Planets Aligned with Zodiacal Light agains the Winter Path of Milky Galaxy

The faint path of Zodiacal Light shining along the ecliptic plane, also highlighting some of the brightest planets visible in the winter starry skies of Dark Sky® Alqueva region, Portugal. Best seen between late January and early April from the northern hemisphere at the end of nautical twilight, the zodiacal light is a faint light beam that extends along the ecliptic plane, where are located the constellations of the Zodiac. It is caused by the scattering of sunlight in cosmic dust particles that can be found scattered all over the Solar System. In conjunction and close to the horizon, against the faint light are shining planet Venus and Saturn. Neptune and Uranus are also marked on the photo, but not visible with naked eye. Follow the faint path we will find at the zenith, Planet Jupiter, not faraway from Pleiades star cluster. In the opposite direction, the red planet, Mars, is forming a perfect line with Castor and Pollux, the main bright stars from Gemini constellation. High in the sky, at the right side of Zodiacal light and close to the winter Milky Way path, Andromeda galaxy M31 and M33 are still visible. Below you can experience a Virtual Reality 360º in 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: A imagem revela o ténue percurso da Luz Zodiacal brilhando ao longo do plano da eclíptica, destacando também alguns dos planetas mais brilhantes visíveis nos céus estrelados de Inverno do Dark Sky® Alqueva, em Portugal. Mais facilmente visível entre o final de Janeiro e o início de Abril – a partir do hemisfério norte – ao final do crepúsculo náutico, a luz zodiacal é um feixe de luz suave que se estende ao longo do plano da eclíptica, onde se encontram as constelações do Zodíaco. É causada pela dispersão da luz solar em partículas de poeira cósmica que podem ser encontradas e espalhadas por todo o Sistema Solar. Em conjunção e perto do horizonte, contra a emissão esbranquiçada da luz zodiacal, brilham os planetas Vénus e Saturno. Neptuno e Urano também estão assinalados na imagem VR360, não sendo contudo visíveis a olho nu. Seguindo o caminho ténue até ao zénite, encontraremos o planeta Júpiter, e perto deste, o enxame estelar das Pleiades. Na direção oposta, o planeta vermelho, Marte, forma uma linha perfeita com Castor e Pólux, as principais estrelas brilhantes da constelação de Gémeos. No alto do céu e à direita da luz zodiacal, perto da trajetória da Via Láctea de Inverno, brilham as galáxias de Andrómeda M31 e M33. O leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual de alta-resolução 7K, usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Zodiacal Light and Winter Planets Shining with Andromeda above Dark Sky® Alqueva fields
The image reveals the faint path of Zodiacal Light shining along the ecliptic plane, also highlighting some of the brightest planets visible in the winter starry skies of Dark Sky® Alqueva region, Portugal. Best seen between late January and early April from the northern hemisphere at the end of nautical twilight, the zodiacal light is a faint light beam that extends along the ecliptic plane, where are located the constellations of the Zodiac. It is caused by the scattering of sunlight in cosmic dust particles that can be found scattered all over the Solar System. In conjunction and close to the horizon, against the faint light are shining planet Venus and Saturn. Follow the faint path we will find at the top left corner Planet Jupiter. Not faraway from Pleiades star cluster, will be also located Uranus, not visible though with naked eye. At the right center, Andromeda galaxy M31 is forming almost a perfect triangle with Jupiter and Venus, fulfilling the entire scene.
PT: A imagem revela o ténue percurso da Luz Zodiacal brilhando ao longo do plano da eclíptica, destacando também alguns dos planetas mais brilhantes visíveis nos céus estrelados de Inverno do Dark Sky® Alqueva, em Portugal. Mais facilmente visível entre o final de Janeiro e o início de Abril – a partir do hemisfério norte – ao final do crepúsculo náutico, a luz zodiacal é um feixe de luz suave que se estende ao longo do plano da eclíptica, onde se encontram as constelações do Zodíaco. É causada pela dispersão da luz solar em partículas de poeira cósmica que podem ser encontradas e espalhadas por todo o Sistema Solar. Em conjunção e perto do horizonte, contra a emissão esbranquiçada da luz zodiacal, brilham os planetas Vénus e Saturno. Seguindo o caminho ténue e encontraremos no canto superior esquerdo o Planeta Júpiter. Não muito longe do enxame estelar das Pléiades, encontra-se ainda o planeta Urano, embora não seja perceptível na imagem nem igualmente visível a olho nu. No centro direito, a galáxia de Andrómeda M31 forma um asterismo triangular quase perfeito com os planetas Júpiter e Vénus, situados nos extremos opostos desse triângulo equilátero, preenchendo todo o cenário deste retrato astronómico.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A Swing “Between” Crescent Moon and Venus under the Twilight Colors
Captured at the end of nautical twilight, the image reveals a wonderful celestial encounter with the crescent Moon visible only 4.5º apart from planet Venus, shining this time of the year (September) in the western sky as the “Evening Star”. In the foreground, a stargazer enjoys the celestial view while relaxing in a swing made of wood, located in Estremoz, the most recent region joining the Dark Sky® Alqueva certified territory, in Portugal.
PT: Captado no final do crepúsculo náutico, a imagem revela um encontro celeste colorido com a lua crescente visível a apenas 4,5º de distância do planeta Vénus, que brilha nesta altura do ano como a “Estrela da Tarde”, no céu Oeste. Em primeiro plano, uma stargazer desfruta desta visão cósmica enquanto relaxa num baloiço feito de madeira, localizado no concelho de Estremoz, a região que mais recentemente integrou o território já certificado do Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Venus and Jupiter in a Romantic Twilight Conjunction above Alentejo Fields in Dark Sky® Alqueva
The image shows a sky pairing in a twilight scene while planets Venus and Jupiter were still close in a romantic conjunction as seen from Alentejo fields inside Dark Sky® Alqueva territory, in Portugal.
PT: A imagem revela um par celestial num cenário ao crepúsculo enquanto os planetas Vénus e Júpiter ainda estavam próximos numa conjunção romântica, vista a partir dos campos dourados do Alentejo no interior do território Dark Sky® Alqueva, em Portugal.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Waning Gibbous Moon Rising like a Torch of Hope above the Golf of Oman
The image shows a sequence of a waning gibbous moon while rising in a warm night of November, above the Golf of Oman, in Muskat. In the other side of the Sea, close to the horizon where the red-blood moon is visible, there is Iran, a beautiful country full of good and talented people which is now suffering while trying to fight for their freedom. The world is a wonderful place and needs our urgent action, care and attention as a humankind. Let’s choose Love and Beauty as our inner guide to have a plenty life in this short journey through the planet Earth.
PT: A imagem mostra a sequência de uma lua minguante em quanto nasce e se ergue numa noite quente de Novembro, acima do Golfo de Omã, em Muskat. Do outro lado do mar, perto do horizonte onde a lua avermellhada é visível, está o Irão, um país cheio de riqueza paisagística e culturar, com pessoas boas, inteligentes e talentosas mas que agora sofrem enquanto tentam lutar pela sua liberdade. O mundo é um lugar maravilhoso e precisa de nossa ação, cuidado e atenção urgentes, precisa da nossa Humanidade mais do que nunca. O meu apelo nesta foto, é para que todos possamos escolher o Amor e a Beleza como a bússola interior que nos leve a uma vida repleta de alegria e magia, nesta curta viagem pelo planeta Terra.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Colorful Scenes Before and After the New Moon Reveals a Lunar Earthshine at Dawn and Dusk
Captured one day before the New Moon and the last Partial Solar Eclipse of the year, against the colorful background in the morning twilight of Antalya, Turkey, the image reveals not only a smiling Waning Crescent Moon but also the rare view of planet Mercury, the Inner planet more close to the Sun and by that reason, very difficult to see and spot in the eastern sky. Looking carefully to the end of the pier where is the last lounge roof, we can find the orange bright dot. Now on the right image, captured with the same 200mm lens and almost from the same location on a pier in the beach, reveals the scene while looking to the opposite direction of the sky, this time facing to west just two days after the new moon and 30 minutes after the sunset. The Earthshine is again visible, but the smile has slightly changed due to the Moon position regarding the Sun. Described and drawn for the first time by Leonardo Da Vinci about 500 years ago on his book Codex Leicester, Leonardo da Vinci explained the phenomenon known as Earthshine in the early 16th century, when he realised that both Earth and the Moon reflect sunlight at the same time. Light is reflected from the Earth to the Moon and back to the Earth as earthshine.The image shows a sequence of shots in time lapse mode, while the Moon Earthshine of last October was setting above Bey mountains and close to Mediterranean Sea.
PT: Captada um dia antes da Lua Nova e do último Eclipse Solar Parcial do ano, contra o fundo colorido do crepúsculo matinal de Antalya, na Turquia, a imagem revela não apenas uma Lua Minguante sorridente, mas também a rara visão do planeta Mercúrio, o Planeta interior mais próximo do Sol e por isso, muito difícil de ver e localizar no céu oriental. Olhando atentamente para o final do cais onde fica o último telhado da zona lounge, podemos encontrar um ponto laranja brilhante. Já na imagem à direita, captada com a mesma lente de 200mm e quase do mesmo local do pontão na praia, revela o cenário na direção oposta do céu, desta vez voltado para oeste apenas dois dias após a lua nova e 30 minutos após o pôr do sol. O Earthshine é novamente visível, mas o sorriso mudou ligeiramente devido à posição da Lua em relação ao Sol. Descrito e desenhado pela primeira vez por Leonardo Da Vinci há cerca de 500 anos em seu livro Codex Leicester, Leonardo da Vinci explicou o fenómeno conhecido como Earthshine no início do século XVI, quando percebeu que tanto a Terra quanto a Lua refletem a luz solar ao mesmo tempo. A luz é refletida da Terra para a Lua e de volta para a Terra como Earthshine. A imagem mostra ainda uma sequência fotográfica em modo time lapse, enquanto o Earthshine lunar de Outubro se deitava acima das montanhas Bey e perto do Mar Mediterrâneo.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Sequence of a Lunar Earthshine as Seen above Bey Mountains in Turkey
Two to three days after the new moon, is the ideal time to enjoy the Earthshine phenomenon (meaning the light is reflected from the Earth to the Moon, and back to the Earth again as earthshine), for being totally visible with the naked eye 30 minutes after the sunset, and not faraway from the western horizon. The image shows a sequence of shots while the Moon Earthshine of October was setting above Bey mountains and close to Mediterranean Sea, in Antalya, Turkey.
PT: Dois a três dias após a lua nova é o momento ideal para apreciar o fenómeno Earthshine (ou seja, a luz é refletida da Terra para a Lua, e novamente de volta da Lua para a Terra em forma de Earthshine), por ser totalmente visível a olho nú cerca de 30 minutos após o pôr-do-sol, e não muito longe do horizonte ocidental. A imagem mostra uma sequência de fotos enquanto o Earthshine lunar de Outubro se deitava atrás das montanhas Bey, perto do Mar Mediterrâneo, em Antalya, Turquia..
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Mercury and a Waning Crescent Moon Against the Colorful Twilight of Antalya
Captured one day before the New Moon and the last Partial Solar Eclipse of the year, against the colorful background in the morning twilight of Antalya, Turkey, the image reveals not only a smiling Waning Crescent Moon but also the rare view of planet Mercury, the Inner planet more close to the Sun and by that reason, very difficult to see and spot it. Look carefully to the end of the pier where is the last lounge roof. Did you find the orange bright dot?
PT: Captada um dia antes da Lua Nova e do último Eclipse Solar Parcial do ano, contra o colorido pano de fundo do crepúsculo matinal de Antalya, na Turquia, a imagem revela não apenas uma Lua Minguante sorridente, mas também a rara visão do planeta Mercúrio, o planeta interior mais próximo do Sol, e por esse motivo, muito difícil de ser visto e identificado. Olhe atentamente para o final do pontão, onde fica localizado o tecto do último lounge. Encontrou o ponto laranja brilhante?.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Kicking the Moon Right on Target During a Partial Solar Eclipse
The image shows the entire sequence of last Partial Solar Eclipse of the year in October 25, 2022, seen above the Mediterranean Sea, from Antalya, Turkey. The background captured in the morning twilight of the same day, shows the Earth Shadow and Belt of Venus visible in the back, while my own silhouette was giving a kick…like if the Moon was a black ball crossing in front of the solar disc. The solar disc was captured with a baader filter using a 14-24mm lens set to 22mm. As well as the the foreground image (without the solar filter), which was taken with the same focal distance at approximately the same place. If you want to see another version while throwing the Moon into the Sun, click here.
PT: A imagem mostra o último Eclipse Solar Parcial do ano – ocorrido a 25 de Outubro de 2022 – visto acima do Mar Mediterrâneo e a partir de Antalya, na Turquia. A imagem em pano de fundo foi captada ao crepúsculo náutico do mesmo dia, mostrando a “Sombra da Terra e o Cinturão de Vénus” (faixa azul escura e rosa, visível logo acima do horizonte) enquanto a minha própria silhueta dava um chuto bem forte…na nossa querida Lua, como se esta fosse uma pequena bola preta que subiu tão alto, que cobriu um pedaço do Sol. O disco solar foi captado com um filtro baader usando uma lente 14-24mm ajustada para 22mm. Assim como a imagem de primeiro plano (sem o filtro solar), que foi captada com a mesma distância focal e aproximadamente no mesmo local. Se me quiser ver noutra versão, a lançar uma lua ao Sol, clique aqui.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Sungazers Enjoying the Sequence of the Last Partial Solar Eclipse of the Year
The image shows the entire sequence of last Partial Solar Eclipse of the year in October 25, 2022, seen above the Mediterranean Sea, from Antalya, Turkey. The background captured in the morning twilight of the same day, shows the Earth Shadow and Belt of Venus visible in the back, while a couple of sungazers (me and my girlfriend) were enjoying the sky and simulating to point to the path. The solar disc was captured with a baader filter between 13:40h and 18:00h (+3h UT), when the sun was in the Meridian and until it was setting behind the Bey mountains, using a 14-24mm lens set to 22mm. As well as the the foreground image (without the solar filter), which was taken with the same focal distance at approximately the same place.
