Transit of Io and its Shadow Against Planet Jupiter
The image reveals planet Jupiter visible on August 25th, 2022 at 01:07 UTC, captured from Cumeada Observatory, headquarters of the Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, during the transit of galilean moon Io, while its shadow was also projected against the planet’s surface. The image also reveals several details and the well-demarcated oval regions.
PT: A imagem revela o gigante gasoso planeta Júpiter visível a 25 de Agosto de 2022 às 01h07 UTC, captado a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, sede da Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, durante o transito da Lua Io onde se pode ver o seu disco e a projecção da sua sombra contra a superfície do planeta. A imagem revela ainda vários detalhes e as regiões Ovais bem demarcadas.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | C14| ZWO ADC | Barlow 2,5x Televue Powermate | Captured in Color | Single stack of best 2000 frames. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Planet Saturn Surrounded by Colorful Stripes
The planet Saturn has the most extensive and spectacular ring complex of any planet in the Solar System. Consisting essentially of a mixture of ice, dust and rocky material, they can reach a few hundred thousand kilometers in diameter, but do not exceed 1.5 km in thickness. Captured from Cumeada Observatory, headquarters of the Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, on 16th July 2021, at 01h58 UTC, just a few days before reaching the opposition. The image reveals nice and colorful stripes around the planet’s atmosphere, as seen in different hues. The gold and yellowish bands seen in Saturn’s atmosphere, are the result of superfast winds in the upper atmosphere, which can reach up to 1,800 km/h, around the equator. Being made up mostly of hydrogen and helium, the Ringed Planet is the least dense of all the planets, and is the only one less dense than water. If there were a bathtub big enough to hold it, Saturn would float in it.
PT: O planeta Saturno possui o complexo de anéis mais extenso e espetacular de qualquer planeta do Sistema Solar. Consistindo essencialmente de uma mistura de gelo, poeira e material rochoso, podem atingir algumas centenas de milhares de quilómetros de diâmetro, mas não ultrapassam 1,5 km de espessura. Captada no Observatório da Cumeada, sede oficial do Dark Sky® Alqueva, no dia 16 de Julho de 2021, à 01h58 UTC, poucos dias antes de atingir a oposição. A imagem revela assim uma atmosfera rica e colorida, com várias faixas de diferentes tonalidade ao redor do planeta. As faixas douradas e amareladas vistas na atmosfera de Saturno, são o resultado de ventos super rápidos na alta atmosfera, que podem chegar a 1.800 km/h, ao redor do equador. Sendo composto principalmente de hidrogénio e hélio, este Planeta anelado é o menos denso de todos os planetas, e é o único menos denso que a própria água. Se houvesse uma banheira grande o suficiente para contê-lo, Saturno flutuaria nela.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | C14| ZWO ADC | Barlow 2,5x Televue Powermate | Captured in Color | Average sum of 2000 frames for each sequence, using about 40 minutes of stacking. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Planet Jupiter as seen One Month Before the Opposition
The image reveals some nice details and ovals on Planet Jupiter as seen on July 16th at 02h54 UTC from Cumeada Observatory, headquarters of Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Portugal, captured almost one month before the opposition.
PT: A imagem revela o gigante gasoso planeta Júpiter visível a 16 de Julho de 2021 às 02h54 UTC, captado a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, sede da Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, um mês antes de atingit a sua oposição.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | C14| ZWO ADC | Barlow 2,5x Televue Powermate | Captured in Color | Average sum of 2000 frames for each sequence, using about 16 minutes of De-rotation. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Like Flying over Plato Crater and Vallis Alpes Lunar Valley
Like if we were making an orbital flight over the moon, the image captured on March 23, 2021 from Dark Sky® Alqueva Observatory, in Cumeada village, Portugal, on a very steady night, shows in close-up a high-resolution sharp view of Plato and Vallis Alpes. Located on the northeastern shore of the Mare Imbrium, at the western extremity of the Montes Alpes mountain range. Plato is a lava-filled lunar impact crater with an age of around 3.84 billion years, featuring a 100,7km in diameter has an irregular rim with 2-km-tall jagged peaks that project prominent shadows across the crater floor when the Sun is at a low angle. Sections of the inner wall display signs of past slumping, most notably a large triangular slide along the western side. The rim of Plato is circular, but from the Earth it appears oval due to foreshortening. The flat floor of Plato has a relatively low albedo, making it appear dark in comparison to the surrounding rugged terrain. The floor is free of significant impact craters and lacks a central peak. However, there are a few small craterlets scattered across the floor. East of the crater, among the Montes Alpes, are several rilles collectively named the Rimae Plato. Near the lower left corner, is located Vallis Alpes, an incredible lunar valley featuring that bisects the Montes Alpes range. It extends 166 km from the Mare Imbrium basin. The valley is narrow at both ends and widens to a maximum width of about 10 km along the middle stretch. The valley floor is a flat, lava-flooded surface that is bisected by a slender, broken, cleft-like rille. The sides of the valley rise from the floor to the surrounding highland terrain, a blocky, irregular surface.
