VLT Interferometer. Light at these wavelengths comes from vast cold clouds in interstellar space, at temperatures only a few tens of degrees above absolute zero, and from some of the earliest and most distant galaxies in the Universe. Astronomers can use it to study the chemical and physical conditions in molecular clouds — the dense regions of gas and dust where new stars are being born. Often these regions of the Universe are dark and obscured in visible light, but they shine brightly in the millimetre and submillimetre part of the spectrum. ALMA is the most powerful telescope for observing the cool Universe — molecular gas and dust. ALMA will study the building blocks of stars, planetary systems, galaxies and life itself. By providing scientists with detailed images of stars and planets being born in gas clouds near our Solar System, and detecting distant galaxies forming at the edge of the observable Universe, which we see as they were roughly ten billion years ago, it lets astronomers address some of the deepest questions of our cosmic origins.
Image taken taken in 14/10/2015 from Chajnantor plateau, Atacama desert, Chile.
Twilight Above the interferometer VLTI
Nautical twilight, above the Very Large Telescope platform. Near the horizon the bright moon is shining above the Antu telescope, the first one near the center. At his left, above the horizon are visible some of the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. At the right side of Antu, is the telescope Kueyen, with a mirror of 8.2m diameter. Both, are opening and preparing for a night of observations. This telescopes are generally used separately, but can be used together to achieve a very high angular resolution. Looking from outside, they are reflecting a silver color coming from the moon reflection on its metalic surface. In the ground, at the left side of the image, we can see part of the interferometer (VLTI) complex, where the movable Auxiliary Telescopes can be placed.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 15/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Very Large Telescope Platform in the Twilight
Nautical twilight, above the Very Large Telescope platform. Near the horizon the bright moon is shining above the Antu telescope, the first one near the center. At his left, above the horizon are visible some of the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. At the right side of Antu, the telescopes Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, with mirrors of 8.2m diameter, are opening and preparing for a night of observations. This telescopes are generally used separately, but can be used together to achieve a very high angular resolution. Looking from outside, they are reflecting a silver color coming from the moon reflection on its metalic surface. In the ground, at the left side of the image, we can see part of the interferometer (VLTI) complex, where the movable Auxiliary Telescopes can be placed.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred meters. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 15/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Stargazing with Passion – Twilight and Crescent Moon on VLT
In this colorful lovely scene captured at the twilight, we can see two skywatchers enjoying his passion about the Universe, with a Crescent Moon shining between the clouds and above the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of VLT.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Milky Way Arm Crossing Antu, Kueyen and Melipal Telescopes
Milky Way arm of gas and dust lying behind the Very Large Telesope Antu, Kueyen e Melipal, while it is capturing the light coming from space. At the right edge of the image, we can see the VLT Survey Telescope (VST), that is the latest telescope to be added to ESO’s Paranal Observatory in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 15/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
A Moon Scar in the Sky of Paranal
Impressive sky of Cerro Paranal with an unusual cloudy sky hiding part of the Milky Way, while the moon is trying to shine behind the dark scar of moving clouds, illuminating the closed dome of the Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred meters. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
A Planet of Very Large Telescopes
After sunset a partial cloudy sky can promote the appearance of a beautiful show of colors, specially if we have a night of Moonlight that can illuminate and show a strange game of ghostly shapes in the clouds, combined with a starry sky as a background with the Milky Way. In the foreground, we can see in this fish-eye fulldome picture some of the Auxiliary Telescopes availabe in the VLT plataform and the Antu 8.2m diameter Large Telescope.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 16/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
A Close-up of ALMA Antenna DV-21 and the Crescent Moon with Earthshine
After the sunset starts the nautical twilight and the sky assumes a beautiful pallete of blueish and orange colors, giving space to appearing the first stars of the some constelalltions. In the foreground, is also visible one antenna (DV-21) of 12 meters in diameter, pointing to some place of the cold Universe and at his right side, the Crescent Moon with the strong Earthshine effect very well visible.