PT: A imagem mostra toda a sequência do último Eclipse Solar Parcial do ano – ocorrido a 25 de Outubro de 2022 – visto acima do Mar Mediterrâneo e a partir de Antalya, na Turquia. A imagem em pano de fundo foi captada ao crepúsculo náutico do mesmo dia, mostrando a “Sombra da Terra e o Cinturão de Vénus” (faixa azul escura e rosa, visível logo acima do horizonte) enquanto um casal de sungazers (eu e minha namorada) aproveitavam o céu e simulavam apontar o caminho descrito pelo Sol. O disco solar foi captado com um filtro baader entre 13:40h e 18:00h (+3h UT), quando o sol estava no Meridiano e até este se pôr atrás das montanhas Bey, usando uma lente 14-24mm ajustada para 22mm. Assim como a imagem de primeiro plano (sem o filtro solar), que foi captada com a mesma distância focal e aproximadamente no mesmo local.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Sequence of Partial Solar Eclipse as seen Above Mediterranean Sea from Antalya in Turkey
The image shows the entire sequence of last Partial Solar Eclipse of the year in October 25, 2022, seen above the Mediterranean Sea, from Antalya, Turkey. Captured between 13:40h and 18:00h (+3h UT), when the sun was in the Meridian and until it sets behind the Bey mountains.
PT: A imagem mostra toda a sequência do último Eclipse Solar Parcial ano, ocorrido a 25 de Outubro de 2022, visto acima do Mar Mediterrâneo, a partir de Antalya na Turquia. Captada entre as 13:40h e as 18h00 (+3h UT) desde que o sol se encontrava no Meridiano e até este se pôr por de trás das montanhas Bey. No canto superior esquerdo é possível ver cerca de 35% do disco lunar a cobrir o Sol.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A Twilight Cityscape View Shows the Full Moonrise Sequence Against the London Skyline
A night cityscape view shows the October’s full moon, also knwon as the Hunter’s Moon, visible in a twilight sequence while rising and pairing along with planet Jupiter above the skyline of London city, in UK, one of the most busy cities in the world.
PT: Uma visão nocturna citadina mostra a lua cheia de Outubro – também conhecida como a Lua do Caçador ou Hunter’s Moon – visível numa sequência de disparos captados ao crepúsculo náutico, enquanto esta se elevava gradualmente a par com o planeta Júpiter e acima do horizonte londrino, no Reino Unido, uma das cidades mais movimentadas do mundo.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
The Full Hunter’s Moon Pairing with Jupiter above the Skyline of London City
A night cityscape view shows the October’s full moon, also knwon as the Hunter’s Moon, while rising and pairing along with planet Jupiter above the skyline of London city, in UK, one of the most busy cities in the world. The result is a panoramic of single shots taken at 50mm in the night before the Full Moon, on Saturday 8. There was a little thin layer of high clouds in the sky, which helped for the natural look of an HDR technique, used regarding the moon disc region itself, which is the result of 3 different exposures combined..
PT: Uma visão nocturna citadina mostra a lua cheia de Outubro, também conhecida como a Lua do Caçador ou Hunter’s Moon, enquanto esta se elevava a par com o planeta Júpiter acima do horizonte londrino, no Reino Unido, numa das cidades mais movimentadas do mundo. O resultado é uma panorâmica de disparos únicos captados com uma focal de 50mm na noite anterior à Lua Cheia. Havia uma pequena camada fina de nuvens altas no céu, o que ajudou para o aspecto mais natural resultado da técnica HDR, aplicada em relação à própria região do disco lunar e que compreende assim a combinação de exposições com 3 velocidade diferentes.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A Stargazer with Mercury, Venus, Moon and Pleiades above Alqueva Lake
On the morning of 26th June, the waning crescent Moon was in a close alignment with planet Venus and Pleiades star cluster M45, featuring a wonderful Earthshine. While Pleiades are high in the Sky and near the upper edge, Mercury has joined the show and is close to the horizon. Dificult to find ? Yes, so please, follow my arm, I´m the photographer on the ground holding the bright light and pointing to the same region of the sky you are looking for. Hope it helps you to identify the small orange light of planet Mercury. Captured in the calm waters of Alqueva lake, at Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
PT: Na manhã de 26 de Junho, a lua minguante encontrava-se num alinhamento muito próximo com o planeta Vénus e o aglomerado das Pleiades M45, exibindo ainda um maravilhoso Earthshine lunar. Enquanto as Pleiades estão altas e no topo superior da imagem, Mercúrio também se juntou ao show e está junto ao horizonte. Difícil de encontrar? Sim, então por favor, siga o meu braço estendido, eu sou o fotógrafo visível na imagem segurando a luz brilhante e apontando para a mesma região do céu que o leitor está à procura. Espero que o ajude a identificar a pequena luz laranja que é o planeta Mercúrio na imagem. Captada nas águas calmas do lago Alqueva, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A Waning Crescent Moon in Close Conjunction with Planet Venus and Pleiades Star Cluster
On the morning of 26th June, the waning crescent Moon was in a close alignment with planet Venus and Pleiades star cluster M45, featuring a wonderful Earthshine. Mercury has joined the show later, for being so close to the Sun. The background sky in the twilight reveals a beautiful combination of colors, while in the foregound, the main two scources of bright lights are reflected in the calm water of Alqueva lake, at Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
PT: Na manhã de 26 de Junho, a lua minguante encontrava-se num alinhamento muito próximo com o planeta Vénus e o aglomerado das Pleiades M45, exibindo ainda um maravilhoso Earthshine lunar. O planeta Mercúrio juntou-se ao show mais tarde, por estar tão perto do Sol. O céu de fundo ao crepúsculo revela uma bela combinação de cores, enquanto no primeiro plano, as duas principais fontes de luzes brilhantes, estão reflectidas nas águas calmas do lago Alqueva, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A Twilight Show Reveals the Moon and 7 Planets Aligend Along the Ecliptic Plane
On the morning of 26th June, all planets were aligned along the Ecliptic plane. The waning crescent Moon has joined the parade, being very close to Venus and Pleiades star cluster. Mercury was not visible, for being below the horizon at 4h42 AM. The panoramic twilight scene of single images, also features the faint path of Milky Way, for being mixed with the morning bluish colors. In the upper left part and not faraway from Cassiopeia constellation, is visible Andromeda galaxy. The annotated version below, features the precise position and identification of each os the 7 planets. Pluto, although, is so faint (+14 mag.) that is not possible to resolve with a small lens, so the circle is marking the star TYC 6892-0124-1, which is the star more close to real position of Pluto, and the maximum magnitude I could register (+10 mag.) with my camera. The annotated version has a magnifying circle showing the area in full resolution to help identify the faintest planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Captured in Alqueva lake, at Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
PT: Na manhã de 26 de junho, todos os planetas estavam alinhados ao longo do plano da Eclíptica. A Lua minguante juntou-se ao desfile, estando muito perto de Vénus e do aglomerado das Pleiades. Mercúrio não era visível, por estar abaixo do horizonte às 4h42 AM. O cenário crepuscular panorâmico de disparos únicas, também revela o tênue caminho da Via Láctea, por se misturar com as cores azuladas do amanhecer. Na parte superior esquerda e não muito longe da constelação de Cassiopeia, é visível a galáxia de Andrómeda. A versão anotada visível em baixo, apresenta a posição precisa e a identificação de cada um dos 7 planetas. Plutão, no entanto, é tão fraco (+14 mag.) que não é possível resolver com uma lente pequena, por isso o círculo assinala a estrela TYC 6892-0124-1, que é a estrela mais próxima da posição real de Plutão, e a magnitude máxima que consegui registrar (+10 mag.) com minha câmara. A versão anotada tem um círculo de ampliação mostrando a área em resolução total para ajudar a identificar os planetas mais fracos, Urano, Netuno e Plutão. Captada junto ao lago de Alqueva, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A Meteor and a Eclipsed Moon in the Twilight
A wide angle image is the result of a team work between me and my dear Apolónia. Captured few minutes before the morning starts, it shows the reddish glow of an eclipsed moon for being under the Earth shadow cone, mixed with the colors of the twilight in the background. luckily at the precise moment that Apolónia Rodrigues was pressing the camera button – by hand, we didn’t had more cables available as I was running 4 other cameras, a bright shooting star was crossing the field below the Milky Way, visible in the lower left edge. In the foreground, an old mine structure from Mina de São Domingos, in Mértola, at Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, is visible in the shadow.
PT: Esta visão grande angular é o resultado de um trabalho de equipa entre mim e a Apolónia. Captado poucos minutos antes do início do crepúsculo matinal, mostra o brilho avermelhado de uma lua eclipsada por estar sob a influência do cone de sombra da Terra, misturado com as cores do crepúsculo em pano de fundo. Felizmente no preciso momento em que Apolónia Rodrigues estava a premir o botão da câmara – à mão, não tínhamos mais cabos disponíveis pois eu estava a trabalhar com outras 4 câmaras, uma estrela cadente brilhante atravessava o campo abaixo da Via Láctea, visível na parte inferior da extremidade esquerda. Em primeiro plano, é visível na sombra a silhueta de uma antiga estrutura mineira do complexo da Mina de São Domingos, em Mértola, na Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Crescent Moon, Mercury and Pleiades in a Twilight Meeting
On May 2, 2022, the slightly crescent moon was visible in the western sky, featuring a wonderful Earthshine. But our natural satellite has invited some old sky friends to join the twilight party. Just 45 minutes after the sunset, and we could see the rare view of planet Mercury shining in reddish hues, apparently at the same distance and in conjunction with Pleiades star cluster M45 and the Moon. The single shot was captured during nautical twilight from a field in Cumeada village, at Dark Sky® Alqueva reserve.
PT: No passado dia 2 de Maio, 2022, a lua em fase timidamente crescente era visível no céu poente enquanto exibia um maravilhoso Earthshine. Mas o nosso satélite natural convidou alguns velhos amigos celestes para se juntarem à festa crepuscular. Apenas 45 minutos após o pôr do sol, já se podía apreciar a rara aparição do planeta Mercúrio brilhando em tons de vermelho, localizado “aproximadamente” à mesma distância e em conjunção com o aglomerado de estrelas Pleiades M45 e a Lua. A imagem resultante de um disparo único foi captada durante o crepúsculo náutico, a partir do campo na região da Cumeada, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Cold Full Moon Rising Behind a Lonely Tree – Photo and Time Lapse

The still image shows a sequence of the full moon rising behind a wonderful lonely tree over a hill in Dark Sky® Alqueva region. Last December full moon, was also known as the cold moon, although, in some places like Alqueva, Portugal, even in December the weather can be provide nice and confortable temperatures. A time lapse footage of this same scene can be seen below. To watch with sound on.
PT: A imagem estática revela uma sequência da lua cheia surgindo atrás de uma árvore bela e solitária sobre uma colina na região de Dark Sky® Alqueva. A lua cheia de Dezembro, é também conhecida como a “lua fria”, embora em alguns locais como o Alqueva, Portugal, mesmo em Dezembro o tempo permita desfrutar de uma agradável e confortável temperatura. Em baixo é possível ver uma sequência vídeo time lapse. Para assistir com som ligado.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Stargazing Comet Leonard with Planet Venus Against the Nautical Twilight

The image shows Comet Leonard c/2021 A1 captured at dusk from Dark Sky® Alqueva lake against the nautical twilight colors, on last 17th December 2021. Planet Venus is shinning high in a moonlight sky and reflecting its strong light in the lake surface, while a stargazer is pointing his arm to the faint comet, gradually decreasing in brightness, is barely visible even with binoculars.
PT: A imagem mostra o cometa Leonard c/2021 A1 captado ao anoitecer a partir do lago Alqueva, na região do Dark Sky®, contra as cores do crepúsculo náutico, no passado dia 17 de Dezembro de 2021. Enquanto o planeta Vénus brilhava alto num céu de luar e reflectindo a sua intensa luz na superfície do lago, uma observadora de estrelas apontava o seu braço para o ténue cometa – que com o natural descréscimo do seu brilho – era um alvo desafiante mesmo para binóculos.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Morning Colors with Comet Lenoard Shinning Above Alqueva Lake

Captured last 11th December 2021, from Dark Sky® Alqueva lake, the image shows Comet Leonard c/2021 A1 – near the closest approach to our planet – shining against the colors of the morining sky as a diffuse greenish dot with a subtle dusty tail. During this month, the Comet is expected to reach an even better magnitude to the naked eye. After 12th December, the comet will start to be visible after the twilight at Dusk and no longer at Dawn. To enjoy a Reels timelapse, Click here
PT: Captada no passado dia 11 de dezembro de 2021, no Dark Sky® junto ao lago Alqueva, a imagem mostra o cometa Leonard c/2021 A1 – quase a atingir o ponto orbital mais próximo do nosso planeta – brilhando como um ponto esverdeado difuso com uma súbtil cauda empoeirada. A partir de dia 12, o cometa começará a ser visível após o crepúsculo, ao entardecer e não mais será visível ao amanhecer como acontecia até aqui. Para ver um timelapse do Reels, Clique aqui
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Stargazing Comet Leonard in the Morning Sky above Dark Sky Alqueva Lake

Captured last 11th December 2021, from Dark Sky® Alqueva lake, the image shows a single shot with my silhouette against a background starry sky where Comet Leonard c/2021 A1 – near the closest approach to our planet – is possible to see (not really to the naked eye yet) shining as a diffuse greenish dot with a subtle dusty tail. During this month, the Comet is expected to reach an even better magnitude to the naked eye. From tomorrow on, the comet will start to be visible after the twilight at Dusk and no longer at Dawn.