PT: Como se estivéssemos em pleno voo orbital sobre a lua, a imagem captada em 23 de Março de 2021 a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal, numa noite com a atmosfera muito estável, mostra uma visão nítida e em alta resolução da cratera Plato e Vallis Alpes. Localizada na costa nordeste do Mare Imbrium, na extremidade oeste da cordilheira dos Montes Alpes. Plato (Platão) é uma cratera de impacto lunar cheia de lava com uma idade de cerca de 3,84 mil milhões de anos, apresentando um diâmetro de 100,7 km e uma extremidadee irregular com picos recortados de 2 km de altura que projetam sombras proeminentes no chão da cratera quando o Sol está um ângulo baixo. Secções da parede interna mostram sinais de queda, no passado, principalmente uma grande marca triangular ao longo do lado oeste. O limbo de Plato é circular, mas visto da Terra parece oval devido ao efeito de compressão da perspectiva. O piso plano de Plato tem um albedo relativamente baixo, fazendo com que pareça escuro em comparação com o terreno acidentado circundante. O chão está livre de crateras de impacto significativas e não possui um pico central. No entanto, existem algumas pequenas crateras espalhadas pela superfície. A Este da cratera, entre os Montes Alpes, existem vários canais chamados coletivamente de Rimae Plato. Perto do canto esquerdo inferior, está localizado Vallis Alpes, um incrível vale lunar que divide a cordilheira dos Montes Alpes. Estende-se por 166 km desde a bacia do Mare Imbrium. O vale é estreito em ambas as extremidades e se alarga até uma largura máxima de cerca de 10 km ao longo do trecho intermédio. O fundo do vale é uma superfície plana inundada de lava que é dividida ao meio por um canal fino, quebrado e semelhante a uma fenda. Os lados do vale elevam-se do solo até o terreno montanhoso circundante, uma superfície irregular e em blocos.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Meade UHTC LX200 12″ GPS| Barlow 4x Televue Powermate | Sum of 200 frames for each panel. Processing on AutoStakkert 3, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC 2021. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A lunar Scene Shows a Close-up Sharp View of Copernicus Crater
Captured on March 23, 2021 from Dark Sky® Alqueva Observatory, in Cumeada village, Portugal, on a very steady night, the close-up view shows a high-resolution sharp view of Copernicus crater. Visible slightly northwest of the center of the Moon’s Earth-facing hemisphere, Copernicus is an impact crater located on the eastern Oceanus Procellarum. With a diameter of 96,1km and a depth of 3.8 km, it may have been created by debris from the breakup of the parent body of asteroid 495 Eulalia, around 800 million years ago. The circular rim has a discernible hexagonal form, with a terraced inner wall and a 30 km wide, sloping rampart that descends nearly a kilometer to the surrounding mare. There are three distinct terraces visible, and arc-shaped landslides due to slumping of the inner wall as the crater debris subsided. Most likely due to its recent formation, the crater floor has not been flooded by lava. The terrain along the bottom is hilly in the upper part, while the other half is relatively smooth. The central peaks separated from each other by valleys, consist of three isolated mountainous rises climbing as high as 1.2 km above the floor. The crater rays spread as far as 800 kilometers across the surrounding mare, overlying rays from the craters Aristarchus and Kepler. The data on this description are based in the data of Lunar Orbiter 5, Terry W. Offield of the U.S. Geological Survey.