The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is an astronomical interferometer of radio telescopes in the Atacama desert of northern Chile. Since a high and dry site is crucial to millimeter wavelength operations, the array has been constructed on the Chajnantor plateau at 5,000 meters altitude, near Llano de Chajnantor Observatory and Atacama Pathfinder Experiment. Consisting of 66 12-meter (39 ft), and 7-meter (23 ft) diameter radio telescopes observing at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, ALMA is expected to provide insight on star birth during the early universe and detailed imaging of local star and planet formation.
ALMA is a single telescope of revolutionary design, composed initially of 66 high-precision antennas, and operating at wavelengths of 0.32 to 3.6 mm. Its main 12-metre array has fifty antennas, 12 metres in diameter, acting together as a single telescope — an interferometer. An additional compact array of four 12-metre and twelve 7-metre antennas complements this. The 66 ALMA antennas can be arranged in different configurations, where the maximum distance between antennas can vary from 150 metres to 16 kilometres, which will give ALMA a powerful variable “zoom”. It will be able to probe the Universe at millimetre and submillimetre wavelengths with unprecedented sensitivity and resolution, with a vision up to ten times sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope, and complementing images made with the VLT Interferometer. Light at these wavelengths comes from vast cold clouds in interstellar space, at temperatures only a few tens of degrees above absolute zero, and from some of the earliest and most distant galaxies in the Universe. Astronomers can use it to study the chemical and physical conditions in molecular clouds — the dense regions of gas and dust where new stars are being born. Often these regions of the Universe are dark and obscured in visible light, but they shine brightly in the millimetre and submillimetre part of the spectrum. ALMA is the most powerful telescope for observing the cool Universe — molecular gas and dust. ALMA will study the building blocks of stars, planetary systems, galaxies and life itself. By providing scientists with detailed images of stars and planets being born in gas clouds near our Solar System, and detecting distant galaxies forming at the edge of the observable Universe, which we see as they were roughly ten billion years ago, it lets astronomers address some of the deepest questions of our cosmic origins.
Image taken taken in 14/10/2015 from Chajnantor plateau, Atacama desert, Chile.
Milky Way above the Moonset Between Antu and Kuyen Telescopes
In this close-up of the central region of the Milky Way full of gas and dust, star clusters and emission nebulae, lies as the perfect background for the both VLT telescopes Antu (UT1) and Kueyen (UT2 ). In Mapuche language, Antu means “The Sun” and Kueyen “The Moon”, two names that are matching perfectly with the sunny appearance of this bright moonset, reflected in the floor of the VLT platform.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal (UT3 – “The Southern Cross”) and Yepun (UT4 – Venus “as evening star”), which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 15/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Twlight on VLT and the Southern Crescent Moon
Twilight behind the Yepun VLT Telescope (at left) and Survey Telescope VST (at right) while they start opening his doors, preparing for a night of research. The faint and inverted crescent moon of the southern hemisphere, can be seen in the center of the image.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 15/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
Milky Way Arc above the Yepun and VST Telescopes
Milky Way arc of gas and dust lying behind the Yepun (UT4) VLT Telescope, in the foreground, while it is capturing the light coming from deep space. Below left we can see the bright light of the moon and above it, the planet Saturn. At the right edge of the image, we can see the VLT Survey Telescope (VST), that is the latest telescope to be added to ESO’s Paranal Observatory in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Above the VST is shinning the bright star Vega, forming in the upper right area, the well known asterism as The Summer Triangle.