PT: Captada no passado dia 11 de dezembro de 2021, no Dark Sky® junto ao lago Alqueva, a imagem mostra um disparo único com a minha silhueta contra um céu estrelado em pano de fundo onde se vê o cometa Leonard c/2021 A1 – quase a atingir o ponto orbital mais próximo do nosso planeta – brilhando como um ponto esverdeado difuso com uma súbtil cauda empoeirada. A partir de dia 12, o cometa começará a ser visível após o crepúsculo, ao entardecer e não mais será visível ao amanhecer como acontecia até aqui.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Moonrise Crossing an Inversion Layer Showing the Rare Lunar Red Flash
The image and video time lapse shows the full moonrise of last June 24, 2021, vividly orange in color above a hill made by rocky wastes from an extraction of marble, in Borba. In the foreground, blurred greenish hues belongs to a vineyard which is out of focus in the frame for being not faraway from my 600mm telephoto lens. Above the horizon, a sequence of shots shows the moon rising while seems to immerse into a layer of strong temperature inversion, where warm air is above colder air, creating the right conditions to show a rare phenomenon known as lunar “red flash”. On the second moon of the still photo sequence, is visible a red flash below the disc, appearing detach from the main body itself. Expert Les Cowley explains on his Atmospheric Optics website, “when crossing the layers, light rays bend so that they are reflected up and down. This phenomenon is the result of mirages and color separation. We usually see a green flash when the Sun or Moon dips down into the inversion.The near horizon moon has an upper green rim (green because much blue light is scattered away) and a lower red rim. A mirage is needed to magnify these into a green or red flash. The “Etruscan Vase” or “Omega mirage” is formed by refraction across the temperature/density gradients of warm air beneath cooler.” .
PT: A imagem e vídeo time lapse, revelam o nascer da lua cheia no passado dia 24 de Junho de 2021, com uma cor vívida laranja, acima de uma colina formada por resíduos rochosos de uma extração de mármore, em Borba. No primeiro plano, os tons esverdeados pertencem a uma vinha que está desfocado no enquadramento por não estar muito longe da minha teleobjetiva de 600 mm. Acima do horizonte, uma sequência de fotos mostra a lua nascendo enquanto parece imergir de uma camada com uma forte inversão de temperatura, onde o ar quente está acima do ar mais frio, criando as condições certas para mostrar um fenómeno raro, conhecido como “flash vermelho” lunar. Na segunda lua da sequência fotográfica estática, é visível um pequeno “flash” vermelho alongado logo abaixo do limbo, que se parece desprender do próprio disco lunar. O especialista britânico Les Cowley explica no seu site Atmospheric Optics, “ao cruzar as camadas, os raios de luz curvam-se de modo que são refletidos para cima e para baixo. Este fenómeno é o resultado de miragens e separação de cores. Normalmente vemos um flash verde quando o Sol ou a Lua mergulha na inversão. A lua próxima do horizonte, tem uma borda verde superior (verde porque muita da luz azul é espalhada) e uma borda vermelha inferior. Uma miragem é no entanto necessária para ampliar actuante como uma lente gigante, tornando assim visível o flash verde ou vermelho. O “Etruscan Vase” ou “Miragem Omega” é formado pela refração através dos gradientes de temperatura – densidade do ar quente abaixo do mais frio. “.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Zodiacal Light from Dark Sky® Vale do Tua
Captured from Ansiães Castle, in Tua Valley, territory of Dark Sky Vale do Tua, in the northern part of Portugal, the image shows the Zodiacal Light – a very faint diffuse light coming from the region where planet Venus was located in the eastern sky visible at dawn few minutes before the sunrise.The zodiacal light is a faint light beam that extends along the ecliptic plane, where are the constellations of the Zodiac. It is caused by the scattering of sunlight in cosmic dust particles that can be found scattered all over the Solar System. Following the faint shape which crossed almost the entire vertical panorama, we can see the Beehive cluster in the upper right corner.
PT: Captada dentro do Castelo de Ansiães, em Carrazeda de Ansiães, território do Dark Sky® Vale do Tua, no norte de Portugal, a imagem mostra a Luz Zodiacal – uma luz difusa muito ténue proveniente da região onde se localizava o planeta Vénus no céu oriental visível ao amanhecer, poucos minutos antes do nascer do sol. A luz zodiacal é um feixe de luz ténue que se estende ao longo do plano da eclíptica, onde estão as constelações do Zodíaco. É causada pela dispersão da luz solar em partículas de poeira cósmica que podem ser encontradas espalhadas por todo o Sistema Solar. Seguindo a forma ténue que cruza quase todo o panorama vertical, podemos ver o aglomerado de colmeia no canto superior direito.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
ISS Crossing the Entire Sky and the Moon in a Fish-eye Full Dome Scene
The image shows a fish-eye full dome sequence of the ISS – International Space Station – crossing the entire sky while transiting in front of the crescent moon over Borba region, in Alentejo, Portugal, on 18th January 2021 at UT 19h14m41s. In the background, a moonlight starry sky shows the path of the brightest winter constellations while in the top edge is visible the faint dragged light of Milky Way. In the foreground, shines my septup with telescope and cameras pointing high, while I was enjoying and registering in a close-up view, this rare transit of the ISS against the moon. Below is available a close-up sequence and a time lapse video captured during this event. Click on each image below to entering in each dedicated page.
PT: A imagem revela uma sequência captada com uma lente fish-eye circular (180º) da ISS – Estação Espacial Internacional – cruzando ao longo do céu enquanto transitou em frente à lua crescente sobre a região de Borba, no Alentejo, Portugal, a 18 de janeiro de 2021 pelas 19h14m41s UT. Em pano de fundo, um céu estrelado ao luar revela o caminho das constelações de inverno mais brilhantes, enquanto no topo é visível a luz fraca e arrastada da Via Láctea. Em primeiro plano, reluz o meu setup composto por um telescópio e uma câmara apontada para o alto, enquanto desfrutava e registava em close-up este raro trânsito da Estação Espacial em frente à lua. Em baixo é possível aceder a uma imagem close-up e a uma sequência video time lapse captada durante este evento. Click em cada imagem para aceder à respectiva página.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Comet Neowise Against the Twilight Sky of Alqueva Lake
The image shows Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 with his tail faintly visible against the twilight sky during the predawn of 12th July, above Alqueva lake, in Monte Juntos, territory of Dark Sky® Alqueva, in Alentejo, Portugal. The comet has become so bright that can be seen with unaided eye, although, it starts to be visible from now on after the sunset and during the nautical twilight. Is always preferable to enjoy the view with a pair of binoculars or a telephoto lens. Below is a time lapse sequence taken in the same night but with a different setup.
PT: A imagem revela o cometa Neowise C/2020 F3 com a sua cauda ténue contra o céu crepuscular captada durante a madrugada de 12 de julho, acima do lago Alqueva, em Monte Juntos, território do Dark Sky® Alqueva, no Alentejo, Portugal. O cometa ficou tão brilhante que pode ser visto a olho nu, embora comece a ser visível a partir de agora após o pôr do sol e durante o crepúsculo naútico. É sempre preferível apreciar a vista com um par de binóculos ou lentes telefoto. Em baixo é possível ver outro um time lapse captado na mesma noite, mas com outro setup.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A Passionate Stargazing Girl Enjoying the Beautiful Alignment Between Saturn and Jupiter
Captured in Mina de São Domingos, Dark Sky® Alqueva Mértola, the image shows a passionate girl while stargazing and enjoying the beautiful alignment between planets Saturn and Jupiter against a cloudy night. .
PT: Captada na Mina de São Domingos, no território do Dark Sky® Alqueva em Mértola, a imagem mostra uma entusiasta observadora do céu nocturno enquanto observa o belo alinhamento entre os planetas Saturno e Júpiter que parecem espreitar por entre as núvens de uma noite parcialmente nublada.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Comet Neowise in Motion above Pampilhosa da Serra – Photo and Time Lapse
The image shows Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 with his long tail visible durinig nautical twilight while it was setting above Pampilhosa da Serra mountain range, central region of Portugal. The comet has become so bright that can be seen easily with unaided eye from a dark sky location. Below is a time lapse sequence comprising in 10 seconds, 1h30 minutes of its movement along with the stars.
PT: A imagem revela o cometa Neowise C/2020 F3 com a sua longa cauda visível durante o crepúsculo náutico enquanto este se deitava acima das montanhas da Pampilhosa da Serra, centro de Portugal. O cometa ficou tão brilhante que pode ser visto facilmente a olho nu, a partir de uma zona com céu relativamente escuro. Em baixo é possível ver uma sequência time lapse que revela em 10 segundos, cerca de 1h30 minutos do seu movimento juntamente com as estrelas.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Comet Neowise Shining Bright Under Nautical Twilight in Pampilhosa da Serra
The image shows Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 with his long tail visible durinig nautical twilight while it was setting above Pampilhosa da Serra mountain range, central region of Portugal. The comet has become so bright that can be seen easily with unaided eye from a dark sky location.
PT: A imagem revela o cometa Neowise C/2020 F3 com a sua longa cauda visível durante o crepúsculo náutico enquanto este se deitava acima das montanhas da Pampilhosa da Serra, centro de Portugal. O cometa ficou tão brilhante que pode ser visto facilmente a olho nu, a partir de uma zona com céu relativamente escuro.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Comet Neowise Featuring a Bluish Ion Tail as Seen above Dark Sky® Alqueva Lake
The image shows Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 with his blueish ion tail made by ionized gas – gas energized by ultraviolet light from the Sun and pushed outward by the solar wind – faintly visible at the left side of the comet while it was rising. The image is a stack of 4 single shots to help reveal the faint ion tail captured during predawn of yesterday 12th July above Alqueva lake, in Monte Juntos, territory of Dark Sky® Alqueva, in Alentejo, Portugal. The comet has become so bright that can be seen with unaided eye, although, it starts to be visible from now on after the sunset and during the nautical twilight. Is always preferable to enjoy the view with a pair of binoculars or a telephoto lens. Below is a time lapse sequence taken in the same night but with a different setup.
PT: A imagem revela o cometa Neowise C/2020 F3 com a sua cauda de íons azulada composta por gás ionizado – gás este energizado pela luz ultravioleta do Sol e empurrado para fora pelo vento solar – subtilmente visível no lado esquerdo do cometa enquanto este se elevava no horizonte Nordeste. A imagem é resultado de um stack de 4 disparos únicos para ajudar a revelar a ténue cauda de íons captada durante a madrugada de 12 de julho, acima do lago Alqueva, em Monte Juntos, território do Dark Sky® Alqueva, no Alentejo, Portugal. O cometa ficou tão brilhante que pode ser visto a olho nu, embora comece a ser visível a partir de agora após o pôr do sol e durante o crepúsculo naútico. É sempre preferível apreciar a vista com um par de binóculos ou lentes telefoto. Em baixo é possível ver outro um time lapse captado na mesma noite, mas com outro setup.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Nikon D850 modified | 70mm f/2.8| ISO2500 – Exp. 8 seconds | Vixen Polarie Portable Mount |Stack of 4 images. Captured from fields of Dark Sky® Alqueva
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Close-up View of Comet Neowise Against a Colorful Predawn Sky
This image shows a close-up view of Comet Neowise C/2020 F3, when it was rising against the colorful predawn sky from Dark Sky® Alqueva territory, on 10th July 2020. Neowise is featuring a long and beautiful difuse tail. The comet has become so bright that can be seen with unaided eye, although, is always preferable to enjoy the view with a pair of binoculars or a telephoto lens.
PT: A imagem revela um close-up do cometa Neowise C/2020 F3, durante a madrugada de 10 de julho enquanto este brilhava em pano de fundo contra as cores do céu crepuscular. Este viajante interplanetário brilha intensamente, exibindo uma longa cauda difusa. O cometa ficou tão brilhante nos últimos dias, que pode agora ser visto a olho nu, embora seja sempre preferível recorrer a um par de binóculos ou a tele-objectivas para registar este espectáculo celeste incrível.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Nikon D850 modified | 200mm f/4.5| ISO2500 – Exp. 6 seconds x 15 lights | Vixen Polarie Portable Mount |Total integration of 15 Lights: 1,5 minutes. Processing on PixInsight 1.8.8-4 and Photoshop CC 2020. Captured from fields of Dark Sky® Alqueva
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
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Comet Neowise above Alqueva Fields of Cork Trees – Photo & Time Lapse
This single image shows Comet Neowise C/2020 F3 rising during predawn of 10th July above the golden fields of Dark Sky® Alqueva, in Alentejo, with the hilltop village of Monsaraz visible in the background. The interplanetary traveller is shinning in the left side of this morning twilight landscape with a bright long tail visible. The comet has become so bright that can be seen with unaided eye, although, is always preferable to enjoy the view with a pair of binoculars or a telephoto lens. Below is a time lapse sequence showing the the motion of the comet in the background sky during one hour.
