A full dome and 360º Virtual Reality nightscape scene reveals a mosaic of single shots with a composite of more than 100 meteors star aligned captured in 2 consecutive nights during Geminids meteor shower 2023. The composite shows the Radiant located in Gemini constellation, near the blueish star Castor, the single point in the sky where all meteors seems to appear due to the perspective. The background is a mosaic image made of single untracked shots where a starry sky shows the path of Winter Milky Way, full of beautiful bright constellations and nebulae, shining in reddish hues from Hydrogen emission and against the bright light of planet Jupiter, while all the sky is fulfilled by meteors. In the scene, is also visible the silhouette of one of my students enjoying the starry sky near Alqueva lake while all the sky is fulfilled by meteors. The image was captured from Dark Sky® Alqueva, in Portugal. For another rotated version, click here. Below you can experience a Virtual Reality 360º and a Tiny Planet view in 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Um cenário All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º revela um mosaico de fotos individuais com uma composição de mais de 100 meteoros alinhados cuidadosamente com as estrelas, captados ao longo de 42 noites consecutivas durante a chuva de meteoros Geminídeas 2023. A composição mostra assim o Radiante localizado na constelação de Gémeos, próximo da estrela azulada Castor, o ponto singular no céu de onde todos os meteoros aparentam radiar por uma questão de perspectiva. O céu estrelado em pano de fundo, é resultado de um mosaico de disparos únicos e sem seguimento e mostra o caminho da Via Láctea de Inverno, repleta de lindas constelações brilhantes e nebulosas avermelhadas devido à emissão de hidrogénio, com o planeta Júpiter a destacar-se alto no céu enquanto toda o esfera celeste é preenchida por meteoros. Este cenário allsky contempla ainda uma das minhas alunas de um workshop privado a apreciar o céu estrelado perto do lago Alqueva. A imagem foi captada no Dark Sky® Alqueva, em Portugal. Para ver uma versão com rotação diferente, clique aqui. O leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual e uma visão Tiny Planet em alta-resolução 7K usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A full dome and 360º Virtual Reality nightscape scene reveals a mosaic of single shots with a composite of 100 meteors star aligned captured in 4 consecutive nights during Perseids meteor shower 2023. The image shows the Radiant located in Perseus constellation, the single point in the sky where all meteors seems to appear due to the perspective. The background starry sky shows the path of Milky Way, as well as the Zodiacal light shining above Pleiades star cluster and against the bright light of planet Jupiter, while all the sky is fulfilled by meteors. The image was captured from Monte de Palaios, during our event at Dark Sky® Alqueva, in Portugal. For another rotated version, click here. Below you can experience a Virtual Reality 360º in 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Um cenário All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º revela um mosaico de fotos individuais com uma composição de 100 meteoros alinhados cuidadosamente com as estrelas, captados ao longo de 4 noites consecutivas durante a chuva de meteoros Perseidas 2023. A composição mostra assim o Radiante localizado na constelação do Perseu, o ponto singular no céu de onde todos os meteoros aparentam radiar por uma questão de perspectiva. O céu estrelado em pano de fundo, mostra o caminho da Via Láctea bem como a luz zodiacal brilhando acima do aglomerado de estrelas das Pleiades e cruzando o caminho do planeta Júpiter, enquanto todo o céu é preenchido por meteoros. A imagem foi captada no Monte de Palaios, durante o nosso evento dedicado às Perseidas 2023 no Dark Sky® Alqueva, em Portugal. Para ver uma versão com rotação diferente, clique aqui. O leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual em alta-resolução 7K usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
On 31th of July 2023, a huge filament was visible on the sun’s disc center. At first sight and according to the size, it seems to fit in a quarter of the solar diameter, which will probably indicates a size of around 370,000 km or 29x the size of our planet Earth. Solar filaments are clouds of ionized gas, or plasma, as seen in contrast above the chromosphere. When a solar filament is seen near the solar limb, then it is called a “prominence” instead of a filament. Prominences contain much cooler plasma and are anchored by magnetic field structure, to the Sun’s surface in the photosphere. So I’ve setup the LuntLS100 this time with a Player One Saturn-M SQR camera which is the perfect combination for this type of full disc images. The photo was captured from Dark Sky® territory, in Portugal at UT13h53m. Below you can experience a Virtual Reality 360º in 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: No passado dia 31 de Julho de 2023, foi possível observar e registar um enorme filamento visível no centro do disco solar. À primeira vista este filamento extendia-se por cerca de quarto do diâmetro solar, o que provavelmente indica um tamanho de cerca de 370.000 km ou 29x o tamanho do nosso planeta Terra. Os filamentos solares são nuvens de gás ionizado, ou plasma, visto em contraste acima da cromosfera. Quando um filamento solar é visto perto do limbo solar, ele passa a ser designado de “proeminência” em vez de filamento. As proeminências contêm plasma muito mais frio e são ancoradas pela estrutura do campo magnético, à superfície do Sol, na fotosfera. Para captar esta imagem configurei o LuntLS100 com uma câmara Player One Saturn-M SQR, que é a combinação perfeita para este tipo de imagens de disco completo. A fotografia foi captada a partir do território Dark Sky®, em Portugal cerca das UT13h53m. Embaixo o leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual em alta-resolução 7K usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Below are a still shot presented in monocrhome version, intended to help conduct the reader attention to the most interesting parts of the image.