The Very Large Telescope (VLT) is a telescope operated by the ESO – European Southern Observatory on Cerro Paranal in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The VLT is the world’s most advanced optical instrument, consisting of four Unit Telescopes with main mirrors of 8.2m diameter, which are generally used separately but can be used together to achieve very high angular resolution. The four separate optical telescopes are known as Antu, Kueyen, Melipal and Yepun, which are all words for astronomical objects in the Mapuche language, with optical elements that can combine them into an astronomical interferometer (VLTI), which is used to resolve small objects. The interferometer is complemented by four movable Auxiliary Telescopes (ATs) of 1.8 m aperture. The 8.2m diameter Unit Telescopes can also be used individually. With one such telescope, images of celestial objects as faint as magnitude 30 can be obtained in a one-hour exposure. This corresponds to seeing objects that are four billion (four thousand million) times fainter than what can be seen with the unaided eye. The telescopes can work together, to form a giant ‘interferometer’, the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer, allowing astronomers to see details up to 25 times finer than with the individual telescopes. The light beams are combined in the VLTI using a complex system of mirrors in underground tunnels where the light paths must be kept equal to distances less than 1/1000 mm over a hundred metres. With this kind of precision the VLTI can reconstruct images with an angular resolution of milliarcseconds, equivalent to distinguishing the two headlights of a car at the distance of the Moon.
Image taken taken in 15/10/2015 from Cerro Paranal, Atacama desert, Chile.
1% of Crescent Moon above the Medieval Village of Monsaraz
The Crescent Moon with 1% of light, lying behind the castle and medieval village of Monsaraz. 19/04/2015 Monsaraz | Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve – Portugal
Total Lunar Eclipse of 2015
As seen as Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), the total lunar eclipse of 28th september was very unusual because coincided to the moon perigee (supermoon). At left, Capturing the sequence of the totality in the Canary island of La Palma, this little planet shows also the approximate size of our Earth when compared to the Moon, that can be seen at the right side of the image, in a close-up view of the same moment, showing its dark red color. Because of its closeness to Earth, a supermoon passes deeper into the shadow of our planet.
Supermoon 2015 from Medieval Village of Monsaraz
Image of the first biggest and brightest full Moon of the year 2015, captured on August 29. Astronomers call it a perigee moon, but the popular term is “supermoon.” The image was captured in Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve, Portugal, at a distant of about 4km from the medieval village and castle of Monsaraz on 29/08/2015. Two combined exposures taken at approximately the same time with a Canon 6D – ISO2000; Exp. 1/125 secs. f/7 at 560mm ( Astro Professional APO ED80).
Moonrise in Monsaraz Castle
EN: Full Moonrise behind the medieval village and castle of Monsaraz | Sky of Monsaraz
PT: Nascer da lua cheia por detrás da vila e castelo medieval de Monsaraz | Céu de Monsaraz
The Cathedral of Évora with a Moon Green Flash
In this picture captured from Évora, we can see the Moon rise one day after it reach is fullness. This first Full Moon of the year is well known as the Wolf Moon. At the left and in comparing with this big Moon captured with a 560mm telescope 2.4km away from the local, we can see the top of Évora´s Cathedral (Portuguese: Sé de Évora), that is one of the oldest and most important monuments in the city of Évora, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988. Dated from 12th century, It is the largest of the mediaeval cathedrals in Portugal, and one of its best examples of Gothic architecture. Regarding this almost Full Moon, we can see a top dispersion that creates normally a green rim. But a more powerful mirage seems to vertically magnified the rim into a green flash, visible in the top limb of the Moon.
More info about a Green Rim: http://www.atoptics.co.uk/atoptics/gf15.htm | Canon 50D – ISO1600; Exp. 1/10 secs. f/7 at 560mm ( Astro Professional APO ED80) single exposure taken in 05/01/2015 at 18h14m.
Moon and Fireworks 2015 – All Sky 360º
In this 360º all sky view, captured in the midnight of the new year’s celebrations to give Welcome to 2015, we can see the Moon as a strong white tail. Below are the northern constellations, and the trail of a red Very Light which seems to describe the imaginary axis of this “photo sphere”, pointing to Polaris. Above the Moon, stands the celestial equator, with the stars of Orion. Following this “line”, we will find the bright path of planet Jupiter near the TV antenna. This shot was captured from the top of a building in Almada, so we can see around the horizon, the city lights from Lisbon, Almada and Seixal (Portugal), where we can see the smoke of fireworks and the Very Lights that were fired during the celebrations of the New Year!
Canon 6D – f/6.3 ISO 800 Exp. 10 Secs. 8mm Canon L circular fisheye. Taken in 31-12-2014 between 22:42 and 00:10 Sum of 474 images with a total time integration of 1h20.
