Image with a Special Mention as a “Notable Photo” in the: Internacional Earth and Sky Photo Contest 2013
Image with a Special Mention as a “Notable Photo” in the Internacional Earth and Sky Photo Contest 2013.
The winners and Notable photos of the International Earth and Sky Photo Contest 2013 on Dark Skies Importance are announced. Organized by international program The World at Night the contest is a collaboration with outreach and education group of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory and Global Astronomy Month, the Astronomers Without Borders annual world-wide program.
The contest as received 710 entries submitted from photographers from 45 countries around the world. David Malin, a prominent member of the judging panel and a world-known pioneer in scientific astrophotography explained that “The 685 entries the judges examined (twice the 2012 judged images) represent some of the best TAWN-style photographs ever gathered together in one place.”
Enjoy above the amazing contest video with the Winners and the Notable Photos. The image of the Milky Way above Orada convent, in Monsaraz, taken by Miguel Claro, appeared in the video as a special mention at 4:06 minutes.
See below the original images published, or enjoy it in the gallery