PT: A imagem captada num disparo único revela o cometa Neowise C/2020 F3, durante a madrugada de 10 de julho enquanto se elevava acima dos campos dourados do Dark Sky® Alqueva, no Alentejo, com a vila de Monsaraz visível no topo da colina em pano de fundo. Este viajante interplanetário brilha assim intensamente no lado esquerdo deste retrato crepuscular, exibindo uma longa cauda difusa mas bem visível. O cometa ficou tão brilhante nos últimos dias, que pode agora ser visto a olho nu, embora seja sempre preferível recorrer a um par de binóculos ou a tele-objectivas para registar este espectáculo celeste incrível. Abaixo é possível ver uma sequência time lapse com o movimento do comet contra o céu de fundo, durante aproximadamente uma hora.
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Disk Sequence of a Reddish Moonrise Against Earth Shadow and Belt of Venus
A countryside scene captured from Juromenha inside Dark Sky® Alqueva territory and facing to Spain, shows a disk sequence of a reddish moonrise over the hills of Spanish horizon on 5 June 2020. Even being partially eclipsed due to a Penumbral lunar eclipse – happening when the Moon passes through Earth’s faint outer shadow – during the nautical twilight is difficult to notice this faint shadow on the moon´s disk, although, a second photo shows a related phenomenon visible almost every day known as the Earth’s shadow. This shadow is visible in the opposite half of the sky to the sunset or sunrise, and is seen right above the horizon as a dark blue band. Immediately above, where the evening air is still lit, glows a pink band called the anti-twilight arch, also known as “Belt of Venus”, and is caused by backscattering of refracted sunlight due to fine dust particles high in the atmosphere..
PT: Um cenário rural captado a partir de Juromenha dentro do território Dark Sky® Alqueva e voltado para Espanha, revela uma sequência do disco lunar avermelhado sobre as colinas do horizonte espanhol em 5 de junho de 2020. Já nascendo parcialmente eclipsada devido a um eclipse lunar Penumbral – que ocorre quando a Lua atravessa a fraca sombra externa da Terra – durante o crepúsculo náutico é difícil perceber essa sombra fraca projectada no disco da lua, no entanto, um fenémeno relacionado pode ser visível quase todos os dias. Conhecido como “Earth Shadow” ou sombra da Terra. Essa sombra é visível na metade do céu oposta ao pôr do sol, ou ao nascer do sol. É visível logo acima do horizonte como uma faixa azul escura. Imediatamente acima, onde o ar da tarde ainda está iluminado, brilha uma faixa rosa chamada arco anti-crepuscular, também conhecido como “Cinturão de Vénus”, e é causada pelo retroespalhamento da luz solar refractada devido a finas partículas de poeira na atmosfera!
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You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Reddish “Eclipsed” Full Moon Rising above Spain
A countryside scene captured from Juromenha inside Dark Sky® Alqueva territory and facing to Spain, shows a reddish moonrise over the hills of Spanish horizon on 5 June 2020. Even being partially eclipsed due to a Penumbral lunar eclipse – happening when the Moon passes through Earth’s faint outer shadow – during the nautical twilight is difficult to notice this faint shadow on the moon´s disk, although, a second photo shows a related phenomenon visible almost every day known as the Earth’s shadow. This shadow is visible in the opposite half of the sky to the sunset or sunrise, and is seen right above the horizon as a dark blue band. Immediately above, where the evening air is still lit, glows a pink band called the anti-twilight arch, also known as “Belt of Venus”, and is caused by backscattering of refracted sunlight due to fine dust particles high in the atmosphere..
PT: Um cenário rural captado a partir de Juromenha dentro do território Dark Sky® Alqueva e voltado para Espanha, revela um nascer de uma lua cheia avermelhado sobre as colinas do horizonte espanhol em 5 de junho de 2020. Já nascendo parcialmente eclipsada devido a um eclipse lunar Penumbral – que ocorre quando a Lua atravessa a fraca sombra externa da Terra – durante o crepúsculo náutico é difícil perceber essa sombra fraca projectada no disco da lua, no entanto, um fenémeno relacionado pode ser visível quase todos os dias. Conhecido como “Earth Shadow” ou sombra da Terra. Essa sombra é visível na metade do céu oposta ao pôr do sol, ou ao nascer do sol. É visível logo acima do horizonte como uma faixa azul escura. Imediatamente acima, onde o ar da tarde ainda está iluminado, brilha uma faixa rosa chamada arco anti-crepuscular, também conhecido como “Cinturão de Vénus”, e é causada pelo retroespalhamento da luz solar refractada devido a finas partículas de poeira na atmosfera!
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Twilight above the Prehistoric Paintings of Pala Pinta Rock Shelter Invoke the Real Sighting of a Comet
The image reveals a nautical twilight with the Orion constellation in the background, seen from the Pala Pinta rock shelter in Alijó, in the newly created Dark Sky Vale do Tua. Experts believe that this paintings can date back to the Chalcolithic (Copper Age), and they invoke the real sighting of a comet, thus being able to constitute the oldest human record of an astronomical event of this type. According to an article published in May 2014 issue of National Geographic Portugal, “the search for a suspicious comet constituted Tiago Pessoa’s master’s work. Accepting Paulo Lima’s conjectures as valid and based on the orbital parameters of comets known, mathematically reversed their orbits, taking into account the window of the firmament that can be seen from the shelter, and identified more than a thousand comets that would pass through there, in the defined chronological interval: from 5500 BC to year 0 – an extended period due to the inexistence of a reference date for the paintings. “Excluding those where there is no information about their absolute magnitudes (brightness), I reached 680 comets. Finally, I identified four suspects: the comet Kowal-Vavrova, visible under the sky from the shelter for 59 days in 1421 BC, comet Biela, visible for 63 days in 2365 BC, comet Väisälä 1 visible for 61 days in 3784 BC and comet P / 2004 VR8 which, en among all, is the one whose trajectory is most similar to that inferred from the paintings of the shelter that will have remained visible for 143 days in 4626 B.C. ”, says Tiago Pessoa.” However, it could have been one of these four comets, but may also have been another that we do not know or that is even extinct. Currently, the thesis has been proposed that the engravings allude to the real sighting of a comet.
PT: A imagem revela o crepúsculo náutico com a constelação de Orion em pano de fundo, visto a partir do abrigo rupestre de Pala Pinta, em Alijó, no recém criado Dark Sky Vale do Tua. Especialistas acreditam que estas gravuras poderão remontar ao Calcolítico (Idade do Cobre), e que as mesmas fazem a invocação ao real avistamento de um cometa, podendo assim constituir o mais antigo registo humano de um evento astronómico deste tipo. De acordo com um artigo publicado na edição de Maio de 2014, na revista National Geographic Portugal, “a procura de um cometa suspeito constituiu o trabalho de mestrado de Tiago Pessoa. Aceitando como válidas as conjecturas de Paulo Lima e baseando-se nos parâmetros orbitais dos cometas conhecidos, reverteu matematicamente as suas órbitas, tendo em conta a janela do firmamento que se avista do abrigo, e identificou mais de mil cometas que por aí transitariam no intervalo cronológico definido: de 5500 a.C. ao ano 0 – um período alargado em virtude da inexistência de uma datação de referência para as pinturas. “Desses, excluindo aqueles onde não há informação sobre as suas magnitudes absolutas (brilho), cheguei a 680 cometas. Identifiquei, por fim, quatro suspeitos: o cometa Kowal-Vavrova, visível sob o céu do abrigo por 59 dias em 1421 a.C., o cometa Biela, visível por 63 dias em 2365 a.C., o cometa Väisälä 1 visível por 61 dias em 3784 a.C. e o cometa P/2004 VR8 que, entre todos, é aquele cuja trajectória mais se assemelha à inferida a partir das pinturas do abrigo que se terá mantido visível por 143 dias em 4626 a.C.”, refere Tiago Pessoa.” No entanto, apesar de pode ter sido um destes quatro cometas, também poderá ter sido outro que não conhecemos ou que até já se encontre extinto. Actualmente, já foi proposta a tese de que as gravuras aludem ao real avistamento de um cometa.
From a Foggy Twilight into a Starry Night over Picos de Europa
A time lapse scene captured in June 2015 during an expedition to Picos de Europa National Park, in Northern Spain, reveals a short video sequence starting with a foggy twilight and a cloudy night after a thunderstorm, finishing with a starry view with the Milky Way above the mountain range. On the ground is visible a lonely chalet located in the middle of the high mountains. Without electricity, only a few lights are powered by a gasoline generator being switched off after midnight. The movie intends to shows the effect of light pollution even with a few lights, revealing the range of the light glow while scattered with the fog, showing how a pristine sky like that can fade out in a question of seconds, if we will not taking care properly..
PT: Este time lapse captado em Junho de 2015 durante uma expedição ao Parque Nacional Picos de Europa, no norte da Espanha, revela uma sequência vídeo que se inicia com um crepúsculo em torno do nevoeiro e transitando para uma noite de neblina após uma curta tempestade de relâmpagos, terminando assim com uma vista estrelada da Via Láctea acima desta cordilheira espanhola. Na paisagem ímpar, é visível um chalet solitário localizado no meio das montanhas altas e rochosas. Sem eletricidade, apenas algumas luzes são alimentadas por um gerador de gasolina que é todas as noites desligado após a meia-noite. O filme pretende mostrar o efeito da poluição luminosa – que mesmo com pouca iluminação exterior – revela o alcance do glow luminoso reflectido enquanto este se dispersa pelo nevoeiro, mostrando como um céu pristino como este, se pode desvanecer em questão de segundos se não tomarmos as devidas precauções para o proteger.
A Strong Zodiacal Light and Winter Milky Way Shines above Pampilhosa da Serra
Captured from Pampilhosa da Serra at the end of twilight, the image shows the strongest Zodiacal Light I´ve ever photographed – which could be even seen with naked eye – as a very very faint diffuse light coming from the region where planet Venus was located in the western sky. The zodiacal light is a faint light beam that extends along the ecliptic plane, where they are the constellations of the Zodiac. It is caused by the scattering of sunlight in cosmic dust particles that can be found scattered all over the Solar System. Following the faint shape which crossed almost the entire vertical panorama comprising 4 still images, and will end up on the Pleiades blueish star cluster. Above it, a beautiful winter Milky Way was arching and shining near the Zenith, featuring winter deep sky wonders like California nebula (on the top right of Pleiades) or the Heart and Soul reddish nebulosity in the right edge of the image. Below the deep sky pair, an oblong diffuse shape is also visible, belonging to our neighbour Galaxy of Andromeda. On the ground, between the mountain range of Pampilhosa, curving channels from the lake of Santa Luzia dam, are reflecting the strong light of Venus, as well as the less colorful hues from the end of nautical twilight.
PT: Captada na Pampilhosa da Serra ao final do crepúsculo, a imagem mostra a Luz Zodiacal mais forte que já tive oportunidade de fotografar até hoje e que podia ser vista a olho nu, como uma luz difusa muito fraca, proveniente da região ocidental do céu onde o planeta Vénus se encontrava. A luz Zodiacal é um feixe de luz fraca que se estende ao longo do plano da eclíptica, onde estão as constelações do zodíaco. É causada pela dispersão da luz solar nas partículas de poeira cósmica que se podem encontrar espalhadas um pouco por todo o Sistema Solar. Seguindo a emissão ténue que atravessa quase todo o panorama vertical, composto por 4 imagens estáticas, encontramos o aglomerado de estrelas jovens, quentes e azuladas, Pleaides (M45). Acima deste, uma bela Via Láctea de inverno arqueada brilhava perto Zénite, apresentando as maravilhas do céu profundo como a nebulosa da Califórnia (no centro superior, à direita das Pleiades) ou a nebulosidade avermelhada do Coração e da Alma, no extremo direita da imagem. Abaixo deste par de céu profundo, também é visível uma forma difusa oblonga, pertencente à nossa vizinha Galáxia de Andrómeda. Na paisagem, por entre a cordilheira de Pampilhosa, canais em curva pertencentes ao lago da barragem de Santa Luzia, reflectem a forte luz de Vénus, bem como os tons suvamente esbatidos do final do crepúsculo náutico.
A Dramatic View Shows Ursa Major Mixed with Auroras Above a Layer of Low Clouds
A single image shows a dramatic scene of a strong greenish aurora display during nautical twilight, as seen between a cloudy sky. On the top edge, Ursa Major constellation is totally visible between the moving layer of low clouds, above the small outside channels of blue lagoon, in Grindavík, Iceland, captured during a surprisingly active night at the end of October 2019.
PT: Um single frame revela uma imagem dramática onde uma forte cortina de auroras boreais esverdeadas captadas ao crepúsculo náutico, se mistura com um céu relativamente nublado. No topo da imagem, é visivel integralmente a constelação da Ursa Maior, que se destaca assim por entre a camada de núvens baixas e passageiras, que se formavam acima de um dos pequenos canais exteriores da Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon) em Grindavík, na Islândia. Esta fotografia foi captada durante uma noite surpreendentemente activa no final de Outubro de 2019.
Strong Twilight Display of Auroras above Grindavik in Iceland
A panoramic image shows a strong greenish aurora display during nautical twilight, above the small outside channels of blue lagoon, in Grindavík, Iceland, captured during a surprisingly active night at the end of October 2019.
PT: A imagem panorâmica revela uma forte cortina de auroras boreais esverdeadas durante o crepúsculo náutico, que brilham intensamente acima de um dos pequenos canais exteriores da Lagoa Azul (Blue Lagoon) em Grindavík, na Islândia, captada durante uma noite surpreendentemente activa no final de Outubro de 2019.
Jupiter and Venus in a Colorful Twilight from Algarve Coastline
A photo captured after sunset from Porches, in Armação de Pêra, shows planet Jupiter and Venus against the incredible colors provided by a crystal clear sky during the nautical twilight. In the foreground, is visible the rocky cliffs of the southern coastline of Portugal, in Algarve, while a quiet and vast Atlantic Ocean is yet reflecting some light from the end of the day.