Waning Crescent Moon above Noudar Castle Church
Waning Crescent Moon above Noudar Castle Church
Included in the great Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve – first site in the world to receive the “Starlight Tourism Destination” certification – Noudar Natural Park is located in a farm estate called Herdade da Coitadinha spreads across 1000 hectare, ‘over-the-hills’ between the winding rivers Ardila and Múrtega and lodged among hills and summits near the town of Barrancos (Alentejo, Portugal) and in the border with Spain. The road from the Park’s entrance to the Noudar Castle goes through an extensive holm oak grove (‘montado’) area, ending with a majestic view over the water lines. In Noudar, life presents itself in a state of wilderness and absolute purity.
The Castle of Noudar and the church of Nossa Senhora do Desterro is located between the Múrtega and the Ardila rivers which flow towards the West. Its construction was finished in 1307, during the reign of Don Dinis. The place was chosen because of its natural defenses, easy access and the closeness of a water spring of excellent quality – Fonte da Figueira, located roughly 250 meters to the East of the castle, under the hilltop known as Forca (“the Gallows”). Good and plentiful farming land and cattle grazing fields can also be found near the castle. This medieval fortress was very important for border defense against the kingdom of Castile during the early 14th Century.
More about Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve:
Alqueva is the first site in the world to receive the “Starlight Tourism Destination” certification. This certification, awarded by the Starlight Foundation is supported by UNESCO, UNWTO and IAC. Starlight destinations are visitable places characterized by excellent quality for the contemplation of starry skies, and the practice of tourist activities based on this resource. www.darkskyalqueva.com
Venus at Dawn above Noudar Castle
Venus at Dawn above Noudar Castle
Included in the great Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve – first site in the world to receive the “Starlight Tourism Destination” certification – Noudar Natural Park is located in a farm estate called Herdade da Coitadinha spreads across 1000 hectare, ‘over-the-hills’ between the winding rivers Ardila and Múrtega and lodged among hills and summits near the town of Barrancos (Alentejo, Portugal) and in the border with Spain. The road from the Park’s entrance to the Noudar Castle goes through an extensive holm oak grove (‘montado’) area, ending with a majestic view over the water lines. In Noudar, life presents itself in a state of wilderness and absolute purity.
The Castle of Noudar and the church of Nossa Senhora do Desterro is located between the Múrtega and the Ardila rivers which flow towards the West. Its construction was finished in 1307, during the reign of Don Dinis. The place was chosen because of its natural defenses, easy access and the closeness of a water spring of excellent quality – Fonte da Figueira, located roughly 250 meters to the East of the castle, under the hilltop known as Forca (“the Gallows”). Good and plentiful farming land and cattle grazing fields can also be found near the castle. This medieval fortress was very important for border defense against the kingdom of Castile during the early 14th Century.
More about Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve:
Alqueva is the first site in the world to receive the “Starlight Tourism Destination” certification. This certification, awarded by the Starlight Foundation is supported by UNESCO, UNWTO and IAC. Starlight destinations are visitable places characterized by excellent quality for the contemplation of starry skies, and the practice of tourist activities based on this resource. www.darkskyalqueva.com
Biggest & Brightest Full Moon of the Year 2014
Image of the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year 2014, captured on August 10. Astronomers call it a perigee moon, but the popular term is “supermoon.” The image was captured from Alqueva, Dark Sky Reserve, Portugal on 10/09/2014 at 20:39. Canon 50D – ISO640; Exp. 1/400 secs. f/7 at 560mm ( Astro Professional APO ED80).
