Orion´s IR Sequence Zoomed
by Year: 2013 | Identifying the sky above - Science & Education | Milky Way & Infrared | Stars and Constellations
In the left sequence image, captured in Cape Espichel, Sesimbra, 40km away from Lisbon, we could see above the rocky cliff, some of the (well known) winter constellations visible from the northen hemisphere. But in this triple sequence, I pretend to highlight the Orion´s constellation as it seen in a Infrared DSLR camera, when you switch between different focal distances. With only a single shot for each different image and using between 10, 35 and 300 mm, we can go deeply in the sky from a wide field of view where fits perfectly: Canis Major, Orion, Jupiter and Pleiades, to a close approach where deep faint sky objects, like: Barnard´s Loop or Lambda Orionis, are revealed surrounding the Orion´s Constellation itself (central sequence image). Finally, with a short field of view due to the 300 mm long focal distance, we can dive into Orion to find the Great Orion Nebula M42 and M43, as well as other deep sky objects visible in the labeled picture (last sequence image).
To do this work I´ve used the incredible Vixen Polarie mounting, to avoid the Earth rotation, and a Canon 60Da, a camera sensitive to the infrared/H-alfa wavelengths.
First sequence image (wide field skyscape): Canon 60Da – ISO2000; 63sec; f/4; 10 mm | Central sequence image (Orion´s Deepsky objects): Canon 60Da – ISO1250; 30sec; f/2.8; 35 mm | Last sequence image (Close Up M42): Canon 60Da – ISO1250; 30sec; f/5.6; 300 mm. Images taken in 07/02/2013.
Below is a special image with the identification of all deep sky objects that can be seen, and the relation with the different focal distances.
Below you will find a resume with all publications – printed and online – related to this particular photograph.
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