PT: Em baixo está uma foto apresentada em uma versão monocromática com o objetivo intencional de ajudar a conduzir a atenção do leitor para as partes mais interessantes da imagem.
Technical details | Detalhes Técnicos
Lunt Solar System LS100| EQ-6 Pro mount | Player One Saturn-M SQR | Stack of 200 frames for each single image, captured in average seeing conditions from Dark Sky® territory, Portugal.
Important Note | Nota Importante: Never look and point a telescope or any other optical equipment directly to the sun without a proper and specialized safty filters! It can blind you forever. PT: Nota Importante – Nunca aponte um telescópio ou qualquer equipamento óptico directamente para o sol e observe através dele sem filtros especializados e seguros. Causará cegueira irreversível!
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
An all sky and 360º Virtual Reality scene features the path of zodiacal light showing a gegenschein close to the zenith (center of the image) and the faint winter Milky Way presence full of nebulae emission and lovely bright constellations, while an outsider visitor known as Comet ZTF was shining with a diffuse greenish glow above Alqueva lake, at Dark Sky® Alqueva territory, in Portugal. Close to the horizon and almost surrounding the entire circular scene, a light presence of a pale green airglow is also visible. Below you can experience a Virtual Reality 360º in 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Um cenário all sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º, apresenta o caminho ténue da luz zodiacal exibindo um gegenschein ao centro, enquanto a Via Láctea de Inverno cheia de nebulosas de emissão e constelações brilhantes atravessa o céu de um horizonte ao outro. A imagem revela ainda um visitante longínquo apelidado de Cometa ZTF, brilhando em tons de verde difuso, é visível junto ao horizonte acima do lago Alqueva, no território do Dark Sky® Alqueva, em Portugal. Perto do horizonte circular, é possível distinguir a leve presença do airglow – luminescência fotoquímica da atmosfera – perceptível como uma tonalidade esverdeada que envolve praticamente toda a imagem. Abaixo está disponível a Realidade Virtual 360º desta imagem. O leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual em alta-resolução 7K usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A fulldome view and a 360º Virtual Reality nightscape scene, shows the celestial sphere above Lut Desert, full of colors, from Milky Way hues up to the bright greenish airglow mixed against the background sky. The impressive rocky scene could be out of this world, revealing a reddish ground resembling the martian soil.