A Summer Moonbath
Preparing for a “Moonbath” in the warm summer nights of Alentejo, Portugal. Canon 50D – ISO2000; 11mm at f/10; Exp. 30 secs. Taken in 06-08-2014 at 23:45
A Moonlite scene from Alvão
Taken in the top of Alvão mountain range, Vila Real, Portugal. The full moon helped to light up all the rocky scene in the landscape. In the sky, we can see the stars that forming the asterism of summer triangle. Canon 60D – ISO640; 11mm at f/2.8; Exp. 15 secs. Taken in 8-06-2014 at 25:51
Startrail in the moonlight
A short startrail taken in the top of Alvão mountain range, Vila Real, Portugal. The full moon and the light of a transiting car, helped to light up all the rocky scene in the landscape. Canon 60D – ISO1600; 11mm at f/2.8; Exp. 10 secs. Taken in 8-06-2014 at 23:14
Moon and Mars above the lake
Image taken in a small lagoon of Cimeira dam, in the top of Alvão mountain range, Vila Real, Portugal, situated in a height of about 1060 meters above the sea level. In the sky, is visible the full moon between the clouds, and the bright orange planet Mars. Canon 60D – ISO800; 16mm at f/2.8; Exp. 8 secs. Taken in 9-06-2014 at 00:10 AM.
Milky Way in Agarez, Vila Real.
A view of the south side of Agarez waterfall, in Alvão mountain range, Vila Real, Portugal, with a skygazer contemplating the nature and the Universe, with a Milky Way appearing in the night sky after the Moonset. Canon 60D – ISO1600; 11mm at f/2.8; Exp. 30 secs. Taken in 8-06-2014 at 2:57 AM.
Big Dipper above Waterfall of Agarez
In the image we can see part of the Big Dipper above the beautiful waterfall of Agarez, in Alvão mountain range, Vila Real, north of Portugal, in a moonlight scene .Canon 50D – ISO1600; 11mm at f/2.8; Exp. 30 secs. Taken in 8-06-2014 at 1:59 AM.
Crescent Moon and Jupiter in the Twilight of Fonte-de-Telha
Sequence of a Crescent Moon Earthshine, captured in the nautical twilight until the moon sets behind the trees of a small pine forest in Fonte-de-Telha, Almada. Portugal, facing to the Atlantic Ocean. Above the Moon and the treetop, is visible the disc of planet Jupiter, accompanied with two of its main moons (Ganymede and Europa).
Canon 50D – ISO640; Exp. 4 secs. f/3.5 at 70mm. In 31/05/2014 at 21:37. Sequence of 858 images.
“Honey Moon” in Lisbon
Canon 60Da – ISO1000; Exp. 1/40s; f/2.8 at 200mm Canon L lens (f/2.8). In 13/06/2014 at 21:33
The Full Moon of June – Friday 13th – 2014, well know as “Honey Moon”, was captured in Lisbon, from Algés region. “With the sun’s path across the sky at its highest during this month of the summer solstice, the moon is at its lowest, which keeps the lunar orb close to the horizon and makes it appear more amber than other full moons this year.” (NG). In the foreground we can see the Christ the King monument, in Lisbon, in a clifftop 133 metres above the sea, and behind it, the full moon rising in the east horizon.
The study predictions for this particular position have been kindly maded by my friend and portuguese author of many astronomy books, Dr. Guilherme de Almeida. Thank you Guilherme for the great spot you found. Image below: Canon 50D – ISO2000; Exp. 1/15 secs. f/7 at 560mm ( Astro Professional APO ED80). In 13/06/2014 at 21:34
See below the poster with the entire sequence image, made this night. More image here
A Monumental Full Moon
Canon 50D – ISO2500; Exp. 1/20 secs. f/7 at 560mm ( Astro Professional APO ED80). In 13/06/2014 at 21:38
The Full Moon of June – Friday 13th – 2014, well know as “Honey Moon”, was captured in Lisbon, from Algés region. “With the sun’s path across the sky at its highest during this month of the summer solstice, the moon is at its lowest, which keeps the lunar orb close to the horizon and makes it appear more amber than other full moons this year.” (NG). In the foreground we can see the Christ the King monument, in Lisbon, in a clifftop 133 meters above the sea, and behind it, the full moon rising in the east horizon.
The study predictions for this particular position have been kindly maded by my friend and portuguese author of many astronomy books, Dr. Guilherme de Almeida. Thank you Guilherme for the great spot you found.