PT: Captada em 23 de Março de 2021 a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal, numa noite com a atmosfera muito estável, mostra uma visão nítida em alta resolução da cratera Copernicus. Visível ligeiramente a noroeste do centro do hemisfério da Lua que está voltado para a Terra, Copernicus é uma cratera de impacto localizada ana região Este do Oceanus Procellarum. Com um diâmetro de 96,1 km e uma profundidade de 3,8 km, pode ter sido criada por destroços do asteróide 495 Eulália, há cerca de 800 milhões de anos atrás. As paredes externas circulares têm uma forma hexagonal perceptível, com uma parede interna em forma de terraço e uma muralha inclinada de 30 km de largura que desce quase um quilômetro até o mar circundante. Existem três terraços distintos visíveis e deslizamentos de terra em forma de arco devido à queda da parede interna à medida que os detritos da cratera diminuíram. Muito provavelmente, devido à sua formação recente, o fundo da cratera não foi inundado por lava. O terreno ao longo do fundo é acidentado na parte superior, enquanto a outra metade é relativamente plana. Os picos centrais separados uns dos outros por vales, consistem em três elevações montanhosas isoladas que chegam a 1,2 km acima do solo. Os raios de impacto da cratera estenderam-se até 800 quilômetros ao redor do mar, sobrepondo-se aos raios das crateras Aristarchus e Kepler. Os dados utlizados na pormenorização desta cratera baseiam-se nos dados do Lunar Orbiter 5, e na descrição detalhada do Terry W. Offield do U.S. Geological Survey.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Meade UHTC LX200 12″ GPS| Barlow 4x Televue Powermate | Sum of 200 frames for each panel. Processing on AutoStakkert 3, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC 2021. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Clavius and Moretus in a Sharp Lunarscape Scene
Like if we were making an orbital flight over the moon, the image captured on March 23, 2021 from Dark Sky® Alqueva Observatory, in Cumeada village, Portugal, on a very steady night, shows a high-resolution sharp view of Clavius along with Moretus craters framed in the same scene. Being Clavius one of the largest and older formations on the lunar surface, features a diameter of 230.8Km and a Depth of 3.5 km, and it was formed during the Nectarian period. The convex plain floor was flooded with lava at about 4 billion years ago, it has a low outer wall comparing to its size, marked by some small and large crater impacts, like the detailed Rutherfurd visible in the upper part of the crater wall with a diameter of 47,4km and depth of 2,5km, as well as Porter – lower part of the crater wall near the lower egde of the image – with 51,3km in diameter. Last October 2020, NASA has announced and confirmed the existence of a molecular water near Clavius. But this lunarscape scene also shows another very interesting crater, Moretus – upper right corner – with a diameter of 114km. Due to the location near the lunar limb, the crater appears oblong because of foreshortening. The rim of the crater has a wide, terraced inner wall, and a complex outer rampart. The floor has been partly resurfaced and is relatively flat. In the middle is a central mountain formation that rises about 2.1 kilometers above the surrounding floor.
PT: Como se estivéssemos em pleno voo orbital sobre a lua, esta imagem captada a 23 de Março de 2021 a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal, numa noite com a atmosfera muito estável, mostra uma visão nítida em alta resolução da cratera Clavius juntamente com a cratera Moretus enquadradas na mesma cena. Sendo Clavius uma das maiores e mais antigas formações na superfície lunar, apresentando um diâmetro de 230,8 km e uma profundidade de 3,5 km, foi formada durante o período Nectárico, na escala do período geológico lunar. O chão plano e convexo foi inundado com lava há cerca de 4 mil milhões de anos atrás, revelando uma parede externa baixa comparada com o seu tamanho total, marcada por alguns impactos que formaram pequenas e grandes crateras, como a detalhada Rutherfurd visível na parte superior da parede da cratera com um diâmetro de 47,4km e uma profundidade de 2,5km, assim como a Porter – visível na parte inferior da parede da cratera, próxima à parte inferior da imagem – com 51,3km de diâmetro. Em outubro de 2020, a NASA anunciou e confirmou a existência de uma molécula de águra perto de Clavius. Mas esta paisagem lunar também mostra outra cratera muito interessante, Moretus, com um diâmetro de 114 km. Devido à localização próxima ao limbo lunar, a cratera parece oblonga devido à perspectiva. O extremo da cratera tem uma parede interna ampla e em terraço, assim como uma muralha externa complexa. O piso foi parcialmente recapeado e é relativamente plano. No meio está uma formação montanhosa central que se eleva a cerca de 2,1 quilémetros acima do solo circundante.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Meade UHTC LX200 12″ GPS| Barlow 4x Televue Powermate | Sum of 200 frames for each panel. Processing on AutoStakkert 3, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC 2021. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
1h Rotation of Planet Mars
Captured on 29th October 2020 from Dark Sky® Alqueva Observatory, when Mars was still close, the final image compiless thousands of frames and a time lapse sequence of about 60 minutes. The left image with the South Polar Cap facing down, shows many interesting albedo features like Chryse Planitia in the top and below the blueish cloud system visible above the North Pole. In center, is an extensive land mass called Margaritifer Terra and on the right, the plateau of Meridiani Planum with the large crater Schiaparelli (close to the orange large area). The left terminator is also spread with blueish clouds and haze. The right image features the South Polar Cap at the top.