PT: Uma visão All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º, mostra a esfera celeste acima do deserto de Lut, no Irão, repleta de cores e um céu estrelado pristino, a revelar os tons da Via Láctea e o brilho esverdeado do airglow que se mistura com o céu de fundo. A impressionante cena rochosa poderia ser de outro mundo, revelando um solo avermelhado que lembra o solo marciano.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
An all sky and 360º Virtual Reality scene captured at the end of Summer season from Natural Park of Noudar, in Dark Sky® Alqueva territory, shows a mosaic made of single shots with a galactic arch shinning above the Noudar quiet house and fields. The arch itself is featuring the core of “Summer Milky Way” which is gradually disappearing in the western horizon due to the time of the year, while in the opposite direction of the arch (left side), in the Eastern sky, the “Winter Milky Way” is start to appearing with Pleiades star cluster rising above the horizon. Summer Triangle is still highlighting the center of the all sky image. Left center – in the beginning of the Milky Way faintest path – a bright elliptic and diffuse dot belongs to Andromeda Galaxy and below it, is also visible an even fainter light coming from Triangle galaxy. Lower center, close to the horizon and above the house roof, shows the bright light from planet Jupiter. The background sky is also featuring the greenish presence of airglow. Captured with a Sony A7sIII at ISO8000 Exp: 5 secs for each image of the mosaic with a G master lens 24mm f/1.4. Below is available two Virtual Realities 360º of this scene. You can experience a full 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Um cenário nocturno estrelado captado no final do Verão a partir do Parque de Natureza de Noudar, no território Dark Sky® Alqueva, mostra a versão all sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º de um mosaico de disparos únicos com o arco galáctico brilhando sobre a casa do Parque de Noudar. O próprio arco apresenta o núcleo da “Via Láctea de Verão” que parece desaparecer gradualmente no horizonte ocidental devido à época do ano, enquanto na direção oposta do arco (lado esquerdo), no céu oriental, a “ Via Láctea de Inverno” começa a aparecer com o aglomerado de estrelas Pleiades visível acima do horizonte. O Triângulo de Verão ainda se consegue destacar na zona central desta visão all sky. No centro esquerdo – no início do caminho mais fraco da Via Láctea – um ponto elíptico e difuso brilhante pertence à Galáxia de Andrómeda e abaixo desta, também se encontra visível uma luz ainda mais fraca provninente da galáxia do Triângulo. O centro inferior, próximo ao horizonte e acima do telhado da casa, mostra a luz brilhante do planeta Júpiter. O céu de fundo também revela a presença esverdeada do airglow – luminescência fotoquímica da atmosfera. Imagens captadas com uma Sony A7sIII a ISO8000 Exp: 5seg para cada imagem do mosaico objectiva G master 24mm f/1.4. O leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual em alta-resolução 7K usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Captured on the wonderful century old mine of São Domingos, in Achada do Gamo, Dark Sky® Alqueva – Mértola, an all sky and 360º Virtual Reality scene features the arch of Milky Way shining high in the Sky. Summer Triangle highlights the center of the image, with blueish Vega near the top. Left lower center – in the beginning of the Milky Way faintest path – a bright elliptic and diffuse dot is the light coming from Andromeda Galaxy. In the lower center and between the two strcutures are shining planets Jupiter and Mars, being Saturn visible as well, but more to the center right. On the right edge, shines the dusty core of Milky Way galaxy full of emission nebulae and close to Rho Ophiuchi clouds complex, an unusual bright orange glow belongs to an eclipsed super moon for being under the Earth shadow cone. Below is available two Virtual Realities 360º of this scene. You can experience a full 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Captada na maravilhosa região da Mina centenária de São Domingos, na Achada do Gamo, Dark Sky ® Alqueva – Mértola, um cenário All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º, apresenta o arco da Via Láctea brilhando alto no céu. Ao fundo, o Triângulo de Verão destaca o centro da imagem, com a estrela azulada Vega perto do topo. No centro inferior esquerdo – no início do caminho ténue da Via Láctea – um ponto elíptico, brilhante e difuso pertence à Galáxia de Andrómeda. No centro inferior e entre as duas estruturas estão os planetas Júpiter e Marte. Mais acima à direita, encontra-se o planeta Saturno. No extremo direito, brilha o núcleo empoeirado da Via Láctea cheio de nebulosas de emissão e próximo ao complexo de nuvens Rho Ophiuchi, uma luz incomum de tonalidade laranja brilhante, pertence a uma superlua eclipsada por estar sob o efeito do cone de sombra da Terra. Abaixo estão disponíveis duas Realidades Virtuais 360º desta imagem. O leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual em alta-resolução 7K usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A full dome and 360º Virtual Reality nightscape scene reveals a mosaic of single shots where the arch of Summer Milky Way shines high and bright against a starry night sky during Perseids meteor shower, above the mountains and lake of Pampilhosa da Serra. In the background, Summer Triangle highlights the center of the image, while the dusty core of Milky Way galaxy is visible above the mountain range close to the horizon. On the center right, the two brightest stars above the moutain belongs to the giant Jupiter and Saturn. The best meteors captured during the shower and visible on the scene were star aligned with accuracy of a sub-pixel to help reveal the overall show with a composite of the Radiant, the single point in the night sky where all these shooting stars seems to appear.