PT: Uma foto captada após o pôr do sol a partir de Porches, em Armação de Pêra, mostra o planeta Júpiter e Vénus contra as cores incríveis de pano de fundo, proporcionadas por um céu cristalino durante o crepúsculo náutico. Em primeiro plano, são visíveis as falésias rochosas da costa sul de Portugal, no Algarve, enquanto um tranquilo e vasto Oceano Atlântico ainda reflete alguma luz do final do dia!
Winter Lunar Earthshine Aligned with Planet Saturn
The image reveals an Earthshine of a Crescent Moon captured at the end of nautical twilight, when the Moon was in conjuction with planet Saturn. Only separated by 3º, the planet is visible as a yellowish star on the right edge of the image, above a hill with trees from fluvial beach of Amieira, in Dark Sky® Alqueva territory, Portugal.
PT: A imagem revela um Earthshine Lunar na fase de Quarto Crescente, captado durante o Crepúsculo Náutico, quando a Lua se econtrava em conjunção com o planeta Saturno. Apenas separado por 3º, Saturno é a estrela amarelada visível no canto direito da imagem, acima da colina com árvores pertencente à praia fluvial da Amieira, região do Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
A Moonlight Scene Shows Venus and Saturn in Conjunction above a Mill in Evoramonte
The image feature a Mill located in Evoramonte village during a night scene under the moonlight. After the twilight, on December 11, 2019 two planets were visible in conjunction only sparated by 2º degrees apart. Venus is the brightest one above the Mill´s roof, and next to it, is visible “another star”, wich is actaully planet Saturn.
In Evoramonte was signed on 26th May of 1834, a Peace Treaty known as “Convention of Evoramonte” or “Concession of Evoramonte” which ended the only Portuguese civil war in almost 900 years of History. Due to this important historical heritage, Evoramonte is also the birthplace of the European Network of Places of Peace (
PT: A imagem mostra um moinho localizado na vila de Evoramonte durante um cenário noturno ao luar. Após o crepúsculo, em 11 de dezembro de 2019, dois planetas estavam allinhados numa conjunção que apenas os separava por 2º graus de distância. Vénus é a estrela mais brilhante acima do telhado do Moinho, e logo à sua direita, brilha “outra estrela” mais tímida, é na verdade o planeta Saturno.
Em Evoramonte foi assinado em 26 de maio de 1834, um Tratado de Paz conhecido como “Convenção de Evoramonte” ou “Concessão de Evoramonte”, que encerrou a única guerra civil portuguesa em quase 900 anos de história. Devido a este importante património histórico, Evoramonte é também o berço da Rede Europeia de Sítios de Paz (
The Moonset as Seen from Saint Petersburg Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood
The image shows one of the iconics landmarks of Saint Petersburg, in Russia, the Orthodox Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, erected on the precise site where emperor Alexander II was fatally attacked. Featuring the largest collection of mosaics in Russia, during the war, the church had serious damages in the walls and a high-explosive bomb was stuck for a long period of about 20th years in one of the walls without being noticed and by miracle, without exploding. Even being captured in night time and under the street lights, it´s artistic beauty can not be hidden, like it was happening with most of the stars under the effect of light pollution. Only major sky objects like a First Quarter Moon can be well visible from major cities, althought, from medium-high latitudes like San Petersburg, the Moon doesn´t go much further above the horizon at this time of the month, being visible very low on the right side of photo, following the course of Moika river.
PT: A imagem mostra um dos marcos emblemáticos de São Petersburgo, na Rússia, a Igreja Ortodoxa do Salvador do Sangue Derramado, erguida no local exacto em que o imperador Alexandre II foi fatalmente atacado. Apresentando a maior coleção de mosaicos da Rússia, durante a guerra, a igreja sofreu sérios danos nas paredes e uma bomba altamente explosiva ficou presa por um longo período de 20 anos em uma das paredes, sem que ninguém notasse e por milagre, sem explodir. Mesmo tendo sido captada durante a noite e sob a influência das luzes da rua, a sua beleza e riqueza artística não pode ser escondida, tal como acontece com a maioria das estrelas que sob o efeito da poluição luminosa, parecem desvanecer-se para sempre na esfera citadina. Somente objetos celestes muito brilhantes como a Lua em Quarto Crescente, se tornam visíveis a partir das grandes cidades, embora em latitudes médias-altas como São Petersburgo, a Lua não vá muito além do horizonte nesta época do mês, sendo visível muito baixa no lado direito da foto, seguindo o curso do rio Moika.
A Night View from Saint Basil’s Cathedral While Moon sets Over Kremlin
Captured under the twilight, this cityscape is showing paths of lights on the ground. Besides the street lights, they are the result of busy modern cities where light pollution is hidding the main wonders of the night sky. Above the lights, is visible one of the iconics landmarks from Russia, the Saint Basil’s Cathedral, an Orthodox colorful church, building “like the flame of a bonfire rising into the sky”. Not easy to spot at first sight, the crescent moon is very low on the horizon but yet visible from the Red Square. The answer to find it on this image, lies on the monument to Minin and Pozharsky. A bronze sculpture in front of the Saint Basil’s Cathedral which commemorates Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and the merchant Kuzma Minin, who gathered an entire Russian volunteer army to expell from Moscow, the forces under the command of King Sigismund III of Poland, in early 17th century. If you look carefully, Minin seems to be actually explaining to Dmitry, that the moon is setting behind the bushes from the Kremlin walls.
PT: Captada durante o crepúsculo, uma paisagem urbana nocturna revela alguns rastos de luz próximos ao chão. Além da iluminação pública, estes são resultado de cidades movimentadas e modernas, onde a poluição luminosa esconde as principais maravilhas do céu noturno. Acima das luzes, é visível um dos marcos emblemáticos da Rússia, a Catedral de São Basílio, uma igreja ortodoxa colorida, construída “como a chama de uma fogueira subindo em direcção ao céu”. Não é fácil detectar à primeira vista nesta imagem a lua crescente, por estar baixa e a caminho do horizonte, ainda assim, é visível a partir da Praça Vermelha. A resposta para encontrá-lo nesta fotografia, está no monumento a Minin e Pozharsky. Uma escultura de bronze em frente à Catedral de São Basílio, que comemora o príncipe Dmitry Pozharsky e o comerciante Kuzma Minin, que reuniram todo um exército voluntário russo para expulsar de Moscovo, as forças sob o comando do rei Sigismundo III da Polónia, no início do século XVII. Se olhar com atenção, Minin parece estar realmente explicando a Dmitry, que a lua está se pondo atrás dos arbustos das paredes do Kremlin.
Full Dome View of the Total Solar Eclipse 2019 in Chile
One of the most beautiful things about viewing a total solar eclipse, is the light from the inner and outer corona which starts to be visible showing fine structures and the lines from magnetic fields. On 2nd July, 2019, thousands of people located in some parts of Chile and Argentina had the incredible opportunity to witness the unique and unforgettable moment when the Moon itself completely blocks the sun´s disc and the atmosphere features a “U” shape, due to the low position regarding the horizon. This 8mm circular fish-eye view was captured in Lambert, 30km northeast of La Serena, Chile.
PT: Uma das experiências mais incríveis ao testemunhar um Eclipse Total do Sol, é poder observar a luz da Corona interna e mais externa do Sol, que durante a totalidade se torna visível revelando estruturas finas e linhas que se curvam pelos inensos campos magnéticos. A 2 de Julho de 2019, milhares de pessoas localizadas em algumas partes do Chile e da Argentina, tiveram a incrível oportunidade de testemunhar o momento único e inesquecível em que a própria Lua bloqueia completamente o disco solar e atmosfera revela uma sombra em forma de “U”, devido ao facto do Sol estar relativamente baixo e próximo do horizonte. A imagem de cima exibe uma visão fish-eye ciruclar de 8mm captada em Lambert, 30 km a nordeste de La Serena, no Chile.
Colorful Light Paths from Stars and Morning Planets Shinning above the Skyline of Tel Aviv
Located on the Mediterranean coastline of Israel, Tel Aviv comprises the world’s largest concentration of International Style buildings, including Bauhaus and other related modernist architectural styles. The “White City” of Tel Aviv was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003. A startrail sequence captured in the twilight above the skyline of Tel Aviv, shows colorful light paths from stars and morning planets. The most prominent one in the center, is related to planet Venus and below it, close to the horizon starts the path of planet Saturn. The brightest one on the top is related to Jupiter. The red super giant star Antares, from Scorpius is also visible in the right top corner as an orange light path.
PT: Localizada na costa mediterrânea de Israel, Tel Aviv compreende a maior concentração mundial de edifícios de estilo internacional, incluindo Bauhaus e outros estilos arquitectónicos modernistas relacionados. A “Cidade Branca” de Tel Aviv, foi classificada como Património Mundial pela UNESCO em 2003. Uma sequência startrail captada ao crepúsculo acima do horizonte de Tel Aviv, mostra caminhos de luz coloridos de estrelas e planetas matinais. O mais proeminente no centro, está relacionado com o planeta Vénus e abaixo dele, próximo ao horizonte começa o caminho do planeta Saturno. O mais brilhante no topo da imagem está relacionado com Júpiter. A estrela super gigante vermelha Antares, do Escorpião, está visível no canto superior direito como um caminho de luz laranja.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
A startrail sequence captured with a Nikon D810a | 24mm at f/6,3 | ISO160 | Exp. 10 secs.
Morning Planets in the Skyline of Tel Aviv
Located on the Mediterranean coastline of Israel, Tel Aviv comprises the world’s largest concentration of International Style buildings, including Bauhaus and other related modernist architectural styles. The “White City” of Tel Aviv was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003. The image features a morning alignment between planets Saturn, Venus and Jupiter above the skyline of Tel Aviv as seen during the morning Twilight. Pluto was also joining the alignment, being only 6º apart below Saturn, but not distinguishable due to the very dim brightness of +14,4 visual magnitude, compared to the background sky from the twilight and our human limit capacity of distinguish stars with no more than +6 magnitude in naked eye. At the right side of the tallest building in the foreground, are also visible the main stars from Scorpius constellation, being the red super giant star Antares – visible in the right top corner – the brightest one on the image, after the main planets.
PT: Localizada na costa mediterrânea de Israel, Tel Aviv compreende a maior concentração mundial de edifícios de estilo internacional, incluindo Bauhaus e outros estilos arquitectónicos modernistas relacionados. A “Cidade Branca” de Tel Aviv, foi classificada como Património Mundial pela UNESCO em 2003. A imagem revela um alinhamento matinal entre os planetas Saturno, Vénus e Júpiter acima do horizonte de Tel Aviv, como visto durante a manhã de Crepúsculo. Plutão também estava se unindo ao alinhamento, ficando apenas 6º abaixo de Saturno, mas não distinguível devido ao brilho muito fraco de magnitude visual de +14,4, comparado ao céu de fundo do crepúsculo e nossa capacidade limite humana de distinguir estrelas sem mais de magnitude +6 a olho nu. À direita do prédio mais alto em primeiro plano, também estão visíveis as principais estrelas da constelação do Escorpião, sendo a super gigante vermelha Antares – visível no canto superior direito – a mais brilhante na imagem, depois dos planetas principais.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
A panorama of 2 single frames with a Canon 6D | 24mm at f/3,5 | ISO800 | Exp. 0,8 secs.
Ramon Crater in the Moonlight – The World’s Largest Erosion Crater in Israel’s Negev Desert
This large mosaic image captured during the Moonlight, is featuring a wide view of Ramon Crater or “Makhtesh Ramon” in Israel’s Negev Desert. This geological feature located at the peak of Mount Negev is not an impact crater from a meteorite nor even formed by a volcanic eruption, but rather is the world’s largest “erosion cirque” – a landform which are only found in the Negev and its extension into Egypt’s Sinai desert – created 220 million years ago when oceans covered the area (the word crater is therefore a misleading translation of Hebrew to English). The Ramon Crater measures 40km in length and between 2 and 10km wide and 500 meters deep, shaped like a long heart, and forms Israel’s largest national park, the Ramon Nature Reserve, according to Tourist Isarel source. From the privileged point of view located at an altitude of 800 meters above the see level, a widest desert scene only lighted by 28% of a Crescent Moon is featuring the diversity of rocks including clay hills known for their fantastic red and yellowish colors and forms. Impressive mountains rise at the borders of the crater while above them, the winter stars from Canis Major and Orion constellations are shining bright in the background of a blueish moonlite sky.
PT: Um mosaico fotográfico captado ao luar revela uma visão ampla da Cratera Ramon ou “Makhtesh Ramon” no deserto de Negev, em Israel. Esta formação geológica localizada no pico do Monte Negev não é uma cratera de impacto de um meteorito nem mesmo formada por uma erupção vulcânica, mas é o maior “cirque de erosão” do mundo – uma formação única dos desertos do Negev e do Sinai, no Egipto – criado há 220 milhões de anos atrás, quando os oceanos cobriam a área (a palavra cratera é, portanto, uma tradução passível de induzir em erro, pela tradução feita do hebraico para o inglês). A Cratera Ramon mede 40 km de comprimento e entre 2 e 10 km de largura e 500 metros de profundidade, com a forma de um coração alongado, faz parte do maior parque nacional de Israel, a Reserva Natural Ramon, segundo a fonte Tourist Isarel. Do ponto de vista privilegiado localizado a uma altitude de 800 metros acima do nível do mar, este cenário revela um deserto apenas 28% iluminado por uma Lua Crescente e que permite tornar visível uma diversidade de rochas, incluindo colinas de argila conhecidas por suas fantásticas cores e formas vermelhas e amareladas. Montanhas impressionantes se erguem nas bordas da cratera, enquanto as estrelas de inverno das constelações do Cão Maior e de Orion, brilham em pano de fundo a um céu azul celestial.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Mosaic of 8 single frames captured with a Nikon D810a | 14mm at f/2,8 | ISO1250 | Exp. 15 secs.