PT: Captada dia 29 de Outubro de 2020 a partir do Observatório Dark Sky® Alqueva, na Cumeada, enquanto Marte ainda se encontrava relativamente próximo, a imagem final compila milhares de frames e uma sequência time lapse de cerca de 60 minutos. A imagem à esquerda, com a Calote Polar Sul voltada para baixo, revela muitas características de albedo interessantes como Chryse Planitia, no topo, e logo abaixo de um sistema azulado de nuvens que circundam a região polar norte. No centro, está uma extensa massa de terra chamada Margaritifer Terra e à direita, o planalto de Meridiani Planum com a grande cratera Schiaparelli (próximo à região desértica alaranjada). No terminador esquerdo, é possível ver alguma neblina azul. A imagem à diretia, mostra a Calota Polar Sul no topo.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Celestron C14| ZWO ADC | Barlow 4x Televue Powermate. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6, WinJupos, and Photoshop CC2021. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Planet Mars in Opposition Revealing a Detailed Surface
Captured during the midnight of October 13th from Dark Sky® Alqueva Observatory, when Mars has reach its opposition, the final image compiles 6 Derotated sequences of thousands of frames with an average of good to very good Seeing conditions. Being so far, the most detailed image I´ve captured of a planet, is featuring a lot of nice details on the surface of the Red Planet. The left image shows the South Polar Cap on the top, and below are the extensive land mass like Terra Sirenum and Terra Cimmeria (left and right), flat volcanic plains such as Amazonis Planitia and Elysium Planitia (orange areas), as well as the site where MSL Rover Curiosity has landed in 2012, in Gale crater (large dark arm near the right edge, which extends to the orange area). In the opposite direction close to the left terminator, a circular shape is featuring the largest known volcano and tallest mountain in the Solar System, Olympus Mons. Above it, the left limb is spread with clouds and haze above the volcanic region where is located Ascraeus, Tharsis and Arsia Mons. On the right, is visible an annotated version with North at the top.
PT: Captada por volta da meia-noite de dia 13 de Outubro a partir do Observatório do Dark Sky® Alqueva, na Cumeada, na altura em que Marte atingiu a Oposição, a imagem compreende 6 sequências de milhares de frames em condições de Seeing estável, a muito bom. Sendo até agora a imagem mais detalhada que tive oportunidade de captar de um planeta, apresenta vários detalhes interessantes que se conseguem identificar na superfície do Planeta Vermelho. A imagem da esquerda mostra o Calote Polar Sul no topo, e abaixo extensas massas de terra intituiladas Terra Sirenum e Terra Cimmeria (esquerda e direita), planícies vulcânicas como Amazonis Planitia e Elysium Planitia (área laranja), bem como o local onde o MSL Rover Curiosity pousou em 2012, na cratera Gale (braço escuro próximo ao limbo direito, que se estende até à área laranja). Na direção oposta, perto do Terminador esquerdo, uma forma circular revela o maior vulcão e a montanha mais alta conhecida do nosso Sistema Solar, o Monte Olympus. Acima deste, na zona central do limbo esquerdo, é possível ver uma grande cobertura de nuvens e neblina acima da região vulcânica onde estão localizados Ascraeus, Tharsis e o Monte Arsia. À direita, é visível uma versão legendada com o Pólo Norte na topo.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Celestron C14| ZWO ADC | Barlow 2,5x Televue Powermate. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6, WinJupos, and Photoshop CC2020. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Planet Jupiter and Europa Moon from Cumeada Observatory at Dark Sky Alqueva Headquarters
The image reveals some details on Planet Jupiter as seen on June 17th at 01h20 UTC, from Cumeada Observatory, headquarters of Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Portugal. The image also shows the presence of Europa moon, visible at the left side of the planet.
PT: A imagem revela o gigante gasoso planeta Júpiter visível a 17 de Junho de 2019 à 01h20 UTC, captado a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, sede da Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, a imagem revela ainda a presença da lua Europa, visível à esquerda do planeta.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI224MC | Meade LX200 ACF GPS 12″| ZWO ADC | Barlow 2x Televue Powermate | Captured in Color and IR 685nm filter | Average sum of 2000 frames for each sequence, using about 19 minutes of De-rotation. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Planet Jupiter with GRS and Io Moon from Cumeada Observatory at Dark Sky Alqueva Headquarters
Planet Jupiter and the Great Red Spot (GRP) visible in the left side of the Jovian disc, as seen on April 28th at 04h13 UTC, from Cumeada Observatory, headquarters of Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Portugal. The image also reveals the presence of Io moon, visible at the left side of the planet.