PT: Um cenário All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º revela um mosaico de fotos individuais onde o arco da Via Láctea de Verão brilha alto contra um céu nocturno estrelado durante a chuva de meteoros Perseidas, acima das montanhas e lago da Pampilhosa da Serra. Ao fundo, o Triângulo de Verão destaca o centro da imagem, enquanto o núcleo empoeirado da Via Láctea é visível acima das montanhas perto do horizonte. No centro à direita, as duas estrelas mais brilhantes acima da montanha pertencem aos gigantes Júpiter e Saturno. Os meteoros mais brilhantes captados durante a chuva e visíveis na imagem foram alinhados com a precisão de um sub-pixel para ajudar a revelar na composição, o Radiante, o único ponto no céu noturno onde todas essas estrelas cadentes aparentam aparecer.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
A full dome and 360º Virtual Reality scene features the path of Milky Way shining high in the night sky, above Castro de Palheiros, or Fragada of Castro, territory of Dark Sky® Vale do Tua – a new certified Starlight Tourist Destination. Located in the heart of Natural Park of Tua Valley, in the northern part of Portugal, “is an imposing quartzite ridge that was being carved and built by the people of Murça region, between the beginning of the third millennium BC up to the present”, according to the Interpretative Center of this region. In the background, Summer Triangle highlights the center of the image, with blueish star Vega near the top. At the upper left corner – in the beginning of the Milky Way – a bright elliptic and diffuse dot is the light coming from Andromeda Galaxy. In the opposite direction – lower horizon – shines the dusty core of Milky Way galaxy full emission nebulae featuring a reddish pink hues. On the left side of the all sky scene – lies also planets Jupiter, visible with its bright light near the quartzite rock. Below is available a Virtual Realities 360º of this scene. You can experience a full 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Um cenário All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º, apresenta o caminho da Via Láctea brilhando alto no céu noturno, acima do Castro de Palheiros, ou Fragada de Castro, território do Dark Sky® Vale do Tua – um novo Destino Turístico Starlight certificado. Situado no coração do Parque Natural do Vale do Tua, no norte de Portugal, o Castro “é uma imponente crista quartzítica que foi sendo esculpida e construída pelas populações da região de Murça, entre o início do terceiro milénio antes de Cristo até ao presente, segundo o Centro Interpretativo da região. Em pano de fundo, destaca-se o Triângulo do Verão ao centro da imagem, com a estrela azulada Vega a brilhar próximo do centro. No canto superior esquerdo – no início da Via Láctea – um ponto elíptico brilhante e difuso, pertence à luz da Galáxia vizinha de Andrómeda. Na direção oposta, perto do horizonte inferior, brilha o núcleo empoeirado da nossa galáxia Via Láctea, salpicado por uma imensidão de nebulosas de emissão que brilham em tons de rosa avermelhado. No lado esquerdo desta imagem circular de grande campo, encontram-se os planeta Júpiter, bem visível com a sua luz brilhante. Abaixo estão disponíveis duas Realidades Virtuais 360º desta imagem. O leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual em alta-resolução 7K usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Captured on the wonderful century old mine of São Domingos, in Achada do Gamo, Dark Sky® Alqueva – Mértola, an all sky and 360º Virtual Reality scene features the arch of Milky Way shining high in the Sky. Summer Triangle highlights the center of the image, with blueish Vega near the top. At the upper left corner – in the beginning of the Milky Way – a bright elliptic and diffuse dot is the light coming from Andromeda Galaxy. In the opposite direction, close to the horizon shines the dusty core of the galaxy also reflected in a puddle of acid water. On the left side of the all sky scene – lies planets Saturn and Jupiter, visible with its bright light. Below is available two Virtual Realities 360º of this scene. One with the single image, and another with a labeled version where constellations and main deep sky objects visible are identified as a celestial planisphere. All the asterism lines and identifications were made manually by me. You can experience a full 7K resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Captada na maravilhosa região da Mina centenária de São Domingos, na Achada do Gamo, Dark Sky ® Alqueva – Mértola, um cenário All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º, apresenta o arco da Via Láctea brilhando alto no céu. O Triângulo