See below the poster with the entire sequence image, made this night. More image here.
Moonlit Startrail above Waterfall of Agarez – Vila Real.
In the image we can see a dramatic black and white moonlight scene, with a north short startrail above the beautiful waterfall of Agarez, in Alvão mountain range, Vila Real, north of Portugal. Canon 50D – ISO1600; 11mm at f/2.8; Exp. 30 secs. Sum of 38 images. Taken in 8-06-2014 at 1:28 AM.
Ferry Moon
The May´s Moon captured in the twilight and 34 minutes after reaching their total fullness, with the disk 100% illuminated by the Sun, rising above Barreiro city, in Setúbal, Portugal, visible in the horizon with one of its Ferry boats crossing the Tagus River in the foreground. Canon 60Da – ISO400; Exp. 1/125s; f/4.5 at 200mm Canon L lens (f/2.8).
The Moonlight from Miradouro de Santa Iria – Azores
In this Moonlight scene captured in Miradouro de Santa Iria, Azores, facing to west , the moon is bright enough to light up the green mountain hill and the Atlantic Ocean. Between the clear and cloudy sky we can find in the left corner, the star Procyon, next and above the moon, shines the light of planet Jupiter. In the center is visible Capella star. Above the horizon the light pollution are coming from Ribeira Grande, as well from Lagoa and Ponta Delgada.
Azores, is one of the two autonomous regions of Portugal, composed of nine volcanic islands situated in the North Atlantic Ocean, is located about 1,360 km west of continental Portugal, about 880 km (550 mi) northwest of Madeira, and about 1,925 km southeast of Newfoundland.There are nine major Azorean islands and an islet cluster, in three main groups. These are Flores and Corvo, to the west; Graciosa, Terceira, São Jorge, Pico, and Faial in the centre; and São Miguel, Santa Maria, and the Formigas Reef to the east. They extend for more than 600 km and lie in a northwest-southeast direction.
Canon 50D – ISO1600; 10mm at f/4; Exp. 55 secs. in 03/05/2014 at 23:25. Captured with Travel Mount Vixen Polarie.
The Passion of night sky photography
My friend and TWAN photographer Babak Tafreshi, practicing his passion for astronomy and photography, capturing the beauty of the night sky in a moonlight scene over the Atlantic Ocean, in Miradouro de Santa Iria, Azores island. Canon 50D – ISO800; 24mm at f/4; Exp. 13 secs. in 02/05/2014 at 23:37
Full Worm Moon Sequence in the Lighthouse
The full Moon in this sequence, well known as “Worm Moon”, for signaling the coming of spring in the northern hemisphere, was captured in Cape Espichel lighthouse. Opened in 1790, in 1865 was powered by olive oil, changing to fuel in 1886, when its light began to be fueled by glowing vapor of oil, much later in 1926 by electricity. Measures 32 meters high and lies at an altitude of 168m above the see level. Presently, its luminous range is 42 nautical miles, about 67 km.
Canon 60Da – 35mm at f/4 ISO500; 1/5 sec. Sequence of 93 images with 2-minute intervals each other, taken in 16/03/2014 between 19:16 and 20:42. Cabo Espichel, Sesimbra, Portugal.
A Road to Big Dipper
The Big Dipper (Ursa Major) lies in the “end” of the road to Roque de Los Muchachos, where a stargazer is enjoying the great sky of La Palma. The excellent quality of the sky for astronomy in the Canaries is determined and protected by Law. As a result, the observatories of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) are an “astronomy reserve” which has been available to the international community since 1979. I´ve used a diffuse filter in the camera lens, to increase and highlight the main stars of Ursa Major.
| Canon 60Da – ISO2500; 24mm at f/2; Exp. 15 secs. in 30/09/2013 at: 06h42 AM
Sirius Isaac Newton and Mercator Telescopes
Sirius shining in the Canis Major constellation seen above (from left to right) the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) with a 2.54-meter primary mirror with a focal ratio of f/2.94. Presently, the INT is used for wide-field imaging. At the right side of INT, stands the Mercator Telescope, with a 1.2 m quasi-robotic telescope which scientific niche is focused on monitoring variable celestial phenomena, with a large range in typical time-scales (pulsating stars, gravitational lenses, Gamma Ray Bursts, active Galactic Nuclei). Below Sirius, and above the dome of Isaac Newton Telescope, is visible the M41 star cluster.