PT: O planeta Júpiter e a Grande Mancha Vermelha (GRS) visível no lado esquerdo do disco Joviano no passado dia 28 de Abril às 04h13 UTC, captado a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, sede da Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, a imagem revela ainda a presença da lua Io, visível à esquerda do planeta.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Meade LX200 ACF GPS 12″| ZWO ADC | Barlow 2x Televue Powermate | Average sum of 2000 frames for each sequence, using about 12 minutes of De-rotation. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Flying above Moretus Crater
This lunar landscape scene, captured from Cumeada Observatory, headquarter of Dark Sky Alqueva reserve, shows in detail the lunar impact crater of Moretus (located at left), with a diameter of 114km. Due to the location near the lunar limb, the crater appears oblong because of foreshortening. The rim of the crater has a wide, terraced inner wall, and a complex outer rampart. The floor has been partly resurfaced and is relatively flat. In the middle is a central mountain formation that rises about 2.1 kilometers above the surrounding floor.
PT: Um cenário de paisagem lunar, captado a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, sede da reserva Dark Sky Alqueva, mostra em detalhe a cratera de impacto lunar Moretus (localizada à esquerda), com um diâmetro de 114km. Devido à localização perto do limbo lunar, a cratera parece oblonga por causa do escorço. A borda da cratera tem uma parede interna ampla, com pequenos terraços e uma muralha externa complexa. O piso foi parcialmente ressurgido e é relativamente plano. No centro está uma formação montanhosa que se eleva cerca de 2,1km acima do piso ao redor.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Celestron C14 EDGE HD (XLT)| Barlow 2x Televue Powermate | Sum of 200 frames. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Flying over the Moon Crater Aristoteles and Rimae of Theaetetus
This lunar landscape scene, captured from Cumeada Observatory, headquarter of Dark Sky Alqueva reserve, shows in detail the lunar impact crater of Aristoteles (upper left corner), with a diameter of 87,6km, and below it, the crater of Eudoxus, with a diameter of 70,2km. Almost centred is visible the Cassini crater with 56,4,km that includes two small craters, featuring Cassini A and Cassini B, with respectively 15km, and only 9km in diameter. From the bottom center to the low edge of the image, are visible two main rilles, the Rima Calippus with a lenght of 20km and Rimae of Theaetetus, with a length of 25km. On the right side, we can also see another two large craters, Aristillus with a diameter of 55km, and below it, the crater of Autolycus with 38,9km.
PT: Um cenário de paisagem lunar, captado a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, sede da reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, mostra em detalhe a cratera de impacto lunar de Aristoteles (canto superior esquerdo), com um diâmetro de 87,6km, e abaixo desta, a cratera de Eudoxus, com um diâmetro de 70,2km. Quase ao centro, é visível a cratera Cassini com 56,4 km, que inclui duas pequenas crateras, a Cassini A e Cassini B, com respectivamente 15km e apenas 9km de diâmetro. Do centro inferior ao extremo inferior da imagem, são visíveis dois canais principais, o Rima Calippus com um comprimento de 20 km e Rimae de Theaetetus, com um comprimento de 25 km. No lado direito, também podemos ver outras duas grandes crateras, Aristillus com um diâmetro de 55 km, e abaixo dela, a cratera de Autolycus com 38,9 km.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Celestron C14 EDGE HD (XLT)| Barlow 2x Televue Powermate | Sum of 200 frames. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.
Planet Jupiter and the Great Red Spot
Planet Jupiter and the Great Red Spot (GRP) visible in the right side of the Jovian disc, as seen in February 23, from Cumeada Observatory, headquarters of Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Portugal.
PT: O planeta Júpiter e a Grande Mancha Vermelha (GRS) visível no lado direito do disco Joviano no passado dia 23 de Fevereiro, captado a partir do Observatório da Cumeada, sede da Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Camera ASI174MC | Celestron C14 EDGE HD (XLT)| ZWO ADC | Barlow 2x Televue Powermate | Sum of 3000 frames. Processing on AutoStakkert, Registax 6 and Photoshop CC. Cumeada Observatory from Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, Reguengos de Monsaraz.