do verão destaca-se no centro da imagem, com a estrela azulada Vega, a brilhar próximo do centro. No canto superior esquerdo – no início da Via Láctea – um ponto elíptico brilhante e difuso, pertence à luz da Galáxia vizinha de Andrómeda. Na direção oposta, perto do horizonte inferior, brilha o núcleo empoeirado da nossa galáxia também refletido em uma pequena poça de água ácida. No lado esquerdo desta imagem circular de grande campo, encontram-se os planetas Saturno e Júpiter, este último, bem visível com a sua luz brilhante. Abaixo estão disponíveis duas Realidades Virtuais 360º desta imagem. Uma delas com a imagem singular e outra com uma versão anotada em que se podem apreciar os asterismos das constelações e os principais objetos do céu profundo visíveis, assim identificados como num planisfério celeste. Todas as linhas dos asterismos e respecitvas identificações foram feitas manualmente por mim. O leitor pode assim experienciar esta Realidade Virtual em alta-resolução 7K usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Above is available the Virtual Reality 360º in a labeled version where constellations and main deep sky objects visible are identified as a celestial planisphere. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
Acima está disponível a Realidade Virtual 360º em uma versão anotada em que se podem apreciar os asterismos das constelações e os principais objetos do céu profundo visíveis, assim identificados como num planisfério celeste. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Captured in Dark Sky® Alqueva Lake, a Little Planet and 360º Virtual Reality scene, shows the fields surrounding the lake spread by olive trees, holm oak and cork trees, with its long shadows cast by the lower angle of moonlight, while in the opposite direction of the sky, is faintly visible the arch of Milky Way rising above the Eastern horizon, yet immersed in the blueish scattered light from the moon, while interacting with our atmosphere. Summer Triangle is totally visible with blueish Vega near the top, while Ursa Major (Big Dipper) dominates the Zenith of the full dome 360º VR view. Below is available a Virtual Reality 360º scene, which you can experience in full resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Captada junto às águas calmas do Grande Lago Alqueva, no Dark Sky® Alqueva, um “Little Planet” e cenário de Realidade Virtual 360º, mostra os campos circundantes ao lago onde oliveiras, azinheiras e sobreiros se espalham pelos montes que caracterizam esta paisagem tipicamente alentejana, iluminada pelo baixo luar, que projecta assim sombras longas e fantasmagóricas no solo. Enquanto a Lua brilha no horizonte Oeste, é suavemente visível na direcção oposta, o arco da Via Láctea que se eleva lentamente acima do horizonte Este, ainda imersa na luz azulada da lua, enquanto interage com nossa atmosfera. O Triângulo de verão é totalmente visível com a estrela Vega no topo, enquanto a Ursa Maior (Ursa Major) domina o Zénite da visão VR 360º. Abaixo está disponível uma imagem de Realidade Virtual 360º, que o leitor pode experienciar em alta-resolução (7K) usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
An all sky view and 360º Virtual Reality scene, features the path of Milky Way with its core shining high in the sky of Atacama Desert. This full dome mosaic comprises 27 still images photographed from Ojos Del Salar, two small lagoons standing close each other forming like a pair of eyes point high up. Located in the middle of nowhere, in Atacama Desert, they can be found almost 30km from San Pedro de Atacama, in the northern part of Chile. The rocky desert of Atacama, sometimes reminds me of the reddish martian soil. On July, in the Southern Hemisphere the core of Milky Way galaxy stands very high in the sky, touching the Zenith this time of the year. The center of the image features the dusty core of the galaxy, with a special guest visible, planet Jupiter is also there, shinning very close to Rho Ophiuchi colorful cloud complex. In the opposite direction, the faint band from Zodiacal light in crossing the entire half of the scene. In this full dome view, the small lagoon is visible in the right side of the celestial sphere, full of reflected stars, stands up in the scene like the shape of a crescent Moon. After the iconic unusual portrait showing what could be a big “Martian Eye” looking deep to our Milky Way Galaxy, published as APOD on April 2020, I decided to create a Virtual Reality 360º image of this same scene, which you can experience in full resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Um cenário All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º, apresenta