| Canon 60Da – ISO2500; 24mm at f/2; Exp. 15 secs. in 30/09/2013 at: 05h32 AM
Sirius and William Herschel
Sirius shining in the Canis Major constellation seen above the William Herschel Telescope (WHT), the largest optical telescope of its kind in Europe, with a primary mirror of diameter 4.2 meters. Its versatile and state-of-the-art instrumentation together with the superb sky quality of the Roque de Los Muchachos, the Observatory have made the WHT one of the most scientifically productive telescopes in the world.
| Canon 60Da – ISO2500; 24mm at f/2; Exp. 15 secs. in 30/09/2013 at: 05h32 AM
UFO Moon in Los Andenes
This “UFO” view of the Moon above the rocks between Los Andenes and Roque de Los Muchachos, in La Palma Canary island, shows a stargazer that seems to come down from another planet. Above the moon – In the middle of the sky – the brightest star is actually the planet Jupiter that is in conjunction with the star Wasat, from Gemini constellation. The brightest star in the right top corner of the image, is Betelgeuse, from Orion constellation.
| Canon 50D – ISO2500; 10mm at f/4; Exp. 30 secs. in 30/09/2013 at: 5h00 AM
Zodiacal Light, Milky Way and William Herschel Telescope
In this mosaic of 25 images, we can see the rocky silhouette between Los Andenes and Roque de Los Muchachos, where is the home to one of the most extensive fleets of telescopes to be found anywhere in the world, and where 15 telescopes from 19 nations are using the best night sky in Europe to explore the cosmos. The William Herschel Telescope (WHT) is one of them, with a primary mirror of diameter 4.2 meters, the telescope can be seen below right in the picture, with is dome opened, seems to pointing to the triangle formed in the middle of the picture by the smooth band of Zodiacal light (at left) which is crossing the Milky Way smooth region (at right), below the Orion constellation. These smooth bands are also important to let us find objects, like M44 above the rocks, and following the zodical light we find the planet Jupiter, the brightest star in the image. In the middle of Milky Way band, we can find the Rosette nebula. The Moon is shining in Cancer constellation, behind the rocks and below right to the star cluster M44 (NGC2632), so creating a blueish glow – more strong and evident – in the left half part of the picture.
| Mosaico – Canon 60Da – ISO2500; 24mm at f/2; Exp. 15 secs. in 30/09/2013 at: 05h50 AM Mosiac of 25 images.
Moontrail in Fuencaliente
In this startrail and moontrail captured in Los Canarios, Fuencaliente, Canary island, above the landscape full of pine trees, the strong path of moon shines side-by-side with planet Jupiter (the trail above moon), as well as the trails from Orion stars, Canis Major and Columba, near the cloudy horizon.
Canon 50D – ISO3200; 10mm at f/4; Exp. 30 secs. Sum 155 images taken in 28/09/2013 between: 3h19 AM and 4h43 AM.
Sirius in a Lovely Morning Scene
A lovely moonlite scene captured in La Palma moutains, in Los Canarios, Fuencaliente, facing to the Atlantic Ocean. While Sirius, the brightest star in the northen hemisphere is shining blue and strong in the morning sky, the Teide volcano seems to emerge from the clouds in the horizon, with 3718 km is the highest point above sea level in the islands of the Atlantic Ocean and the world’s third largest volcano. In the image, is also visible the entire constellation of Canis Major, and below right the Sirius, is clearly visible the star cluster M41.