A Mysterious Palace in Heaven
A “supermoon” happen when a full moon approximately coincides with the moon’s perigee, or a point in its orbit at which it is closest to Earth. This makes the moon appear larger and brighter than usual. This February Full Moon, according to folklore was nicknamed as the “Super Snow Moon”. The image is a result of two combined exposures taken in the same time, to reveal the mystic scenario where a bright moon is shinning above the Pena Palace (Palácio da Pena), a Romanticist castle located on a top hill of Sintra town, in Portugal. Being a national monument is also considered one of the major expressions of 19th-century Romanticism in the world. The palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal.
PT: Uma “Super Lua” acontece quando uma lua cheia coincide aproximadamente com o perigeu da lua, o ponto em sua órbita que está mais próximo da Terra. Isso faz com que a lua apareça maior e mais brilhante do que o normal. Esta Lua Cheia de Fevereiro, de acordo com o folclore, foi apelidada de “Super Snow Moon”. A imagem acima é o resultado da combinação de duas exposições fotográficas captadas no mesmo momento, para ajudar a revelar o cenário místico que se vivia no local, onde a lua cheia brilhante se ergue sobre o Palácio da Pena, um castelo romântico localizado no topo de uma colina da cidade de Sintra, em Portugal. Sendo um monumento nacional também é considerado uma das principais expressões do romantismo do século XIX no mundo. O palácio é Património Mundial da UNESCO e uma das sete maravilhas de Portugal.
A Mystic Supermoon above the Pena Palace
A “supermoon” happen when a full moon approximately coincides with the moon’s perigee, or a point in its orbit at which it is closest to Earth. This makes the moon appear larger and brighter than usual. This February Full Moon, according to folklore was nicknamed as the “Super Snow Moon”. The image reveals a mystic scenario, with a bright moon shinning above the Pena Palace (Palácio da Pena), a Romanticist castle located on a top hill of Sintra town, in Portugal. Being a national monument is also considered one of the major expressions of 19th-century Romanticism in the world. The palace is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of Portugal.
PT: Uma “Super Lua” acontece quando uma lua cheia coincide aproximadamente com o perigeu da lua, o ponto em sua órbita que está mais próximo da Terra. Isso faz com que a lua apareça maior e mais brilhante do que o normal. Esta Lua Cheia de Fevereiro, de acordo com o folclore, foi apelidada de “Super Snow Moon”. A imagem acima revela assim um cenário místico, com uma lua cheia brilhante que se ergue sobre o Palácio da Pena, um castelo romântico localizado no topo de uma colina da cidade de Sintra, em Portugal. Sendo um monumento nacional também é considerado uma das principais expressões do romantismo do século XIX no mundo. O palácio é Património Mundial da UNESCO e uma das sete maravilhas de Portugal.
Close-up View of a Waning Crescent Moon near Planet Saturn and Titan Moon
The image reveals a strong Earthshine of the Waning Crescent Moon captured during the nautical twilight on the 2nd day of February 2019, just few minutes after ending an occultation of planet Saturn which is visible in the upper right edge of the moon, as a white-yellow pale oblong dot. The “faint star” visible very close to the planet, is Titan, the well known moon of Saturn. The image was captured from a rural hotel called Nave Terra, located in Alandroal, in Dark Sky® Alqueva territory, Portugal..
PT: A imagem revela um forte Earthshine Lunar na fase de Quarto Minguante, captado durante o Crepúsculo Náutico de dia 2 de fevereiro de 2019, poucos minutos depois de terminar uma ocultação do planeta Saturno, visível no canto superior direito da lua como um ponto oblongo pálido de tonalidade amarela-esbranquiçada. O pequeno ponto de luz visível muito perto do planeta, é Titan, uma das luas mais conhecidas do planeta Saturno. A imagem foi captada a partir do hotel rural Nave Terra, localizado no Alandroal, região do Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
A Lunar Earthshine Close to Planet Saturn and Titan
The image reveals a strong Earthshine of the Waning Crescent Moon captured during the nautical twilight on the 2nd day of February 2019, just few minutes after ending an occultation of planet Saturn which is visible in the upper right edge of the moon, as a white-yellow pale oblong dot. The “faint star” visible very close to the planet, is Titan, the well known moon of Saturn. The image was captured from a rural hotel called Nave Terra, located in Alandroal, in Dark Sky® Alqueva territory, Portugal..
PT: A imagem revela um forte Earthshine Lunar na fase de Quarto Minguante, captado durante o Crepúsculo Náutico de dia 2 de fevereiro de 2019, poucos minutos depois de terminar uma ocultação do planeta Saturno, visível no canto superior direito da lua como um ponto oblongo pálido de tonalidade amarela-esbranquiçada. O pequeno ponto de luz visível muito perto do planeta, é Titan, uma das luas mais conhecidas do planeta Saturno. A imagem foi captada a partir do hotel rural Nave Terra, localizado no Alandroal, região do Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal.
Venus and Jupiter Shinning Together After a Long Night of Photography
After a long cold night of shooting the Total Lunar Eclipse of 2019, a stargazer and photographer stands in front of his equipment in the final stage of the Eclipse, while in the background of a twilight sky, the brightest planets Venus and Jupiter are shinning in a very close alignment, only separated by approximately 2,5 degrees. The image was captured in Mina de São Domingos, Dark Sky® Alqueva Métola, Portugal.
PT: Depois de uma longa noite fria a fotografar o Eclipse Lunar Total de 2019, um observador de estrelas e fotógrafo, pousa ao pé do seu equipamento fotográfico no estágio final do Eclipse, enquanto em pano de fundo de um céu crepuscular, os planetas mais brilhantes da esfera celeste – Venus e Júpiter – brilham alinhados e separados apenas por aproximadamente 2,5 graus. A imagem foi captada na Mina de São Domingos, Dark Sky® Alqueva Mértola, em Portugal.
Venus and Jupiter shinning at Dawn in the Final Stage of the Lunar Eclipse
A panorama captured at dawn in the final stage of the Lunar Eclipse, reveals an increasing light of the lunar disk immersed in a thin layer of clouds, while in the opposite direction (at left) the brightest planets of the night sky – Venus and Jupiter – are shinning in a very close alignment, only separated by approximately 2,5 degrees from Jupiter, Venus is also featuring a blueish nice corona, due to a presence of tiny water droplets in thin clouds, which diffract the light of bright heavenly bodies working as a natural diffuse filter. During a celestial event like that, is incredible to notice huge changes on the reflected light that illuminates the ground. The image was captured in Mina de São Domingos, an old mine near Mértola, Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal, that was the center of metallurgical activities on extracted minerals dozens years ago. The areas of heaps, slag and channels of water, give the landscape a “lunar” aspect.
PT: Um panorama captado ao amanhecer no estágio final do Eclipse Lunar de 2019, revela uma luz crescente do disco lunar imerso em uma fina camada de nuvens, enquanto na direção oposta (à esquerda) os planetas mais brilhantes do céu noturno – Vénus e Júpiter – brilham num alinhamento próximo. Separado apenas por cerca de 2,5 graus de Júpiter, Vénus apresenta uma corona azulada, devido à presença de pequenas gotículas de água em nuvens finas, que difractam a luz de corpos celestes brilhantes trabalhando como um filtro difuso natural. Durante um evento celestial como este, é incrível notar grandes mudanças na luz refletida que ilumina o solo. A imagem foi captada na Mina de São Domingos, numa antiga mina perto de Mértola, na reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal, que foi no passado o centro das atividades metalúrgicas dos minerais extraídos da região. As áreas de escombreiras, escórias e canais de água, dão à paisagem um aspecto “lunar”..
A Moon Sequence of the Total Lunar Eclipse of 2019
A photo time lapse sequence shows the path of totality during the Total Lunar Eclipse of 2019, on 21th January, as seen from Mina de São Domingos in Dark Sky® Alqueva Mértola, Portugal. During a lunar eclipse, the moon passes through Earth’s shadow, giving the natural satellite a blood-red hue. For being near the closest point to our planet Earth, this Moon was also called a “Super Moon”. The next total lunar eclipse will be in 2021. During a celestial event like that, is incredible to notice huge changes on the reflected light that illuminates the ground. Some stars are also reflected in a small puddle of acid water from Achada do Gamo, that was – since the beginning of modern mining activities in the São Domingos Mine – the center of metallurgical activities on extracted minerals. The areas of heaps, slag and channels of water, give the landscape a “lunar” aspect. The heaps are composed of different materials with high levels of metals, such as slag and ash, whose leaching through the rainwater leads to the production of acid mine drainage, usually with an ocher or reddish color
PT: A imagem mostra uma foto-sequência onde é possível ver o caminho da Lua percorrido durante a fase da totalidade durante o Eclipse Total Lunar ocorrido a 21 de Janeiro de 2019, captado a partir do complexo da Mina de São Domingos, no Dark Sky® Alqueva Mértola, em Portugal. Durante um eclipse lunar, a lua passa pela sombra da Terra, dando ao nosso satélite natural uma tonalidade vermelho-sangue. Por se encontrar no ponto orbital mais próximo da Terra, esta Lua é também apelidada de Super Lua. O próximo Eclipse Total da Lua ocorrerá em 2021. Durante um evento celestial como este, é incrível como se notam grandes mudanças na luz refletida que ilumina o solo. Algumas estrelas reflectem-se também nas águas ácidas da Achada do Gamo, que foi desde o início das atividades modernas de mineração na Mina de São Domingos, o centro das atividades metalúrgicas sobre os minérios extraídos. As áreas de escombreiras, escórias e canais de água, dão à paisagem um aspecto “lunar”. As escombreiras são constituídas por diferentes materiais com teores elevados em metais, como escórias e cinzas, cuja lixiviação através das águas das chuvas leva à produção de águas ácidas (‘acid mine drainage’), geralmente com uma cor ocre ou avermelhada.
A Panoramic Views Shows the Moonlight over Niagara Falls
Created by glacier activity around 10000 years ago, Niagara Falls is one the of the World’s Natural Wonders. Located on the border of Ontario, Canada and New York State, USA, Niagara Falls are made up of 3 waterfalls, the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. The 3 waterfalls combined, is producing the highest flow rate of any waterfall on Earth. The Horseshoe Falls are 180 feet (57 meters) high and allow 6 million cubic feet (168,000 cubic meters) of water every minute during peak daytime tourist hours, “that is about a million bathtubs full of water every minute”! Although, according this and having in mind the total volume of our natural satellite, the Moon, with 2.1958e10 km3 it would need to take of about 248 years to fill up the entire sphere that represents the body of the Moon. The rapids above the Falls reach a maximum speed of 40 km/h, but the fastest speeds occur at the Falls with 109 km/h. Niagara River expert, Wes Hill, estimates that 90 % of the fish can survive from the huge drop. At the current rate of erosion, scientists believe that the Niagara Falls will be gone in around 50000 years, luckily you still have time to be one of the 30 million people that every year are visiting the place. This panoramic view shows the Moon and Mars above American Falls, just few minutes after starting the light show that illuminates in different hues the 3 Falls. Below, a boat from Hornblower Niagara Cruises, not so iconic as The Maid of the Mist that made its first trip in 1846, is carrying aboard hundreds of people that in the background, has a massive flow of 567,811 liters of water falling each second.
PT: Criada pela atividade glacial há cerca de 10000 anos, as Cataratas do Niágara são uma das maravilhas naturais do mundo. Localizadas na fronteira de Ontário, Canadá e Estado de Nova York, EUA, as Cataratas do Niágara são compostas por 3 cataratas, as Cataratas Americanas, as Cataratas de Bridal Veil e as Cataratas Canadenses. As Cataratas Horseshoe têm 180 pés (57 metros) de altura e permitem a passagem de 168.000 metros cúbicos de água a cada minuto, durante o dia e no horário de pico turístico, isto é, cerca de um milhão de banheiras cheias de água a cada minuto! No entanto, de acordo com esses dados e tendo em mente o volume total de nosso satélite natural da Tera, a Lua, com 2.1958e10 km3, seria necessário cerca de 248 anos para preencher toda a esfera que representa o corpo da Lua. Acima das Cataratas a água atinge uma velocidade máxima de 40 km/h, mas as velocidades mais rápidas ocorrem nas Cataratas onde a água se precipita em queda livre atingindo os 109 km/h. O especialista do Rio Niágara, Wes Hill, estima que 90% dos peixes conseguem sobreviver da enorme queda. No ritmo atual de erosão, os cientistas acreditam que as Cataratas do Niágara terão desaparecido em cerca de 50000 anos, felizmente ainda terá tempo de ser uma das 30 milhões de pessoas que todos os anos visitam o local. Esta vista panorâmica mostra a Lua e Marte acima da American Falls, apenas alguns minutos depois de iniciar o show de luzes que ilumina em diferentes tons as 3 cataratas. Abaixo, um barco da Hornblower Niagara Cruises, não tão icónico como o Maid of the Mist que fez a sua primeira viagem em 1846, carrega a bordo centenas de pessoas que em pano de fundo têm um fluxo de 567.811 litros de água caindo a cada segundo da viagem.