o caminho da Via Láctea com o seu núcleo brilhando alto no céu do Deserto do Atacama. Este mosaico circular completo este mosaico compreende 27 imagens estáticas fotografadas a partir dos Ojos Del Salar, duas pequenas lagoas próximas uma da outra, formando como que um par de olhos apontados para o alto, algures em pleno deserto de Atacama, a cerca de 30 km de San Pedro de Atacama, na região norte do Chile. O deserto rochoso e avermelhado do Atacama, por vezes relembra-me o solo marciano. Em julho, no Hemisfério Sul, o núcleo da Via Láctea encontra-se muito alto no céu, tocando o Zénite nesta época do ano. O centro da imagem mostra o núcleo empoeirado da galáxia, com um convidado especial visível, o planeta Júpiter também lá está, brilhando muito perto do complexo de nuvens coloridas de Rho Ophiuchi. Na direção oposta, a faixa tênue da luz zodiacal atravessa toda a metade esquerda do céu. Nesta visão “fulldome”, a pequena lagoa é visível no lado direito da esfera celeste, cheia de estrelas refletidas, revela a forma de uma lua crescente. Depois do icônico retrato incomum que mostra o que poderia ser um grande “olho marciano” olhando profundamente para nossa Via Láctea, publicado como APOD em Abril de 2020, decidi criar uma realidade virtual 360º dessa mesma imagem, que o leitor pode experimentar em resolução total usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
An all sky view and 360º Virtual Reality scene, features the path of Milky Way with its core shining above the horizon as seen from Death Valley National Park, in California, US. This full dome mosaic comprises 15 still images photographed from Zabriskie Point. The Milky Way was high in the Sky during that time (August) and the air temperature at midnight, was 41 centrigrade degrees. In the top center, a blue bright star Vega, from Lyra constellation, is forming an asterism well known as the “Summer Triangle” with stars Deneb (from Cygnus) and Altair (from Aquila). Close to the horizon, above the Amargosa mountain range, the core of Milky Way galaxy is shinning with its bright dust, and immersed in, are visible many emission nebulae featuring a reddish pink hue. Super giant star Antares, is the yellowish bright light at the right side of the galaxy core, visible among the “Dark River”, a brown dust lane which spans about 100 light years, and visually connects Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex to the center of the galaxy. You can experience in full resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses VR glasses.
PT: Uma visão panorâmica all sky e de realidade virtual a 360º, mostra o caminho da Via Láctea com o seu núcleo brilhando acima do horizonte visto a partir do Parque Nacional do Death Valley, na Califórnia, EUA. Este mosaico de cúpula completa compreende 15 imagens estáticas fotografadas a partir de Zabriskie Point. A Via Láctea estava alta no céu nessa época (agosto) e a temperatura do ar à meia-noite era de 41º centígrados. No centro superior, a estrela azul brilhante Vega, da constelação de Lyra, forma um asterismo conhecido como o “Triângulo de Verão” com as estrelas Deneb (de Cisne) e Altair (da Águia). Perto do horizonte, acima da cordilheira Amargosa, o núcleo da Via Láctea destaca-se intensamente com a sua poeira brilhante, e imersa nesta, muitas nebulosas de emissão com um tom rosa avermelhado são possíveis de observar. A estrela supergigante vermelha Antares, é a luz brilhante amarelada no lado direito do núcleo da galáxia, visível entre o “Dark River”, uma faixa de poeira acastanhada que se estende por cerca de 100 anos-luz e conecta visualmente o complexo de nuvens Rho Ophiuchi ao centro do galáxia. Em baixo poderá desfrutar da experiência de Realidade Virtual a 360º na máxima resolução usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usaróculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
An all sky view and 360º Virtual Reality scene captured in June 2015 during an expedition to Picos de Europa National Park, in Northern Spain, reveals the Milky Way path touching the Zenith. While the ground is surrounded by mountains and a lonely chalet, in the top center of the sky, a bright star is shinning in blue hues. Vega, from Lyra constellation, is forming an asterism well know as the “Summer Triangle” with stars Deneb (from Cygnus) and Altair (from Aquila). At the left side, the core of Milky Way galaxy is well positioned above the horizon featuring the colorful cosmic dust which comprises many deep sky wonders like emission nebulae, dark or reflection nebulae, as well as many globular star clusters. You can experience in full resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses VR glasses.