Canon 60Da – ISO1250; 24mm at f/2.8; Exp. 15 secs. in 28/09/2013 at: 4h22 AM
Lonely Pine Tree
A moonlite night sky with a lonely pine tree in Los Canarios region, Fuencaliente, La Palma. | Canon 50D – ISO3200; 10mm at f/4; Exp. 30 secs. in 28/09/2013 at: 3h13 AM
A Quiet Moon Scene in La Palma
This picture shows a quiet moon scene viewed from Mirador de Las Ventas, in La Palma, the Canary islands, while some photographers are enjoying and capturing his own views of the moon between the clouds, and reflected in the Atlantic Ocean.
Canon 50D – ISO1000; 24mm at f/4; Exp. 8 secs. in 26/09/2013 at: 1h28 AM
The Sparrow, the Moon and the Awning
At first sight and due to this particular “comet” shape, we could imagine that the long “white to orange” tail in the left center of the image, would be from the century´s comet, the ISON. At least, all of us have already heard that the most optimistic predictions, seems to pointing to a comet with a brightness as strong as the Moon. Well, either or not, it will be a great sky show indeed, providing good opportunities for images like that.
In the left top corner – clearly visible in the still single shot picture – we could find in the arms of this dead tree, a sleepy sparrow, the perfect model for a night long exposure shot. Below right, the great trail with a “comet shape” isn´t from the ISON yet, but actually the path of the moon against a starry sky. As it goes down, the brightness drops below and the color of the moon stays more yellow and near the horizon, can even reach a red tone. At right, the strange white shape, is from a awning of the Monte Falperras rural hotel, in Mourão, one of the great places to rest in the Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve, in Portugal. This startrail image composed by 195 images from 30 seconds each, was capturing in 15th July 2013 at 23h11, during the moonset, as we could appreciate in this 13 seconds Time Lapse sequence.
Still image: Canon 50D – ISO640; 10mm f/4 Exp 30 secs. In 15/07/2013 at 23:11 AM
Below is the short time lapse sequence:
Moontrail and the Palm Trees of Orada´s Convent
A Black and White image where we could see the Moon trail between the palm trees near the Orada convent, Monsaraz / Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve. Canon 50D – ISO1000; 11mm f/4.5 Exp 301 secs. Sum of 52 images taken in 30/06/2013 at 04:14 AM
The Super Full Moon of 2013
Picture of the Largest Moon of 2013. This “Super Moon” was 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full Moons of 2013, was captured 2 km away from the subject, the Sesimbra´s Moorish castle. This huge Full Moon could be seen in the picture rising above the church Nossa Senhora do Castelo. It stands on the spot where king Sancho I built a Romanesque chapel in the early 13th century.
Canon 50D – ISO640; 1/80 sec. + ED80 APO refractor Astro Professional 560mm at f/7 taken in 23/06/2013 at 21h22
Below you will find a resume with all publications – printed and online – related to this particular photograph.
Please refer the i-frame above, generated automatically from the overview page Press.
Manivela Moonset
In the image we could see the moonset (almost like the sunset, with an orange tone) reflected in the Alqueva´s Lake water, where is located the old: “Fonte da Manivela” or in English the source crank. The image was captured in Mourão, a region of the great Alqueva Dark Sky Reserve. At the first sight, we could think that it wasn´t the moon, but maybe the Sun, so, how could we have sure ? First, because during the sunset we couldn´t see the stars and the sky so dark due to our atmosphere effect. And the most important, if you look carefully in full resolution, you will notice that the moon wasn´t completely full, in fact, due to an Earthshine effect, is also visible part of the moon´s left limb that is in the shadow (not directly illuminated by the sun), something that will not occur in the sun´s surface. Canon 50D – ISO1600, Exp. 10 segs. 24mm f/2.8 – 16/06/2013 00:50
A painting of Nature
In this starry cloudy moonlit, we could watch what actually seems to be a rainy night, but, indeed, it was not rain, but a short startrail in a cloudy and windy night, above the alqueva´s lake, in a region called Albufeira de Pedrogão. Thanks to light of the moon, wind and clouds, I´ve got this peculiar result, I´ve called: “the painting of nature”.
Canon 60Da – ISO640, f/2.8; Exp. 6s ; 24mm. 27/04/2013 23h35