A Pinky Sky with a Golden Moon above Niagara Falls
Created by glacier activity around 10000 years ago, Niagara Falls is one the of the World’s Natural Wonders. Located on the border of Ontario, Canada and New York State, USA, Niagara Falls are made up of 3 waterfalls, the American Falls, the Bridal Veil Falls and the Horseshoe Falls. The 3 waterfalls combined, is producing the highest flow rate of any waterfall on Earth. The Horseshoe Falls are 180 feet (57 meters) high and allow 6 million cubic feet (168,000 cubic meters) of water every minute during peak daytime tourist hours, “that is about a million bathtubs full of water every minute”! Although, according this and having in mind the total volume of our natural satellite, the Moon, with 2.1958e10 km3 it would need to take of about 248 years to fill up the entire sphere that represents the body of the Moon. The rapids above the Falls reach a maximum speed of 40 km/h, but the fastest speeds occur at the Falls with 109 km/h. Niagara River expert, Wes Hill, estimates that 90 % of the fish can survive from the huge drop. At the current rate of erosion, scientists believe that the Niagara Falls will be gone in around 50000 years, luckily you still have time to be one of the 30 million people that every year are visiting the place. The image shows a golden crescent moon against the pink band from anti-twilight arch, or “Belt of Venus”, visible few minutes after the sunset when lots of birds are flying above American Falls & Bridal Veil Falls. Below, a boat from Hornblower Niagara Cruises, not so iconic as The Maid of the Mist that made its first trip in 1846, is carrying aboard hundreds of people that in the background has a massive flow of 567,811 liters of water falling each second.
PT: Criada pela atividade glacial há cerca de 10000 anos, as Cataratas do Niágara são uma das maravilhas naturais do mundo. Localizadas na fronteira de Ontário, Canadá e Estado de Nova York, EUA, as Cataratas do Niágara são compostas por 3 cataratas, as Cataratas Americanas, as Cataratas de Bridal Veil e as Cataratas Canadenses. As Cataratas Horseshoe têm 180 pés (57 metros) de altura e permitem a passagem de 168.000 metros cúbicos de água a cada minuto, durante o dia e no horário de pico turístico, isto é, cerca de um milhão de banheiras cheias de água a cada minuto! No entanto, de acordo com esses dados e tendo em mente o volume total de nosso satélite natural da Tera, a Lua, com 2.1958e10 km3, seria necessário cerca de 248 anos para preencher toda a esfera que representa o corpo da Lua. Acima das Cataratas a água atinge uma velocidade máxima de 40 km/h, mas as velocidades mais rápidas ocorrem nas Cataratas onde a água se precipita em queda livre atingindo os 109 km/h. O especialista do Rio Niágara, Wes Hill, estima que 90% dos peixes conseguem sobreviver da enorme queda. No ritmo atual de erosão, os cientistas acreditam que as Cataratas do Niágara terão desaparecido em cerca de 50000 anos, felizmente ainda terá tempo de ser uma das 30 milhões de pessoas que todos os anos visitam o local. A imagem mostra uma lua crescente dourada contra a faixa rosa do arco anti-crepuscular, ou também conhecido por Belt of Venus, poucos minutos após o pôr do sol, quando muitos pássaros voam acima de American Falls e Bridal Veil Falls. Abaixo, um barco da Hornblower Niagara Cruises, não tão icónico como o Maid of the Mist que fez a sua primeira viagem em 1846, carrega a bordo centenas de pessoas que em pano de fundo têm um fluxo de 567.811 litros de água caindo a cada segundo da viagem.
Under the Darkness the Sky is Anything but Black
Our eyes are not so good in distinguish colors under the darkness, but a simple DSLR camera can show us that the Universe is anything but black. The scene above captured from Noudar Park, in Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve, shows a colorful star field around the bright arm of the Milky Way also visible in the background behind a thin layer of clouds. Each color is directly related to the type and temperature of each star in a range that could features blue, white, yellow or even orange hues. The hottest stars, are showing a blue color, but in opposition, the coolest can reveal an orange-reddish color. The “Christmas balls” that seems to adorn this old olive tree in the foreground, are not only stars, but also planets, Like Mars and Saturn, shinning bright in the center of the tree in yellow-orange and white.
PT: Os nossos olhos não são muito bons a distinguir cores na escuridão da noite, mas uma simples câmara DSLR pode revelar-nos que o Universo é tudo menos preto. A cena acima captada no Parque de Noudar, Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, mostra-nos um colorido campo de estrelas ao redor do braço brilhante da Via Láctea, também visível em pano de fundo e envolta numa fina camada de nuvens. Cada cor está diretamente relacionada com o tipo e temperatura de cada estrela em um intervalo que pode apresentar tonalidades de azul, branco, amarelo ou até laranja. As estrelas mais quentes revelam uma cor azul, mas em oposição, as estrelas mais frias podem revelar uma cor laranja-avermelhada. As “bolas de Natal” que parecem enfeitar esta velha oliveira em primeiro plano, não são apenas estrelas, mas também planetas, como Marte e Saturno, brilhando ao centro da árvore numa tonalidade amarelo-alaranjado e branco.
Total Lunar Eclipse in the Twilight

The image shows a sequence of the red path left behind by the Moon during the longest Total Lunar Eclipse of the Century, as seen from Campinho, Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal, few minutes after the Moonrise and against a blue Twilight background. During a lunar eclipse, the moon passes through Earth’s shadow, giving the natural satellite a blood-red hue.

PT: A imagem mostra uma sequência do rasto vermelho deixado pela Lua durante o mais longo Eclipse Lunar Total do Século, captado a partir do Campinho, Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal, poucos minutos após o nascer da Lua e contra um fundo azul de Crepúsculo. Durante um eclipse lunar, a lua passa pela sombra da Terra, dando ao nosso satélite natural uma tonalidade vermelho-sangue.
A Full Moon above the Medieval Village of Monsaraz
April’s full moon is known as the Pink Moon, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac. The name comes from pink flowers that bloom in the early spring, known as ground phlox. But this April Moon is particularly good to photograph, as the sun will share the sky for about 20 minutes after the moonrise, it will work as the perfect light that still illuminates the landscape, entire fields, or in my case, the beautiful medieval village and castle of Monsaraz, in Alqueva Dark Sky® Reserve, Portugal. To create this visual impact with the illusion that the Moon seems to be so big when compared with the objects on Earth, I just had to find the right spot located at a distant of about 3.7 km away from the castle. The result is a single shot captured with a 600mm lens.
PT: A Lua cheia de abril é conhecida como a Pink Moon, de acordo com o antigo Almanaque do Fazendeiro. O nome está relacionado com as flores cor-de-rosa que florescem no início da primavera, conhecida como “ground phlox”. Mas esta Lua de Abril é particularmente boa para fotografar, pois o sol ainda compartilha o mesmo céu durante cerca de 20 minutos, após o nascimento da lua, funcionando como a luz perfeita para iluminar a paisagem, os campos ou, no meu caso, a linda vila medieval e o castelo de Monsaraz, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, Portugal. Para criar este impacto visual e a ilusão óptica de que a Lua parece ser tão grande quando comparada com os objetos em Terra, apenas tive de encontrar o local certo localizado a uma distância de cerca de 3,7 km do castelo de Monsaraz. O resultado deste disparo único, foi captado com uma lente de 600 mm de distância focal.
A Perfect Triangle between Moon, Pleiades and Venus
The photo shows a Crescent Moon with a visible earthshine immersed by the Hyades star cluster, and forming an almost perfect triangle of about 9 degrees, which seems to be aligned with Pleiades star cluster at right, and below, the bright planet Venus. In the foreground, the water of Alqueva lake is reflecting the beautiful colors from nautical twilight. The image was captured in Campinho village, near the headquarter of Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve.
PT: Na foto é possível ver uma Lua Crescente com um forte Earthshine imersa pelo aglomerado estelar de Hyades e formando um triângulo quase perfeito de cerca de 9 graus, que parece estar alinhado com o aglomerado de estrelas das Pleiades à direita, e logo abaixo o brilhante planeta Vénus. Em primeiro plano, a água do lago do Alqueva reflecte as lindas cores do crepúsculo náutico. A imagem foi captada na aldeia de Campinho, perto da sede da Reserva Dark Sky Alqueva.
A Twilight Moon in La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
This cityscape scene shows a 96% illuminated Moon, peeking through the clouds during the twilight at the right side of the Roman Catholic church of La Sagrada Familia, in Barcelona, Spain. Being the most visited landmark, was inscribed on the World Heritage list in 2005. It has the particularity of being the world’s only major church currently under construction! Designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí (1852–1926) is the most important and ambitious work done by him. At the very beginning, Gaudi´s thought it would take only 10 year to build it, but on 19th of March 2017, was the 135th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of the Temple. Currently, 70% of the Basilica is finished and they are working on building the six central towers. The temple must be finished in 2022.
PT: Este cenário de paisagem urbana mostra uma lua iluminada a 96%, espreitando por entre as nuvens durante o crepúsculo náutico, ao lado direito da Igreja Católica Romana da Sagrada Familia, em Barcelona, Espanha. Sendo um dos marcos mais visitados, foi inscrito em 2015 na lista da UNESCO como Património Mundial da Humanidade. Tendo a particularidade de ser a única grande igreja do mundo atualmente em construção, foi projectada pelo arquitecto catalão Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926) é o trabalho mais importante e ambicioso feito por ele. No início, Gaudi pensou que levaria apenas 10 anos para construir a Basílica, mas em 19 de março de 2017, comemorou-se o 135º aniversário da colocação da pedra fundamental do Templo. Atualmente, 70% da Basílica está acabada e sendo que se está a trabalhar na construção das seis torres centrais. O templo deverá estar terminado apenas em 2022.
Golden Moonrise above the City of Lisbon
A lovely cityscape view captured from a rooftop shows the Full Moon rising above the city of Lisbon. According to modern folklore, the second Full Moon in a calendar month is called “Blue Moon”. Rather than Blue, the rising moon can appear yellow-orange when it is near the horizon due to the way light scatters in the atmosphere. When the moon is low on the horizon, moonlight passes through more of Earth’s atmosphere than when it is overhead. By the time light reaches the observer, the blue and green light has already been scattered, leaving only the red-orange light. We’ve already had one Blue Moon in January 2018, and the last time this rare event of two Blue Moons occurred in such quick succession was January and March of 1999.
PT: Uma vista fantástica em ambiente citadino captada a partir de um telhado, mostra o nascer da Lua Cheia acima da cidade de Lisboa. De acordo com o folclore moderno, a segunda Lua Cheia que ocorre no mesmo mês é chamada de “Lua Azul”. Contudo, ao invés de azul, a lua pode aparecer num tom amarelo alaranjado quando está mais perto do horizonte devido à forma como a luz se espalha na atmosfera. Este ano já tivemos uma Lua Azul em janeiro de 2018, e a última vez que este evento raro aconteceu – de duas luas azuis ocorrerem num tão curto espaço de tempo sequencial – foi em Janeiro e Março de 1999.
The “Blue Moon” rising behind a layer of clouds above the City of Lisbon
A lovely cityscape view captured from a rooftop shows the Full Moon rising above the city of Lisbon. According to modern folklore, the second Full Moon in a calendar month is called “Blue Moon”. Rather than Blue, the rising moon can appear yellow-orange when it is near the horizon due to the way light scatters in the atmosphere. When the moon is low on the horizon, moonlight passes through more of Earth’s atmosphere than when it is overhead. By the time light reaches the observer, the blue and green light has already been scattered, leaving only the red-orange light. We’ve already had one Blue Moon in January 2018, and the last time this rare event of two Blue Moons occurred in such quick succession was January and March of 1999.
PT: Uma vista fantástica em ambiente citadino captada a partir de um telhado, mostra o nascer da Lua Cheia acima da cidade de Lisboa. De acordo com o folclore moderno, a segunda Lua Cheia que ocorre no mesmo mês é chamada de “Lua Azul”. Contudo, ao invés de azul, a lua pode aparecer num tom amarelo alaranjado quando está mais perto do horizonte devido à forma como a luz se espalha na atmosfera. Este ano já tivemos uma Lua Azul em janeiro de 2018, e a última vez que este evento raro aconteceu – de duas luas azuis ocorrerem num tão curto espaço de tempo sequencial – foi em Janeiro e Março de 1999.
The “Blue Moon” rising above the City of Lisbon
A lovely cityscape view captured from a rooftop shows the Full Moon rising above the city of Lisbon. According to modern folklore, the second Full Moon in a calendar month is called “Blue Moon”. Rather than Blue, the rising moon can appear yellow-orange when it is near the horizon due to the way light scatters in the atmosphere. When the moon is low on the horizon, moonlight passes through more of Earth’s atmosphere than when it is overhead. By the time light reaches the observer, the blue and green light has already been scattered, leaving only the red-orange light. We’ve already had one Blue Moon in January 2018, and the last time this rare event of two Blue Moons occurred in such quick succession was January and March of 1999.
PT: Uma vista fantástica em ambiente citadino captada a partir de um telhado, mostra o nascer da Lua Cheia acima da cidade de Lisboa. De acordo com o folclore moderno, a segunda Lua Cheia que ocorre no mesmo mês é chamada de “Lua Azul”. Contudo, ao invés de azul, a lua pode aparecer num tom amarelo alaranjado quando está mais perto do horizonte devido à forma como a luz se espalha na atmosfera. Este ano já tivemos uma Lua Azul em janeiro de 2018, e a última vez que este evento raro aconteceu – de duas luas azuis ocorrerem num tão curto espaço de tempo sequencial – foi em Janeiro e Março de 1999.
A Dreaming Waning Crescent Moon
The photo shows a slightly Waning Crescent Moon rising at Dawn, against a beautiful background from the twilight and behind a pink band of clouds, just few minutes before the Sunrise. Captured above Monsaraz and lake Alqueva, in Dark Sky® Alqueva reserve, the disk was only 6% illuminated by Sun, remind us that planet Venus also can have very similar phases, that can be seen through a telescopic view from Earth, in the right time of the year. When Venus reaches its greatest approach to Earth it shows a slightly Crescent shape – an opposite result of this Waning Crescent Moon.