PT: Uma visão panorâmica all sky e de realidade virtual a 360º, captada em Junho de 2015 durante uma expedição ao Parque Nacional Picos de Europa, no Norte da Espanha, revela o caminho brilhante da Via Láctea tocando o Zénite. Enquanto a paisagem terrestre está cercado por montanhas e um chalet solitário, no centro do céu, uma estrela brilhante reluz em tons de azul. Vega, da constelação Lyra, forma assim um asterismo conhecido como “Triângulo do Verão”, com as estrelas Deneb (de Cygnus) e Altair (de Aquila). No lado esquerdo, a Via Láctea está bem posicionado acima do horizonte, apresentando o colorido pó cósmico que compreende muitas maravilhas do céu profundo, como nebulosas de emissão, nebulosas escuras ou de reflexão, bem como enxames globulares de estrelas longínquas. Em baixo poderá desfrutar da experiência de Realidade Virtual a 360º na máxima resolução usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.
Captured on a steppe field from the wonderful region of Mértola in Dark Sky® Alqueva, and featured in a panoramic view as NASA’s APOD – Astronomy Picture of the Day, an all sky and 360º Virtual Reality scene, features the arch of Milky Way shining high in the Sky. Summer Triangle highlights the center of the image, with blueish Vega near the top. At the upper half right side – in the beginning of the Milky Way – a bright elliptic and diffuse dot is the light coming from Andromeda Galaxy. The greenish horizon is surrounded and involved in airglow and some thin high clouds. Located at one o´clock shines an orange dot, it’s not a star, but the close planet Mars in opposition. In the opposite horizon of this large circular field – left upper edge of the all sky scene – lies planets Saturn and Jupiter against the dusty core of our Milky Way Galaxy. Below is available a Virtual Reality 360º image, which you can experience in full resolution using your desktop, or smartphone with gyroscope. A great “in loco” experience can be achieved if you wear a VR glasses.
PT: Captada num campo de estepe na maravilhosa região de Mértola no Dark Sky® Alqueva, e destacada em panorama como NASA’s APOD – Astronomy Picture of the Day, um cenário All Sky e de Realidade Virtual 360º, apresenta o arco da Via Láctea brilhando alto no céu. O Triângulo do verão destaca-se no centro da imagem, com a estrela azulada Vega, a brilhar próximo do centro. Na metade superior direita – no início da Via Láctea – um ponto elíptico e difuso, pertence à luz da Galáxia vizinha de Andrómeda. O horizonte esverdeado está envolvido pela presença de Air Glow – luminescência fotoquímica da atmosfera – e algumas nuvens altas finas. Localizado à uma hora da tarde (imaginando-se um relógio circular) brilha um ponto laranja, não é uma estrela, mas sim o planeta Marte em Oposição. No horizonte oposto deste grande campo circular – no extremo superior esquerdo do All Sky – encontram-se os planetas Saturno e Júpiter contra o núcleo empoeirado da nossa Via Láctea. Abaixo está disponível uma imagem de Realidade Virtual 360º, que o leitor pode experienciar em alta-resolução usando o seu desktop ou smartphone com giroscópio. Uma ótima experiência “in loco” pode ser alcançada se usar óculos de realidade virtual.
Buy a Fine Art Print or Wall Decor of this Image – Make your order Now!
You can choose the best style of print do you preffer to decorate in a fashion way your walls. Metal Prints with durable and vivid colors, Acrylic, Canvas or the highest quality Gallery Print – a 6 colour UV direct printing on acrylic glass (2mm) including light colours and reinforced by an aluminium dibond plate (3mm). Those type of Prints can highlight the final work in an artistic way, showing the photograph as a piece of art. I work with two high quality specialized Labs in US and in Europe, using Kodak Professional Endura Premier Metallic papers and Fujifilm Crystal Archive DP II Professional. You can select the image above or freely navigate to more than 800 photographs available in my gallery – each one with their own story and magic – and choose the photograph you would love to have in your home or office.
How to Order – Simple and easy, just “copy and paste” the link of this page or the image you choosed and fill it in the form below, with the size you want and any detail you wish to include on the message, like your country, name and postal address. Free Shipping included to all prints (except frames). For US and Europe the delivery is 4-8 working days, while to Portugal and Spain is normally 2-6 working days. After submitting the order through the form, I will contact you for the payment method (Paypal available or bank transfer) and with other questions related to your print(s) or requests. Once payment is confirmed, your order is shipped within 24h. In case you wish, I can send you separtely with no additional cost, a postcard autographed and numbered of the same image you have just bought, as a seal and proof of art work authenticity from the author. Let me know what is your wish.