PT: Na foto é possível ver uma lua minguante que se levanta às primeiras horas do dia por detrás de uma nuvem rosada contra um colorido fundo crepuscular, apenas alguns minutos antes do Sol nascer. Captada acima de Monsaraz, na reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, com o disco lunar apenas 6% iluminado pelo Sol, relembra-nos que o Planeta Vénus também pode apresentar fases muito similares às da Lua e que podem ser vistas a partir da Terra com o auxílio de um telescópio, na altura certa do ano. Quando Vénus atinge o ponto de máxima aproximação à Terra, apresenta uma magnitude de -4.5, tornando-se o planeta mais brilhante da esfera celeste, revelando uma fase Crescente similar, mas oposta à que a Lua apresenta nesta fotografia.
A Waning Crescent Moon Behind a Pinky Band of Clouds
The photo shows a Waning Crescent Moon rising at Dawn, against a beautiful background from the twilight and behind a pink band of clouds, just few minutes before the Sunrise. Captured above Monsaraz and lake Alqueva, in Dark Sky® Alqueva reserve, and due to the fact that during this time of the Month the disk was only 6% illuminated by Sun, we can clearly distinguish the Earthshine, a phenomenon related to that part of the Moon that is not directly illuminated by the Sun, but by the reflected light from Earth itself.
PT: Na foto é possível ver uma lua minguante que se levanta às primeiras horas do dia por detrás de uma nuvem rosada contra um colorido fundo crepuscular, apenas alguns minutos antes do Sol nascer. Captada acima de Monsaraz, na reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, e devido ao facto de que durante este período do mês o disco lunar se encontra apenas 6% iluminado pelo Sol, podemos distinguir claramente um Earthshine, um fenómeno relacionado com a parte da Lua que não se encontra diretamente iluminada pelo Sol, mas pela luz refletida da própria Terra.
An Earthshine from the Waning Crescent Moon
The photo shows a Waning Crescent Moon rising at Dawn, against a beautiful background from the twilight, just few minutes before the Sunrise. Captured above Monsaraz and lake Alqueva, in Dark Sky® Alqueva reserve, and due to the fact that during this time of the Month the disk was only 6% illuminated by Sun, we can clearly distinguish the Earthshine, a phenomenon related to that part of the Moon that is not directly illuminated by the Sun, but by the reflected light from Earth itself.
PT: Na foto é possível ver uma lua minguante que se levanta às primeiras horas do dia, contra um colorido fundo crepuscular, apenas alguns minutos antes do Sol nascer. Captada acima de Monsaraz, na reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, e devido ao facto de que durante este período do mês o disco lunar se encontra apenas 6% iluminado pelo Sol, podemos distinguir claramente um Earthshine, um fenómeno relacionado com a parte da Lua que não se encontra diretamente iluminada pelo Sol, mas pela luz refletida da própria Terra.
The Path of Light from a Super Blue Moon
The path of light from a Super Blue Moon is rising behind a windmill from Sesimbra, in Portugal. The second Full Moon of the month is well known as the “Blue Moon”. Supermoons happen when a full moon approximately coincides with the moon’s perigee, or a point in its orbit at which it is closest to Earth. This makes the moon appear up to 8 percent larger and 16 percent brighter than usual. The Super Moon from January 2018 was very unusual because it also happened a Total Lunar Eclipse, although, it was not visible from Portugal. Below is a Time Lapse sequence captured during Moonrise.
PT: O rasto de luz de uma Super “Blue Moon” ergue-se por detrás de um moinho de vento de Sesimbra, em Portugal. A segunda Lua cheia do mês é conhecida como a “Lua Azul” ou “Blue Moon”. As popularmente designadas Super Luas acontecem, quando uma lua cheia coincide aproximadamente com o perigeu da lua, o ponto em sua órbita que está mais próximo da Terra. Isso faz com que a lua apareça até 8% maior e 16% mais brilhante do que o normal. A Super Lua de janeiro de 2018 foi muito incomum porque também permitiu a ocorrência de um Eclipse Lunar Total, embora não fosse visível de Portugal. Abaixo está uma sequência Time Lapse captada durante o nascer da lua.
Lunar Christmas Earthshine above Mértola Castle
Captured one day after the new moon during the Christmas week, the moon was only 2% illuminated by the sunlight. Though, we can clearly distinguish the entire disk due to a phenomenon called Lunar Earthshine. In the foreground, located in a top hill, is a beautiful well-preserved medieval castle from Mértola village, in Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, decorated with Christmas lights around the walls and by coincidence very well aligned with the crescent moon, forming the perfect frame for a Christmas Card.
PT: Captada no dia após a lua nova e durante a semana que antecede o Natal, a lua encontrava-se 2% iluminada pela luz solar directa. No entanto, é possível distinguir claramente todo o disco devido a um fenómeno chamado Lunar Earthshine. Em primeiro plano, localizado numa colina superior, encontra-se o bem preservado e belo castelo da vila de Mértola, na Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, decorado com luzes de Natal ao redor das paredes e por coincidência muito bem alinhado com a lua crescente, forma o par perfeito para um Postal de Natal.
Slightly Crescent Moon above Mértola Village
Captured one day after the new moon during the Christmas week, the moon was only 2% illuminated by the sunlight. Though, we can clearly distinguish the entire disk due to a phenomenon called Lunar Earthshine. In the foreground, located in a top hill, is a beautiful well-preserved medieval castle from Mértola village, in Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve, decorated with Christmas lights around the walls and by coincidence very well aligned with the crescent moon, forming the perfect frame for a Christmas Card.
PT: Captada no dia após a lua nova e durante a semana que antecede o Natal, a lua encontrava-se 2% iluminada pela luz solar directa. No entanto, é possível distinguir claramente todo o disco devido a um fenómeno chamado Lunar Earthshine. Em primeiro plano, localizado numa colina superior, encontra-se o bem preservado e belo castelo da vila de Mértola, na Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, decorado com luzes de Natal ao redor das paredes e por coincidência muito bem alinhado com a lua crescente, forma o par perfeito para um Postal de Natal.
A Twilight of a Double Moonrise above Mina de São Domingos
A twilight of a “double” moonrise reflected in a puddle of acid water from Achada do Gamo, that was – since the beginning of modern mining activities in the São Domingos Mine – the center of metallurgical activities on extracted minerals. Already during the 20th century, between the 30s and 40s, a new direction of industrial exploration took place: the sulfur, however much valued, began to be extracted from the copper pyrites through furnaces (Orkla process) in two plants installed in the Achada do Gamo during the years of 1934 and 1943.
São Domingos Mine is located in Baixo Alentejo, about 240 km from Lisbon, in the municipality of Mértola, which recently joined the Dark Sky® Alqueva Route for the great quality of the night sky. The São Domingos mining area is part of the Iberian Pyrite Range and is a decisive source of basic metals (S, Zn, Pb, Sn, Ag, Au, Fe, Co, Cd, etc.) and other elements such as sulfur (S). It has been a sought after place for the extraction of ores since antiquity, with evidence of gold, silver and copper mining in the pre-Roman and Roman times. The pyritic deposit of São Domingos (St. Dominic) was explored in various historical periods, namely: for several centuries of the first millennium BC (Eastern period), during the period between 14 BC and 395 AD (Roman period), during the Islamic period and during the modern period that was initiated in 1858 for the extraction of copper, gold and silver and was maintained until 1966, the year in which the reserves were considered exhausted. During this period, the work was done in the open air up to 120 meters deep, with work continued through wells and galleries up to 400 meters. Over 108 years of regular exploration, more than 20 million tons of materials were removed from the site, producing about 14.7 million tons of waste accumulated in heaps up to 14 meters high with a dozen different materials such as pyrite , gossan, slag, ash, iron oxides, barren rock, sludge, debris, etc. The areas of heaps, slag and channels of water, give the landscape a “lunar” aspect. The heaps are composed of different materials with high levels of metals, such as slag and ash, whose leaching through the rainwater leads to the production of acid mine drainage, usually with an ocher or reddish color.|
PT: Durante o crepúsculo uma “lua dupla” nasce reflectida nas águas ácidas da Achada do Gamo, que foi desde o início das atividades modernas de mineração na Mina de São Domingos, o centro das atividades metalúrgicas sobre os minérios extraídos. Já durante o século XX, entre as décadas de 30 e 40, uma nova direção de exploração industrial tomou lugar: o enxofre, entretanto muito valorizado, passou a ser extraído das pirites cupríferas através de fornos (processo Orkla) em duas unidades fabris instaladas na Achada do Gamo durante os anos de 1934 e 1943.
A Mina de São Domingos, situa-se no Baixo Alentejo, a cerca de 240 km de Lisboa, no concelho de Mértola, que passou a integrar recentemente a Rota Dark Sky® Alqueva pela grande qualidade do seu céu escuro. A área mineira de São Domingos, está inserida na Faixa Piritosa Ibérica e constitui uma fonte decisiva de metais básicos (Cu, Zn, Pb, Sn, Ag, Au, Fe, Co, Cd, etc.) e de outros elementos como o enxofre (S). Foi desde a Antiguidade um local procurado para a extracção de minérios, existindo indícios de trabalhos de extracção de ouro, prata e cobre no período pré-romano e romano. O depósito pirítico de São Domingos foi explorado em diversos períodos históricos, nomeadamente: durante vários séculos do primeiro milénio a.C. (período Oriental), durante o período que mediou entre o ano 14 a.C. e o ano de 395 d.C. (período romano), durante o período islâmico e durante o período moderno que se iniciou em 1858 para a extracção de cobre, ouro e prata e manteve-se até 1966, ano em que as reservas foram consideradas esgotadas. Neste período, a lavra foi feita a céu aberto até aos 120 metros de profundidade, tendo os trabalhos continuado por meio de poços e galerias até aos 400 metros. Ao longo de 108 anos de exploração regular, foram retirados do local mais de 20 milhões de toneladas de materiais, tendo produzido cerca 14,7 milhões de toneladas de resíduos acumulados em escombreiras de até 14 metros de altura, com uma dezena de materiais diferentes como pirite, gossan, escórias, cinzas, óxidos de ferro, rocha estéril, lamas, entulhos, etc. As áreas de escombreiras, escórias e canais de água, dão à paisagem um aspecto “lunar”. As escombreiras são constituídas por diferentes materiais com teores elevados em metais, como escórias e cinzas, cuja lixiviação através das águas das chuvas leva à produção de águas ácidas (‘acid mine drainage’), geralmente com uma cor ocre ou avermelhada.
Super Full Cold Moon Rising above Lake Alqueva in Monsaraz
With the disk illuminated 98%, the photo shows the moon rising against the pink background from “Belt of Venus”, anti-twilight arch phenomenon, above Monsaraz and lake Alqueva, in Dark Sky® Alqueva reserve, one day before the “Full Cold Moon” of December – as it is known – reaches a 100% of light. It will also be the first (and last) “supermoon” of 2017. Supermoons happen when a full moon approximately coincides with the moon’s perigee, or a point in its orbit at which it is closest to Earth. This makes the moon appear up to 8 percent larger and 16 percent brighter than usual.
Super Full Cold Moon Rising Against “Belt of Venus” above Monsaraz
With the disk illuminated 98%, the photo shows the moon rising against the pink background from “Belt of Venus”, anti-twilight arch phenomenon, above Monsaraz and lake Alqueva, in Dark Sky® Alqueva reserve, one day before the “Full Cold Moon” of December – as it is known – reaches a 100% of light. It will also be the first (and last) “supermoon” of 2017. Supermoons happen when a full moon approximately coincides with the moon’s perigee, or a point in its orbit at which it is closest to Earth. This makes the moon appear up to 8 percent larger and 16 percent brighter than usual.
A Baby Moon is Shinning and Heating
A baby moon is growing and heating while is reflecting more and more sunlight over the days. The shinning side of the moon can reach temperatures of 253 degrees F (123º C) contrasting with the “shadow side” that can have temperatures dipping to minus 243 F (minus 153º C). Less then half of the hottest temperature on the Moon would be enough to start a series of fires in our forests around the Planet. While this “baby” Moon is growing and showing a beautiful Earthshine, here on Earth, Firefighters are fighting like heroes each year, showing the strength and courage to facing the real power of heating, trying to save more human and animal lives as well as avoiding the devastation provoked by fires that leading to an end of the nature in his wild state.
The sculpture in the foreground visible in the image were made by Charneca Brothers, and was erected in Reguengos de Monsaraz, Dark Sky® Alqueva Reserve to honor the Firefighters on their 75th anniversary.
PT: Uma lua “ainda jovem” cresce e aquece enquanto reflete mais e mais luz solar ao longo dos dias. O lado brilhante da lua pode atingir temperaturas de 123ºC (253º F) contrastando com o “lado à sombra” que pode mergulhar em temperaturas de 153ºC negativos (-243º F). Menos de metade da temperatura mais quente da Lua seria suficiente para iniciar uma série de incêndios nas nossas florestas ao redor do Planeta. Enquanto esta lua “bebé” cresce e nos revela um lindo Earthshine lunar, aqui na Terra, bombeiros lutam como heróis a cada ano, mostrando uma força e coragem incansável para enfrentar o poder real do calor proveniente dos fogos florestais, tentando assim salvar mais vidas humanas e animais, evitando a devastação provocada por incêndios, que levam à extinção da natureza no seu estado mais puro e selvagem.
A escultura em primeiro plano visível na imagem, é da autoria dos Irmãos Charneca e foi erguida em Reguengos de Monsaraz, Reserva Dark Sky® Alqueva, para homenagear os Bombeiros, no seu 75º aniversário.